112 thoughts on “Questions & Factual Comments

  1. Norway’s coalition government has collapsed over the directives in the EU’s fourth clean energy package, which aims to increase renewable energy and encourage more energy-efficient infrastructure construction, thus risking Norway’s (oil rich) energy sovereignty even though Norway is not a full EU member. This ties in with the rattled EU phase…

  2. Black Hawk chopper colliding with an American Eagle passenger airplane over Potomac 20:53 local time in Washington DC… If I believed in omens, I wouldn’t see this as a good one.

      • @Marjorie, already a lot of talk on how gutting agencies responsable for airline security might have contributed. There hasn’t been anyone commenting from TSA, because Trump fired the head. Air controllers are also among federal employees who got the buyback proposal.

        Not to mention it was a military chopper, so DoD is involved. Hegseth did comment.

        Horrible loss to skating world, too, many passengers were figure skaters returning from US Championships and training.

          • What? Are you saying those Russians deserved to perish or am I missing the connection in the posts for you to say that? Genuinely confused.

            @Solaia – I’m seeing Elon Musk getting hit with a lot of the blame over the crash because he helped bully the head of the FAA who quit on Jan 20. A lot of the media are trying to hold him accountable too.

  3. Hi,
    I don’t know if I am making things up in my head, but can we look at the astrology around the rise of Hitler/Nazi party etc, and now with Trump and his Obli goonies please? I think I recall that some of the aspects for founder that caused WW2 are the same now or coming to it. However, I sense that the same way no one took serious note of what Hitler was doing in his early days is what Trump is sowing, i.e the current manifesto is acting out some very similar things. Are we going to wait until it was too late like then?

    I fear we are or will be in the zone of ‘Too late was our cry’ whilst we debate about the matter. Democracy is not dead unless the masses/ the people sit down, do nothing, and look. Democracy is our lives. It came about because the numbers beyond their personal got up and said Nope this is not happening. So are we waiting for another Hitler to plant ground, because the seeds are being sowed?

    • Are you guys aware of the T Shirt Musk wore during the campaign that said MAGA = Make Apartheid Great Again?
      And he is who is currently Trump’s busom buddie and I think pulling strings after giving T billions towards his win.

      Marjorie – i think you have wrong email on previous post. please ignore

    • The major aspects (Uranus square Pluto and Uranus in Taurus) which led to Nazi Germany and start of WWII, had their modern day equivalents occurred over the past decade.

      WWII turned in the favour of the Allies when Uranus moved into Gemini in 1942-43. It returns there again later this year.

      • @Gnarly Dude, also, let’s not forget Fascism didn’t start, nor, unfortunately end with Nazis. I honestly find some comparisons mostly Americans are making to Weimar Republic tiresome, because while authoritarian power grips have things in common, we are not living in post-WWII Europe – even here in Europe.

        I think the US today has much more in common with Argentina and Brazil post-WWII than Italy in 1924 or Germany in 1933, with a major difference – it’s not the American industrialists through CIA, but American “industrialists” directly founding it all. I also think this has less potential to fly, really, with the fierce individualism of Americans being in odds with these kind of moves. I already see some of the people pardoned by Trump for their role in J6 getting in trouble with the law enforcement in (very) Red states, with one guy getting shot in Indiana.

      • WW2 started when Saturn was 0 Taurus. Neptune was at 22 Virgo. So we all know that it took a while to work up to those exact degrees.

        For current times Saturn is going in Aries (2.5 years approx) and South Nodes is moving towards 22 Virgo (the past coming back?).

        Of course I don’t think it will play out exact but isn’t current play highlighting some very red flags? Especially the malaise of people while the following shuts down anyone outside their mindset.
        Thoughts welcome.

        • I’m not sure what you’re driving at, as it seems the rise of the rightwing started a decade ago and, to my eyes, the astrology says its going to end in a few years’ time. There could of course be some difficult times before that.

          If I were an American looking at history to try and find astrological links, I’d be more interested that the first shot of the U.S. Civil War was fired on the day Neptune entered Aries in 1861 and Uranus had already entered Gemini in 1859.

          March 30th this year, Neptune is heading into Aries again with a Solar eclipse taking place the day before. Uranus lands in Gemini on 8th July. In terms of astrological repeats that seems much more interesting to me.

          • @GnarlyDude – You see fascism dying down in the next few years? Thank god. There will always be fascism, but to see it looking like it’s making a return like we saw in Germany is frightening for many.

    • I have always thought the rise of fascism in Germany was to do with the 1871 Germany country chart’s 8th house Pluto (in Taurus), which hints at a hidden darkness and will to power. In the 1920s tr Neptune in Leo was square the Pluto which is a classic megalomaniac influence – as a defeated Germany struggled to regain its pride and identity. Then in the 1930s tr Uranus moved into Taurus to conjunct the Pluto acting as a detonator.
      The Italy 1871 country chart also has Pluto in the 8th – and Mussolini’s fascist party took over in the early 1920s with tr Neptune in Leo.
      Although there has been Uranus in Taurus recently, there’s nothing much on the USA chart or elsewhere that is similar.

      • Certainly the roots of Naziism go back much further than the 1920s and 30s, and I would agree that 19th century Germany was rife with rising nationalism and antisemitism. Wagner, anyone? But Jewish people have been persecuted for nigh on 3 thousand years, right back to ancient Greece and Rome. It’s hard to pinpoint exactly a moment in European history where the roots of 20th century Naziism began. Medieval Europe’s treatment of Jews reached a crescendo of brutality during the Black Death for instance where in popular imagination they were causing sickness by poisoning the wells. The flames of 20th century antisemitism were fanned by Germany’s humiliation after WW1 and economic turmoil. Humanity, particularly in times of crisis and social or political upheaval and change seem to want to blame someone, anyone other than their own. It’s a shameful legacy of our species.

  4. A thought about Princess Beatrice’s new daughter, Athena – I believe she was born a little prematurely which would fit with a Moon/Pluto conjunction and is part of her stellium in Aquarius along with Mercury and Sun. But it is those early degrees of fixed sign Aquarius which will continue the astro tradition of British Royals having planets in the first degrees of those fixed signs which struck me. The timing of her birth almost seems a deliberate plan on the part of the cosmos.

    • Reports says she was born last week on 22nd Jan which would give her Sun-Pluto conjunction and potentially square Moon in Scorpio (3-15degs). Saturn-Venus conjunction says loves is material – which really fits her maternal grandparents. Mini grand trine with Cap mercury opposite retro Mars Cancer with Uranus in Taurus and if she’s born late in the day the Moon could also play into that.

      But as you say, Sun at 2degs Aqua along with Pluto plays into the fixed elements of the Royals.

    The insanely greedy and megalomaniac Silicon valley crew, who have many investors to the tune of multiples of billions in their AI mega tech (Sam Altman even wants trillions investment for OpenAI and Zuckerberg another $65 billion for Meta), were proposing this week, worryingly, that AI could be used to adjust the social contract (to their benefit, no doubt) and used as a global surveillance tool to ‘keep everybody in line.’ Larry Ellison, who stated the latter, and who owns Oracle, has strong ties to the state of Israel and even wanted his good friend Netanyahu on board his AI team. So global control is deeply concerning considering where the call is coming from.

    However, my question is, just yesterday, China dropped their version of Open AI called DeepSeek which is apparently far superior and made for a fraction of the price (a mere $5.6 million) compared to what the tech boys have been demanding. And the crunch is, it is open source. So its free for everybody to use and recode it themselves if they wish. This has seen the stock market go into a tailspin today and apparently investors are freaking out.

    Do you see American AI especially and the offensively tech-rich having their domineering reach curtailed by outside competitors? Do you think this might have been deliberate by China to pop the US opposition’s controlling bubble to roll out their global AI? I actually see this as a good thing if they’re not going to be regulated.

    • Non astrological thought, the manpower cost has always been lower in China then in the West. Chinese people in Tech are so used to the 996 culture (working 9 am to 9pm 6 days a week) or even a 007 culture, so when the news was all about the AI investment in the USA, I was thinking to myself that with the same infrastructure, China should be able to do it cheaper. But the caveat is how much effect is Biden’s chips ban going to be. Open source, means the world’s best tech person might also get themselves involved.
      Just personal opinion, AI is a hype and a bubble in investment. From an economist I followed, he was saying that the previous tech bubble (2000s) lasted about 2 – 3 plus years before it crashed. (number from my memory, might not be very accurate).

      • @Callie S, a 100 000 fold project cost discrepancy between DeepSeek and OpenAI project evaluation can’t be explained with HR cost, especially when the US companies employ people with this mentality, too. The only difference is where and how the project is ran, and how the costs are allocated. China, being a planned economy, can produce these project, whether state ran or not for a lot cheaper due to lack of salary competition. I also think they allocate R&D costs differently.

        But even then, it’s clear the buyers often not understanding even minimally how AI works, does make it a field prone to bubbles forming, just like with the internet.

        • Aren’t there about a billion people in China? They are probably just taking turns cosplaying as chatbots. We’re being trolled by a very well organised rotation system

    • I see it as a good thing too. I heard about this. Actually, this is capitalism at its best as the techbros no longer have a global monopoly. Let’s hope that it is wildly successful and gives the folks currently flying high here in the western hemisphere pause.

      Things are going to get weird.

      • I wonder if we will see the end of this play only when Pluto enters Pisces (9 March 2043).

        We also have to prepare for Uranus’s sojourn in Gemini, when big breakthroughs (Uranus) in science (Gemini) are expected.

    • It’s fascinating! I don’t know what dates to use for DeepSeek. Noticed its logo has a whale on it though, so maybe some links with the fixed stars in Cetus, the Whale?
      Also, it seems like pretty symbolic timing with Pluto just into Aquarius (for everyone?), and Mercury enters Aquarius today. Pluto/Mercury could represent very deep seeking!
      Lunar New Year tomorrow, year of the Wood Snake. They say the snake waits for the right moment to strike, and can be ruthless. Otherwise, its energy is creative and regenerative – shedding its skin to renew itself.

  6. I would be grateful if you can avoid nicknames and whatever -Orange idiot, Drompf etc. He should be referred to as Trump and nothing else.

  7. Breaking news (on Twitter anyway): The US (well, Trump really) has imposed tariffs and trade restrictions on Columbia, after Columbia refused to allow two planes with illegal migrants to land in their country.

    They will also be imposing restrictions on use of the US dollar on Columbia.

    Presumably the tariffs will make Columbian cocaine more expensive in the US (I’m joking). But the latter part, of imposing restrictions on the use of the US Dollar, at the mere whim of the US President, will almost certainly
    impact the status of the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

    Imagine him blocking Denmark or the EU from the use of the US dollar because Denmark will not sell him Greenland. I can certainly see that causing a global meltdown.

    Marjorie has written an article on 9th April 2023 (search US dollar in the Search field to the top right of the main page of this site) on the US dollar facing turbulence about now. Let’s see how that develops further.

    • @UM: read that article on BBC and CNN. Many questions suggest themselves: did the US secure permission from Columbia before landing? Columbia retorted that illegal US citizens “could be” deported in the same manner – in handcuffs on a cold military transport?

      Doubling down just doesn’t cut it on the international scene. Trump also wants to scrape out Gaza and start anew…but with what?

      As you wrote, “Imagine him blocking Denmark or the EU from the use of the US dollar because Denmark will not sell him Greenland. I can certainly see that causing a global meltdown.” Not a global meltdown but hysterical laughter. Trump is not one for being laughed at.

      • @Larryc
        It is counterproductive. If Colombia decides to return USA citizens in handcuffs, it is just tit for tat, more important is the fact that the Trump administration is forcing those countries into the sphere of the BRICS, it has just been announced that Colombia may applying to join the BRICS block whether it means that it is leaving OECD remains to be seen.
        On the news today it was announced that DT is suggesting that the Palestinians move to other Arab countries, presumably leaving more land in Gaza to the Israelis.

        • Hello. Cannot disagree. Read today about a US military flight to Mexico with so-called illegals that was refused entry into MX. Brazil is also voicing openly against the US methods.

          The new border czar has announced that US borders are closed.

          Will this eventually extend to US citizens being forbidden to leave the US, for whatever purpose?

        • As of 2024, BRICS countries collectively account for approximately 35% of the world’s GDP in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP), compared to the G7’s 30% and those are the figures before the accession of Indonesia a few weeks ago. Why would Colombia want to be in OECD (38 members only) when Brazil is not. Never fully understood the purpose of OECD that was not already covered under UN or the WTO auspices-except for their 3500 employees who get to work in nice Paris surroundings

    • Cutting off Israel will save a pretty penny and might leave a safer world, so hopefully the review to cut them off will be successful. US tax payers could use the arms money for health care, housing and infrastructure.

  8. Sorry for adding to more utterances from the locker room monologues but Trump has expressed his admiration for Starmer and said he was doing a good job! Can Keith ever live this down?

  9. Hi Marjorie. I would be interested in Mette Frederiksen‘s chart with Donald Trump. Apparently there has been a lot of pressure put upon re Greenland.

  10. Marjorie,

    Would you mind taking a look at the World Health Organization (WHO)? The Orange Idiot (Donald Trump) insists that he’s removing the United States from WHO despite many urging him not to.

    Health experts and scientists are warning that with U.S. involvement with WHO, millions of Americans health could be in jeopardy since research or guidelines on pandemics and virus outbreaks could be limited.

    They warn that the health of people in other countries could be at risk too since we live in a global village and pathogens travel just like people do.

    Anyway, what does the astrology suggest for WHO and Donald Trump’s relationship?

  11. 2028-29 will see the Uranus return of the United States.

    When the US was founded and during each of the following two Uranus returns, the US was at war (US Civil War and WWII).

    Interestingly (and this observation just occurred to me) all these wars were preceded by a violent action in a US port/harbour; Boston Tea Party and the US Revolutionary War, Fort Sumter in Charleston harbour and the US Civil War, and most famously, Pearl Harbour and WWII.

    To me, harbours would be governed by Mercury (commerce) and Neptune (sea/ocean). So I had a look at the US natal chart that Marjorie uses and notice that Mercury and Neptune are closely sextile each other. But Uranus is not in aspect to either.

    With the exception of Fort Sumter, the harbour attacks/actions took place a few years before the actual Return. Could it be that TR Uranus trining Neptune and sextiling Mercury is what triggers harbour attacks? Are there any other famous harbour attacks that we can look at for a pattern?

    Also, given that the precise Uranus return is scheduled for 2028-29, can we predict an attack on a US habour in 2025/26 (i.e. a few years prior)? Obviously the threat may be internal (The Boston Tea Party and Fort Sumter events had Americans on both sides) rather than external.

    I would love to hear your thoughts on these points, including any other Mercury sextile or trine Neptune countries and if they have had harbour attacks.

    • Hi Unmystic. I wonder if it could apply to Alaska’s waterfront since Putin has stated that he wants to reclaim it. Great post -thanks.

      • @Amelia Pettyfour, not likely, to be honest. First, because I don’t see Putin surviving other 4 years, second, because what ever Arctic Warfare capacities Russia had, are dilapidated in Ukraine. Their only aircraft carrier hasn’t been operational for years, Pacific Fleet is largely obsolete, with modernization project planned but not likely to move forward in the current situation. Also, it is rumored the brigades residing in Alakurtti, just 30 km from the Finnish boarder in White Karelia, which had good winter training were decimated at the battle of Kyiv. My godmother has hunting cabin just kilometers from the boarder and says they’d frequently hear choppers and even explosions before 2022. Now, nothing.

        Also, the importance of Alaska is strangely diminishing. Even if DJT approved drilling there with an EO, and the Republican majority in Congress is “pro-oil”, it seems none of the Big Oil companies is rushing in to invest, not because of environmental concerns, but because it simply isn’t profittable enough:


        So, I think it’s something else.

    • Hi Unmystic. Maybe Alaska’s waterfront? My understanding is that Russia wants to reclaim it. Does Alaska have an incorporation time?

      • Thank you for the compliment. And it is an interesting question about Alaska.

        Not sure which date to use to cast a chart for Alaska. From Wikipedia, the Alaska purchase was made on March 30, 1867, the formal flag-raising took place at Fort Sitka on October 18, 1867 and Alaska was officially proclaimed a state on January 3, 1959. Not sure where the purchase treaty was signed and where Alaska was proclaimed a state (at the territorial capital or in Washington DC).

        But gut feeling is that it will likely be an internal action, like Boston Tea Party or Fort Sumter, rather than an external threat (though it is not impossible).

    • @Unmystic Mom, my slightly off-kilter theory here: A really bad hurricane season leads to civil unrest in Florida, Texas, and Lousiana. My reasoning: Many insurers are withholding home insurances in Florida, and now Trump and the Congress plan to close FEMA. This will leave possibly millions of people on very dire straits WHEN the next Katherina happens. And this could, at least theoretically, happen already this year, but very likely from 2026 onwards.

      FEMA was, by the way, established by Jimmy Carter with two EOs on April 1st, 1978. Aries Sun, Capricorn Moon. While not a perfect organization, it seems they’ve gotten better with time. Nor sure what Trump is after with his critique, but it might be that FEMA assistance is coordinated with Governors, who need to authorize FEMA intervention to anything but Federal land or premises. Trump may not fully understand federalism, but it’s clear he isn’t comfortable sharing the authority.

      • That is excellent lateral thinking that I had not thought of. A hurricane (or earthquake on the Pacific coast) that damages harbours is not an impossibility. And those can have cascading effects. Thank you, @Solaia.

  12. Marjorie,
    I know you said not to panic. After the Elevation of Pete Hegseth yesterday, I am panicked. He is a drunk, and compromised, has been involved in multiple sexual assaults.

    Can you please look at his chart. My prayer is he won’t last long.
    June 6, 1980 Minneapolis, Minnesota

    He has run two veteran organizations into the ground and at both was asked to leave. Most recently he has been a fox news host and accused of drinking on the job. They started posting pictures of him last night after the vote on social media of him being drunk.

  13. Wow, both The Times and The Telegraph are reporting thay Trump’s phone call with Mette Frederiksen, the Danish prime minister, ove Greenland was “horrendous”. Apparently, she offered him bases on the island and mutual exploitation of mineral resources, he went in flames when she declined his offer to buy the gigantic isle (often oversized on maps because of ‘wrong’ cartographic projections used). Danish king also made a point about who owns Greenland with unprecedented change in the coat of arms.

    Mette’s chart must have some panic in it and awful synastry with Trump. Or something in the composite is being attacked.

    • Just for illustration: Greenland is about the size of Algeria, DR Congo, Saudi Arabia, and Mexico. Somewhere around there.

      If I understood correctly, the area not covered in ice is the size of Sweden.

        • Hello Solaia. So Denmark made concessions to T—mineral resources shared and installations of military bases but news is pointing towards likely US invasion. So, NATO most likely will not side with and assist Denmark. Game, set, match? NATO might appear quite weak.

    • Original was from FT, which is even better. These will be tough four years for the “Trump is a dealmaker” crowd who completely ignored the fact he was a lousy businessman to begin with and is in an audible mental decline.

      • Hello Solaia. There’s no way to convince Americans that he was a lousy businessman. I’ve tried repeatedly over the years. They even think bankrupting a casino is normal and not indicative of “bad business.” It seems it’s a bell that cannot be unrung.

  14. Marjorie, you often wrote about a common thread that perhaps binds together people or events. As Neptune is moving out from Pisces, I was wondering if you could perhaps one day look at whether there is something in common in the charts of some representatives of the so-called New Thought movement: Neville Goddard, the Hickses, Joseph Murphy, Florence Scovel Shinn, Catherine Ponder, Bob Proctor, Norman Vincent Peale, to name a few?

    • I have read Joseph Murphy for over 20 years. Now I am real curious about you. I agree. I would like to know more. Thank you for this post.

    • After a conversation with my son on Sunday, I pulled out my copy of Florence Scovel Shin that was given to me by my mother in the mid 1990s. I hadn’t looked at it in thirty years. I’ve started re-reading it with seemingly fresh eyes. So, I third this request!

      • Thank you all so much!

        I am so pleasantly surprised, glad, and humbled you found my request interesting.

        Joseph Murphy, for example, has the amazing ability to lift me up with his ‘It is finished in Divine order’ or similar statements and maybe much more his prayers. He remade the 23rd Psalm is such a beautiful way.

        Florence Scovel Shinn also has some lovely constructions, such as ‘under grace’ and similar.

        There is something beautiful about it.

  15. Hello all
    We have discussed lately the Falklands with certain prescience it is now in the news. Article in the Telegraph today bringing up the matter,” Drilling there may save Britain”. The pros and contras are mentioned in some depth.

  16. Blake v Baldoni:
    One month in and things are only heating up. What gives ?

    Saturn more tightly opposes Baldoni’s rising sign, yet seems to be smashing Lively’s Virgo Sun/Stellium though the orb is weakening.

    Former flame Penn Badgley has a lot of Scorpio laden like RR and JB, and happens to be of the Baháʼí faith like JB.

    • It is sensitive. Nobody would like to be sued. I think J. B. is headed towards many years of upheaval and profound change, given Pluto’s entry into Aquarius and his planets in that sign and Scorpio. He will end up on the other end of those transits a changed man, a different person.

      • ….nobody likes to be sued, and these ppl LUV to sue. A seemingly worthy case to unveil how fans got duped while Blake allegedly got harassed has turned into an ongoing Lively Roast online.

        No doubt JBal will endure changes from Pluto, he seems to be weathering the transit of Planet Blake quite well.

        has gone nuts. California Fires barely interrupted coverage. The spotlight widens to RR, yet Blake still get the majority shred. It reminds me a bit of Hilaria Baldwin, and even hubs Alec

        • Oops on that last paragraph. Basically it took Covid to knock HB off headlines, and ALec had an eclipse rattling a yod if I recall. What exactly is generating this much heat is unclear to me. Saturn seems less likely than something like Uranus, Neptune or Mars.

          It’d be curious to see the astrological difference play out between RR and JB on the legal front, if the lawsuits/pr is mainly run by RR. Given that they have so much Scorpio in their respective charts.

  17. As a general astrology point, I would love to hear your take on progressed charts, whether they can be looked at independently, and the impact of Merc, Venus, Mars turning retrograde in the progressed chart. Jennifer Aniston is a good example of someone with a Venus which turned progressed retrograde in 2004, right around the time Brad and Angelina started their relationship.

    I definitely see the impact of the progressed Moon as it moves through
    natal houses.


    • To expand on that query, when to use progressed charts vs when to use solar arc charts too, and comparing both of them to transits.

    • Progressed Moon is definitely one of the important indicators of what’s happening: it brings change (Moon) to an area of your life (house) it passes through.

  18. The Southport killer was sentenced today. Axel Rudukubana. I’d be interested if his chart might reveal what drove him to it. Apparently he changed dramatically when he hit 13 years old.
    Thank you.

    • That case was very quickly scuttled away. I thought, “by gosh, how quick that is”. Yet, other more convenient cases that regarding smearing elected presidents or smearing groups of people from convenient communties dominate the news for ages and ages. Often there can be little substance to the actual stories. And then other stories like investigating breaches of international law on monumental scale are not mentioned at all and are shadow banned out of existance by dear old Google. Interesting AI ‘kettling’ of the reality of the world by 50 shadowy ‘leaders’ who prove they should be lock up in a home somewhere with their hair cut short, not leading and presiding over anything apart from their bed pan and straight jacket? What say you Marjorie? A little nod of agreement there, I know.

    • Axel, 7 August 2006 Cardiff, Sun Saturn in Leo opposition Neptune – attention-seeking, neurotic. Yod of Pluto sextile Neptune inconjunct Mercury Venus in Cancer – mentally stressful. Tr Saturn Pluto in Capricorn were opposing the yod focal point Venus Mercury around that time – ramping up his potentially fanatical beliefs.

  19. Well, there are things happening over here. The pardoning of the January 6th offenders, without review, has not gone over very well. There were about 100 offenders who were convicted of violent crimes against police officers, with multiple of these on the public record stating they wanted to do violence to certain members of congress, who are now back on the streets. DJT did not want to take the time to do a case by case review. This has backfired. Wall Street Journal came out against this. Fraternal Order of Police came out against this. The police are flummoxed.

  20. A comment/share:
    Marjorie, you might be interested in
    Heather Cox Richardson, an American Historian publishes a substack called Letters From an American. It is quite worthwhile -it details the US news in a dry factual way. She’s the author of several history books and has taught at Brown and MIT (two top universities here in the US)
    The one she put out today lists every action Trump’s administration made that was in the news – no fluff, just what happened
    (Only thing extra was a son of a man who was pardoned explaining his fear that his father would kill him now that the father was released from prison from his actions on Jan 6 2021.)

      • Although the latest newsletter had an overwhelming list of action items (I’m sure that will continue) I found reading her account a way to get the information without a bunch of emotion. I’m trying to stay centered this time around and need to curate where I get information – not to avoid mis-information because I think I’ve tackled that reasonably well-but to not become fearful. The changes are drastic and the impression I have about Trump and those around him is that they are not very intelligent and they seem severely damaged (hurt people hurt people.)

      • My two favorites as well, and my current two paid Substack subscriptions, though I’m debating adding The Contrarian (Jen Rubin, ex-WashPost) and Norm Eisen, former White House ethics advisor and ex-CNN) and possibly The Bulwark. Interestingly for liberal me both Rubin and The Bulwark describe themselves as conservative but I’d call them rational mainstream.

  21. You made an interesting post on Netanyahu’s strained relationship with President Trump. Could you examine and publish a post on Netanyahu’s relationship with Mody etc and by extension Israel’s relationship with India. If as you suggest there is a risk of a rupture with Trump’s America, Israel will have to find alternative backers. India seems to fit the bill.

      • India also has petrol deals with Iran and Venezuela which throws everything off kilter towards Netanyahu. There is commerce with the Muslim world, Shia, mind you, but also a European sentiment to State Of Israel from history of the Mughals etc. India is a bit like Switzerland : }

  22. Marjorie any cosmic thoughts on WHY Musk is there. Further thoughts on WHY Musk will be there when Trump is gone. Why is there 100% focus on Musk? What is he?

  23. Hi Marjorie. I’m wondering if you could do a post on stelliums? I have 7 planets in my first house. 4 in Virgo (moon, mercury, venus, pluto plus Virgo ascendant) and 3 in Libra (sun, jupiter, uranus). I’m keen to understand what such a heavy influence of planets in a house means? How do they work together (or not!). I have no real knowledge of astrology but am quite curious to understand what such a stack of planets in one house and virtually none in others signifies. If it’s to teach you lessons that shape your character then I can definitely say job done there! Thanks for your site. I’ve really enjoyed understanding world events from a different perspective.

    • Thank you DLA. I too have wondered what it means when much mentioned houses like 7th and 8th are empty as well as what significance stelliums filling others mean. Do the planets in stelliums intensify or fight one another?

      • I was wondering if the empty houses are like negative space in art. Once you’re aware of them they become more obviously important, in fact an entity in themselves which is hard to avoid.

    • Dad had five planets in Virgo including the Sun, and three planets in Cancer. My North Node was in Virgo. He was a pure type- Virgo – and taught me much. Maybe part of it is to be fully a positive example of the planet and its possibilities? Marjorie would know. I have the problem in that my planets are spread out all over the chart, and it has taken a while to integrate into a cohesive center. (Two t-squares, and the Apex of each t-square in an inconjunct with each other) – it has taken a while.

  24. May I direct those interested in Trump and his cryptocurrency to today’s Times newspaper – an article by Hugo Riflkind. It makes Prime Minister Starmer’s free designer spectacles look pretty small beer!

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