Just a quickie on explorer adventurers. What is extraordinary looking at eight charts of the most famous modern and a couple of older ones is the absence of earth signs.
Ranulph Fiennes, the transglobe explorer, 7 March 1944, has none at all – he’s a Pisces Sun, Mercury with five Air and three Fire planets. Neither has Ben Fogle, Sun Scorpio with no Earth, 4 Air, 3 Fire, 3 Water.
Aron Lee Ralston, is a Sun Uranus in Scorpio with only Venus in Virgo in Earth, 3 Water, 2 Air, 3 or 4 Fire.
Tom Avery, is a Sun Sagittarius with only Mercury in Capricorn in Earth, four Fire, three Air.
Bear Grylls, is a Sun Gemini with only Venus in Taurus and a Capricorn Moon in an Earth sign and four Water planets.
Edmund Hillary, the Everest mountaineer, a Sun Cancer with five Water planets, four Fire, no Air.
Ernest Shackleton, a Sun Aquarius with five Air, three Fire and only Pluto in Taurus in Earth.
Not surprisingly, most have high-adrenaline, danger-seeking Mars Uranus aspects. And several have Jupiter Neptune aspects – following a dream (delusional) – though sometimes dreams come true. And otherwise strongly aspected Jupiters for confidence and luck.
Perhaps too much earth which generally give practicality, common sense and a grounding in the body isn’t helpful for high endurance, madcap expeditions.
Mo Farah, the long-distance Olympic runner is similar being a Sun Aries, with four Fire signs and only Venus in Taurus.
Maybe being connected to the body would put the brakes on these sports which push beyond the limits, which is where Jupiter Neptune comes in as well. Endurance is a head and head-in-the-clouds sport.