The Trump lash-back reflex appears to be misfiring spectacularly as he digs himself a crater-sized hole over presidential condolences to the families of soldiers killed in action. Following Roy Cohn, his mentor’s advice – ‘always be on the attack, counterpunch whenever punched and never apologize. Never, ever, ever apologize’ – he blames everyone else in sight, proclaims as lies what has been corroborated by several witnesses as the truth. And on he stumbles, thrashing wildly around.
His astro-timeline again: He’s just got rid of tr Saturn conjunct his Sagittarius Moon, making him feel unloved and under-nurtured; and square his Sun/Moon midpoint which indicates a marital freeze; and in a politician unpopularity; and tr Saturn to opposition his Gemini Sun (finished October 13th) which tends to bring reality checks, setbacks and discouragement, as well as opposition his Mars/Jupiter midpoint which is no cheerier – difficulties in making decisions, termination of relationships, letting good opportunities slide. Though Saturn does tend to have a delay factor inbuilt so doesn’t necessarily disappear instantly. During September up to October 23rd he has also the depressing, confusing tr Pluto hitting on his Mercury/Saturn, Sun/Pluto and Mars/Neptune midpoints.
Regrettably from October 24th to early December tr Pluto returns to square his Jupiter for the final time which will bring a surge of over-confidence, a ‘might makes right’ forcefulness, and rules-don’t-apply-to-me mindset which could see him stepping even further over the line. 2nd November to December 1st tr Uranus is square his Venus in Cancer, which will make him more emotionally impulsive than usual, intolerant of and kicking against restrictions.
In December/January 2018 tr Uranus will be whipping up a storm as it crashes into his Sun/Mars, Mercury/Pluto and Venus/Saturn midpoints – 1) impulsive, over-excited, overtaxing strength (military call-up?); 2) fanatical, great mental strain; 3) emotional stress, acute loneliness.
There seems little likelihood of him acquiring any self-control at this late stage and with his Solar Arc Mercury approaching the square to his Uranus over coming months he’s likely to become even more incontinent with his scattergun tantrums. And his Solar Arc Uranus is now on the same degree as his Mars, approaching the exact conjunction in eight months’ time, which is intemperate, hot-headed and determined to prove its machismo by wild actions.
His Admin chart pinpoints late Oct/early Nov as one crisis/setback phase with tr Saturn square Mars; even before then from early October to early January 2018 there’s likely to be a run of disappointed hopes with tr Neptune square the Sun/Jupiter midpoint. With Dec/Jan 2018 looking especially fraught as tr Uranus squares the Sun/Pluto. Where it starts to look more cheerful is from late March 2018 onwards with a sudden lucky break and positive change in circumstance.
Melania is plodding stalwartly on; with Sun, Saturn, Mercury Venus in Taurus, she’s not one for reckless actions. Though she looks even more trapped than usual, certainly in November with tr Saturn square her Pluto; and a Solar Arc Pluto opposition her Saturn sometime soon, extending over several months. She does look more upbeat this December/January with tr Pluto square her Jupiter/Uranus midpoint. But into 2018 from February onwards it looks all tough going for her for about three years thereafter; with jolting changes in 2019 and onwards.
[Roy Cohn, see post March 7 2017]