Russia v USA – we’ve been here before



The USA and Russia are in a new standoff over Syria, with the US breaking off talks and recalling its negotiators from Geneva, and Russia suspending an agreement on the destruction of plutonium and insisting on an end to Ukraine-related sanctions. The German Foreign Minister Steinmeier says that strained relations are worse than during the Cold War.

However there are less apocalyptic voices saying not so. They argue domestic politics are partly to blame for the present tensions. It is important for Obama’s legacy and for Hillary Clinton’s prospects that he does not appear spineless. Putin is struggling to raise national morale in the face of falling in living standards for many Russians. Plus there is a realisation behind the scenes that the two super-powers alone can’t control the Syria situation.

Having said that the relationship charts between the USA 1776 and Russia 1917 and 1991 do indicate deteriorating diplomatic relations especially from mid May 2017 till late 2018 with tr Saturn opposing the composite Sun Saturn on one and opposition Mars on the other. And that could be cued up in the final days of this October into early November with tr Saturn square the composite Sun Saturn and Mars respectively. Plus all manner of other discouraging separating Saturn transits through 2017.

Putin’s personal and Presidency charts are looking very confident and pushy over coming months and through 2017/18 with tr Pluto trine Jupiter in both cases, which may prompt him into taking decisive steps that won’t sit well with the West. He’s coping with myriad problems beside so it won’t all be plain sailing for him. But he certainly doesn’t look as if he’s withdrawing within his own borders and bunkering down.

The Russia 8 Nov 1917 2.12am chart has a financially worrisome tr Neptune square its Jupiter till early 2017; and a seriously stuck, deprived Solar Arc Saturn opposition Pluto by 2018. With a good deal of agitation from 2019 with Solar Arc Uranus square the Russia Mars; and tr Uranus moving to square the Saturn Neptune and then oppose the Sun in the early 2020s – so very unsettled.

The Russia 8 Dec 1991 7.45pm chart has a financial and enthusiasm denting tr Neptune opposition Jupiter through 2017 into 2018; and tr Neptune then moves on to the undermining square to the Sun in 2018/19; plus a jolting shock from Solar Arc Sun conjunct Uranus in mid 2017.

There’ll be a good many internal problems but that is often when leaders look to stir up trouble on the outside as a distraction and to pull national esprit de corps together.

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