Australia – lurching from fires to floods

“One-in-a-thousand-year” floods are engulfing parts of Australia’s southeast coast. More than 40,000 people have been ordered to evacuate their homes and another 300,000 warned to prepare to flee. The intense rain storms, which have so far killed nine people with more feared dead, are expected to hit Sydney in the early hours of Wednesday.

  Australia appears to lurch from one climate disaster to the next with recent catastrophic wildfires being unprecedented in their scale and intensity, scorching millions of hectares and killing or displaced an estimated 3 billion animals, and sending vast amounts of carbon dioxide and smoke plumes into the atmosphere.

  At the moment the tr Pluto Mars Venus conjunction are sitting on the Australia Midheaven (on a 1.35pm start time) which is a massive hit.

The December 2021 Total Solar Eclipse had a vengeful Mars on the Descendant for Sydney trine a 10th house Neptune, sextile Pluto Venus in Capricorn. With the Sagittarius New Moon falling close to the AU Venus and Uranus which would presage a crisis of more than unusually large proportions.

The November 2021 Lunar Eclipse has Neptune closer to the Midheaven for Sydney – as well as the volatile, high-tension, unstable Uranus opposition Mars square Saturn which is being rattled now till late April.

  That late 2021 Lunar Eclipse is affecting more than Ukraine.

5 thoughts on “Australia – lurching from fires to floods

  1. Thank you for posting this Marjorie. What strange time it was- the rain pouring down at maximum speed, hour after hour; watching the news as nearby towns flooded, roads cut off, loss of home and hearth. Simultaneously Russian troops becoming more aggressive and watching as people fled, leaving their beloved homes. So much despair.

  2. The Capricorn ingress for Melbourne also has that Venus RX / Pluto conj. right on the ingress IC (Australia’s MC) and has that full Cancer moon conj. the MC (Australia’s IC) – with Scorpio rising and Uranus on the DSC to boot. Makes sense the moon-ruled IC would now be looking for high ground! I hope they get relief soon. ❤️

  3. Because successive governments have ignored what scientists have been telling them for years and instead they have pandered to big corporations where the $ speaks more than scientific facts. Climate change has arrived and Australia will have to play catch-up … fast … to ameliorate what will continue to happen with droughts, bushfires and floods, if they do not act swiftly.

    We will have a Federal election within the next 3 months. The general consensus is that it will be held in May, so the country’s Taurus Moon, the population, will have an opportunity to express their opinion on how the reigning government has performed. The Opposition party, the Labor Party, has been polling consistently around 10 points ahead. Our Prime Minister is a Taurus Sun and the Opposition Leader is a Pisces Sun who incidentally is celebrating his 59th birthday today (2 March). No time of birth for either men.

    Once the election is called and we have a date I look forward to reading Marjorie’s thoughts.

  4. …if only they had listened to the Aborigines, who know the land inside out, they have been there almost 60,000 years! They live in the upper left side of Australia (Northern Territories) as the rest is so contaminated, exhausted by mining, it is the place they know is still real, nothing to mine/take.
    Why have the Ozzies not listened? I am not blaming Ozzies per se, (being a Kiwi, we have our own ugly history with the Maori to confront) but they KNOW the land, they have no agenda, they have forecast disaster because nobody will listen. It’s all about money/image/power in these times, none of which mean a thing to the native Australian. The land is sacred, to all of us, alas too late probably to compensate for….we are in the 6th period of mass extinction but have to leave something behind, to let the future develop and to acknowledge we underestimated mother nature in every conceivable way…..

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