Contemplating the UK’s about-to-self-destruct-financial -services industry on Brexit, a thought struck me. Pluto moved into Capricorn in 2008 whose purpose is to bring about a complete transformation of the way governments are run and money is handled at a macro-economic level.
The Lehman Brothers/sub-prime/banking collapse happened in 2007/08, sending countries globally into a downward spiral for a few years. But the banksters didn’t end up in prison, power-hosed out of the Augean stables. They kept their bonuses, prospered and the taxpayers took the pain.
Pluto is around till 2024 and its action, as anyone who has suffered under its yoke knows, is very slow and results only come after considerable angst. It razes old structures down to ashes, leaving devastation, and only then can new growth begin. Transformation is a scary process which sweeps away old certainties and leaves what feels like a vacuum before the rebuild starts. You have to die symbolically before you can be reborn.
The UK was always going to be more at risk in this operation since it is heavily dependent on the financial sector – its industrial and manufacturing capacity having been decimated during Maggie Thatcher’s time. Until recently it was known as the financial capital of the world.
So it may be that the UK is unwittingly leading the field into the next stage of Pluto’s deconstruction. Tearing down the old, tossing what was once great (for some) onto the scrapheap. Hopefully in preparation for making the wholesale changes that are necessary. Don’t ask me how!
Given that Brexit was as much a vote against the political establishments in Westminster and Brussels as anything, it is also the other facet of Pluto in Capricorn. Of which, to a ludicrous extent, Trump is also an example and the far-left and far-right uprisings all over Europe. All expressions of the mainstream kicking against an outdated status quo.
Seen in the broader context of Pluto in Capricorn, it begins to make more sense. Which isn’t to say it will be a) be easy; or b) turn out well. Russia tried for Perestroika and fell back into the bad old ways; Egypt went for revolution and got landed with a military dictator. Pluto’s power hungry ways are not easily diverted.
I don’t use Ingress charts much, but for what it’s worth. The Pluto Ingress of 2008 set for London has the tr Neptune square tr Saturn hitting on the MC exactly now. With a focal point Mars in the 8th square a Moon opposition a 4th house Uranus – the effect will be financial and governmental with a highly rebellious, angry population. Three planets in the 2nd also amplify the financial effect.
Set for Brussels, the midheaven moves on 5 degrees which will catch the tr Saturn square later this year, but not get the tr Neptune opposition MC until 2019.It’s still financial though less markedly so; but with an even more restive domestic population since Uranus is within a degree conjunct the IC.
Washington, DC, gets a different slant with the emphasised focal point Mars on the MC and less domestic unrest.
Along the way of Pluto’s majestic and destructive sweep through Capricorn we have Uranus moving into materialistic Taurus in 2018 for seven years though never actually making the trine to Pluto. More pertinently there is the Saturn Pluto conjunction of 2019/2020. Saturn Pluto is a winter phase, repressive, a bringer of hardship. But it is joined in 2020 by Jupiter in Capricorn which attracts material bounty.
The benefits of Pluto in Capricorn may only turn up very late in the game.