There are rumblings from the mare’s nest in the White House that Trump is falling out of love with John Kelly, his chief of staff, who recently said POTUS was ‘uninformed’ over the border wall issue. And he won’t be best pleased as senior advisor, Stephen Miller, is being given media credit for pulling Trump back from a deal that would have avoided the government shutdown. Bannon was pushed off the plank because he was labelled as the ‘great manipulator’ and ‘the real president’ which might have been a warning that a similar fate befalls any who dare to steal the narcissist’s thunder.
John Kelly looks untypically confused and uncertain this month with tr Neptune opposing his Saturn and losing hope and confidence in February with tr Neptune squaring his Mars/Jupiter. From mid March onwards he’ll be under assault, trapped, enraged and fuming from tr Pluto opposition his Sun/Mars and that runs on and off till late 2019.
His relationship chart with Trump has a chained-together and resenting it Saturn Pluto conjunction; and though there’s a friendly Sun Venus conjunction that is in an argumentative square to Mars and in a disillusioning trine to Neptune.
Miller, 23 August 1985, is known as a ‘racist nativist’ which in English-speak means anti-immigrant, who previously worked for Jeff Sessions and whose views are lauded by white supremacist Richard Spencer. His relationship chart with Trump appears to be hitting a major hiccup in February and especially March with tr Uranus square the composite Venus, Mercury, Sun; with high-tensions and miscommunications in April. The pressure will mount. From mid year his Virgo Sun and then his Pluto in Scorpio get a Uranian jolt, so he won’t be on a steady trajectory upwards.
The lovely, melancholy Melania appears to be free to make her own rules, with her delayed arrival in DC and now ducking out of the Davos jamboree. From reports, it has been an open secret that they have led separate lives for several years; and she was certainly at daggers drawn with him through the campaign and up until last autumn. At that point tr Saturn was hitting his Sun/Moon midpoint which is usually a significant separating influence. Though their marriage may have effectively ruptured years back. Rumours of him having a present affair; and indeed one with the porn star when she was pregnant with Barron can’t have gone down well. She certainly looks in a rebellious mood through February. But with her Sun, Saturn, Mercury and Venus in Taurus, she’s not one for impulsive decisions.
The upcoming January 31st Lunar Eclipse will catch the composite Uranus on their relationship chart, which may in part be the present unpleasant publicity with more to come. Her Solar Arc Pluto is opposing her Saturn now and probably for a few months ahead so she will be feeling stuck in a bleak place. It was never a great love match to start with; a heavily Plutonic relationship power and control connection.