Tom Brady – built to win, not lose



Tom Brady, the American football quarterback, is by his own admission a bad loser and after the New England Patriot’s Super Bowl loss wasn’t on his most gracious form. He’s had a sterling career and now 40 must be thinking of packing up his boots.

Born 3 August 1977 11.48am San Mateo, California, he is a Sun Leo conjunct Saturn also in Leo – both of which need the adulation of the winner’s podium. He’s got a talented chart with a three-quarter Grand Sextile, formed from an inspirational, attention-demanding Fire Grand Trine of an Aries Moon trine Neptune trine Sun. That ties into Mars in Gemini trine Pluto sextile Sun Saturn, which is tough-minded. With Mars in a glamorous opposition to Neptune square Mercury in Virgo; and his Moon in an intense opposition to a 12th house Pluto square Venus. He looks quite a personality, though not a shrinking violet by a million miles.

Neptune is slowing creeping towards his 6th house which could suggest either health issues or the wish to turn his energy towards philanthropic issues. Neptune in the 6th is not usually good for ego-centred ambitions.

He’s married to model Gisele Bundchen, 20 July 1980 5pm Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, who is a Cancer Sun square a 10th house Pluto with an intense Scorpio Moon also in her 10th. That must be a tempestuous relationship with his Pluto conjunct her MC and his Uranus conjunct her Moon; and her Pluto conjunct his Ascendant and her Mars conjunct his Pluto. Their relationship chart has a super-charged composite Sun Jupiter Mars Mercury conjunction for high energy, good fortune and some arguments; and the composite Mars Mercury square Uranus will also make for some heated moments. She’s a Water Sun and Moon while he’s a Fire Sun and Moon – a boiling combination.

Financial markets – bear knocks bull off his perch



Sharp drops and volatility in the global stock markets are being blamed on fears about the withdrawal of the stimulus which artificially kept economies afloat in recent times; and to correct an overpriced market. Though, as ever, the markets don’t bear much relation to the health of the real economy, which at present seems reasonably sound.

Stock market charts are notoriously difficult predictors but for what it’s worth. The NY Stock Exchange, 17 May 1792 11.30am has tr Uranus is a jolting conjunction to its Saturn in Aries and opposition its Neptune in March/April, which will raise neurosis to new peaks. Those these influences were also around last year; this is the final hit. The Lunar Eclipse was triggering the Uranus; and the mid February Solar Eclipse will be conjunct the NYSE Pluto – a tense time.

The FTSE First Trade, 3 Jan 1984 10am London, has tr Uranus exactly on the insecure, overly excitable opposition to its Mars, again a final hit of what was around in 2017. With a depressed tr Saturn conjunct the Mercury, moving to conjunct the New Moon from Jan 2019.

The US Federal Reserve Bank chart, 16 Nov 1914 9 am Washington, DC, is in for an edgy time giving the new chair Jerome Powell a short or non-existent honeymoon period. From mid May tr Uranus will make a highly-strung, nervy square to the ResB Neptune; and within seven months (if not before) there is a Solar Arc Uranus opposition the ResB Sun which will be a considerable shock and forced change of direction.

Powell, 4 Feb 1953, is a Sun Mercury in Aquarius opposition Pluto, square Jupiter and trine Moon Neptune (Saturn) in Libra; with a Yod of Saturn sextile Pluto inconjunct Mars in Pisces. It’s a heavyweight chart, though he could be fairly impulsive with a Yod focal point Mars. His Solar Arc Pluto is conjunct his Saturn through this year which will put him under considerable pressure; with tr Uranus opposition his Saturn in April for a few weeks of even higher tension than usual.

He’s not a harmonious fit with Trump since his Mars squares Trump’s Sun and Moon; and his Pluto is conjunct Trump’s Mars in Leo, so there will be scratchy moments.

On the USA chart tr Saturn is opposition Jupiter at the moment, returning twice before the autumn, and opposing the USA Venus, and then moving to oppose the Cancer Sun in 2019. That needn’t all be financial but it might point towards some economic hard news. The USA is also heading for a Nodal Return this June, which does suggest a need for a re-think about general direction and national purpose. The Nodal Return is a staging point in an individual or a country’s destiny and being in Leo, it does suggest that global leadership qualities are what need to be boosted.

Kylie Jenner Jnr – born into a sci-fi wonderland



Kylie Jenner, youngest of the Kardashian clan, a reality star and entrepreneur with a huge social media following, has announced the birth of a daughter. She has been uncharacteristically silent through her pregnancy, saying she needed to be stress-free to prepare ‘for this role of a lifetime’. Though it is suspected she had her nine months filmed for her new spin-off series with her boyfriend and baby-daddy, rapper Travis Scott.

The baby was born on 1 February 2018 at 4.43pm, Los Angeles, which gives a charming and sociable 7th house Sun Venus in Aquarius in an expansive square to Jupiter in the 4th. She already at five days old has a lavish $70k wardrobe of clothes which would certainly fit with a wealthy and frivolously fashionable upbringing as those aspects indicate. She’s also got a rebellious/independent-minded Uranus conjunct her midheaven so she will walk her own road. Her 2nd house Virgo Moon opposes Neptune squaring onto Mars in Sagittarius, suggesting a high-wire, quite fractious temperament, inclined to go off in all directions at once, especially at home and with her mother. Her North Node is in her 1st just below a flashy Leo Ascendant, suggesting problems forming a strong sense of her own identity

Her mother’s Jupiter is conjunct her Sun Venus, so she will be spoilt; though with Kylie’s Pluto conjunct the baby’s Mars and Kylie’s Saturn conjunct the baby’s Uranus, there will be some battles along the way. They don’t have the easiest of relationship charts with a competitive composite Sun Mars square Neptune; a volatile, needs-space Mars trine Uranus; and a communication-blocked Mercury square Saturn.

What a family to be born into. Growing up in a sci-fi wonderland like The Truman Show, where her entire life from day one is turned into a reality show won’t be a cakewalk.

Uma Thurman – speaks out



Uma Thurman, star of Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill, has opened up about an alleged assault by Harvey Weinstein. In an interview with the NY Times she said: “I knew him pretty well before he attacked me,” she said. “This was my champion. He had a chokehold on the type of films and directors that were right for me.” After the incident she confronted him and although she continued to work on his movies, relations were strained. A spokesperson for Weinstein confirmed that “Mr Weinstein acknowledges making a pass at Ms Thurman in England after misreading her signals in Paris. He immediately apologised.”

Born 29 April 1970 1.51pm Boston, Massachusetts, three days after Melania Trump, she has the same sombrely sophisticated Sun Saturn in Taurus with her Sun opposition Jupiter; and Venus Mars in Gemini in an enthusiastic and adventurous trine to Uranus.

Weinstein’s Jupiter and Sun fall in her 8th, so he’d be good for her financial success; and his Venus is conjunct her Descendant which is well-starred for warm feelings. Though what squelches all of that is his ultra-determined Mars in Scorpio opposing her Mercury and Saturn for a gritty and aggravating interface; and his Pluto in a blocked and controlling square to her Mercury Saturn. His Sun is opposition her Pluto. So a relationship with major issues about power.

Their relationship chart has an affectionate composite Sun Venus conjunction in an expansive square to Jupiter. But it’s a see-saw and highly volatile connection since the composite Sun also squares Saturn (good for business) and trines an explosive, needs-space Mars Uranus conjunction. It would always be finely balanced between good feelings and the other variety.

Imran Khan – radical changes for Pakistan if he wins



After 22 years of trying and failing, ex-cricketer Imran Khan could have his best shot at becoming Pakistan’s prime minister as he heads to July’s elections. With a reputation as a former Western playboy, the ex-husband of Jemima Goldsmith, has taken to spirituality and surprisingly emerged as the choice for both the Taliban and many in Pakistan’s powerful spy agency (ISI). If elected he hopes to distance Pakistan from the Western Alliance and possibly move towards China.

His birth date used to be questionable but seems to have settled at 5 October 1952, two days before Vladimir Putin. So he has the same stellium of four planets in Libra – Sun, Saturn, Mercury, Neptune – and a ferociously determined crusading Mars in Sagittarius trine Pluto, sextiling onto Neptune; a can-be-fanatical Neptune square Uranus; and pushily confident Pluto square Jupiter in Taurus tied into a T Square by an Aquarius North Node.

He’ll have planets in different houses than Putin, which may explain his lack of success to date. This birth time of 11.55am is questionable but would put a sporting Jupiter in the 5th; and a hidden Pluto in the 8th. Whereas I’ve always imagined Putin with a control-freak Pluto on his midheaven.

During this July and August Khan, does have a successful tr Pluto trine his Jupiter so he will be upbeat; though less so in 2019/2020 with heavily pressured transits to midpoints. And throughout 2018/19 he has the highly confusing tr Pluto square his Neptune.

Pakistan does look to be going through a seismic upheaval in its relations with the USA, picking up from mid May and running through into early 2019 as tr Uranus squares the composite Mercury, Sun; with undermining, disappointing Neptune transits to the composite Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus from 2017 till 2020. With a complete re-set or disruption come 2019/2020 from tr Uranus opposition the composite Pluto.

Donald Trump v FBI – bulldozer meets brickwall



Trump is up to his usual trick of blaming others for precisely what he’s guilty of himself. The upper echelons of the FBI and Justice Department were tweet slammed by him this morning for politicising the ‘sacred investigative process.’ This is the president who demanded that his security and legal chiefs be loyal to him personally rather than their country or their professional principles.

Devon Nunes, a Republican, chairman on the intelligence committee, who already has form for crossing lines in his efforts to toady up to the president, has been described as an ‘Inspector Clouseau’ in his efforts to throw doubt on the FBI’s conduct of its inquiry into alleged Russian meddling in US elections. The memo which is about to be released according to committee members has been doctored from the one which had been agreed and the FBI have, unusually, argued publicly against its exposure.

Nunes, 1 October 1973 is a tough-nut Sun Pluto in Libra trine Jupiter and square Saturn; with an opportunistic Jupiter square Mars in Taurus. His cross-overs with Trump aren’t that remarkable, if anything rather ill-starred. Their relationship chart has a composite Jupiter square Pluto which can be a struggle for the upper hand, but initially it can invoke a joint sense of over-confidence which prompts the pair into unwise actions. Nunes looks upbeat this month and completely blocked after mid March with tr Pluto opposition his Mars/Pluto midpoint on and off till late 2019. But he’s just a bit player.

More interesting is Trump’s relationship with the FBI, 22 March 1935. The FBI chart has a ferociously determined and working-with-the-criminal-classes Mars in Libra square Pluto in Cancer which crashes into Trump’s Saturn Venus in Cancer. When Pluto is conjunct Saturn on synastry it can, if handled well, involve both parties in serious responsibilities. If mishandled it leads to mutual suspicion and competition for power, resulting in intrigues and lawsuits.

The Trump/FBI relationship chart says the same in different ways, a composite Mars Neptune indicates an ego-clash where only one can win and when they do the other feels diminished, so not mutually supportive. Plus there’s a composite Mercury opposition Jupiter square Pluto – leading to one-upmanship games and a struggle for power and control. That T square starts to be seriously rattled from this June onwards with tr Uranus square the composite Pluto, upending the relationship and sending it into new territory. That will continue to rock n’ roll through 2019.

The FBI itself looks infuriated with tr Pluto square its Mars after mid March, on and off till late 2019; with a Uranus return late April/Early May (and again into 2019) also causing upheavals. A troubled time for the agency with Solar Arc Uranus square Mars in 2019. Though they’ll regain their confidence and chutzpah in 2019/2020 with tr Pluto sextile their Jupiter.

Trump at present has tr Uranus square his Venus for an emotionally excitable (shocking) time all this month; plus tr Neptune opposition his Jupiter/Pluto till early March which Ebertin describes as : ‘the inclination to deceive, to cheat and seduce; a general disappointment, suffering damage or loss through others without being aware of it.’ And exactly now till Feb 13th tr Saturn is square his Neptune, which is usually uncertain, neurotic, panicked. His Solar Arc Uranus conjunct his Mars in Leo is now only four months to exact, with the probability of catastrophic events triggering earlier.

Jim Carrey – the price of fame



Jim Carrey has been cleared in a wrongful death lawsuit brought by the family of his ex-girlfriend Cathriona White, who committed suicide. Her estranged mother and the dead woman’s former husband had sued Carrey, claiming he gave her sexually-transmitted diseases and provided the drugs she used when she took her own life in 2015. His lawyer claimed Miss White forged medical records to make it appear that she had no STDs before meeting him. He had already been blackmailed into paying her money to avoid a messy lawsuit previously.

Born 17 January 1962 2.30am Newmarket, Ontario, he started life as a stage comedian and impersonator before graduating to movies Ace Ventura: the Pet Detective, The Mask, Dumb and Dumber and went on to do Batman, The Truman Show amongst other hits, mopping up awards and critical acclaim. He has admitted to suffering from depression and has had two marriages and various relationships.

He is a Sun Venus Mars in Capricorn with his Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius – all these planets sit in his jam packed 3rd house along with Jupiter Mercury in Aquarius, so mentally highly strung, prone to self-doubt, argumentative, intelligent. His Gemini Moon is deeply buried in his 8th and square a controlling 10th house Pluto; with the contradictory Uranus also in the 10th conjunct his midheaven; and illusory Neptune on his Scorpio Ascendant.

Last August’s Leo Solar Eclipse was conjunct his MC and Uranus, along with a welter of damaging publicity when the lawsuit was publicised; with the disruptive tr Uranus square his Sun on and off into early this year. The February’s Solar Eclipse will conjunct his IC and oppose his Uranus so he will be rattled by the whole disaster. He is anyway at the lowest ebb of his career with tr Saturn moving now through his 2nd, the middle segment of his first quadrant and staying there till 2019. Towards mid 2018 tr Uranus squares his Saturn for a jolting few months thereafter. The pressures on him will stay heavy for the next few years, with 2019 to 2022 replete with frustratingly trapped and discouraging Pluto transits to his Sun/Mars, then Mars/Saturn, then Sun and finally Sun/Saturn.

His creative 7th Harmonic is strong which can also be connected to a fine mental balance. His obsessive 11H is also marked; as is his ‘genius/breakthrough’ 13H. The latter was also emphasised for comedian Peter Sellers.

His former girlfriend Cat White, 14 September 1985, Ireland, was a New Moon in Virgo with Mercury Mars also in Virgo.

Natalie Wood – a shining star with a dark life



Natalie Wood was a radiantly beautiful actress who managed the transition from child to adult star and then drowned aged 43 in mysterious circumstances in 1981. Her husband Robert Wagner, who was with her that night, is ‘a person of interest’ in the renewed investigation into her death.

The aura of perfection she portrayed on a screen and projected onto the public could not have been further removed from the reality of her life. Born 20 July 1938 11.18am San Francisco, CA, to Russian-Ukrainian immigrant parents, she had a cruel mother who forced her to undergo frightening shoots and pimped her out to increase her chances of success. She was pushed into acting aged 4; and according to legend her mother told her to remember the day her dog was killed by a truck to evoke emotions for a film scene. She also lied to young Natalie about a film scene where a footbridge over rapids had been rigged to fail – she fell in with cameras rolling and could have been drowned, leaving her with a lifelong fear of water.

This is reflected in a ‘brutalised’ collection of Sun, Mars, Pluto in Cancer in her 10th with a forced-to-be-self-reliant Saturn in Aries in her 7th. Her sensitive Jupiter in Pisces was in her performing 5th house; and she had the creative Uranus trine Neptune of the time, though with both planets in hidden houses, making her highly strung and fairly erratic.

When she died in the early hours of 29th Nov 1981 the transitting Saturn Pluto conjunction was moving through her 1st house pushing her deeper into her emotional issues and away from career ambitions. The tr Saturn Pluto conjunction had just finished opposing her natal Saturn and would soon be square her 10th house Sun, Mars, Pluto which is heavy duty, depressing, highly stressful. I doubt she’d have survived the next two years even if she had not drowned. Transitting Saturn was conjunct her Solar Arc Venus and tr Pluto conjunct her Secondary Progressed Venus, so a highly emotional and fairly depressed time. Tr Uranus was square her Jupiter; and tr Jupiter was conjunct her Solar Arc Neptune and opposition her natal Moon – which might point to a merciful release.

Robert Wagner, whom she married twice, doesn’t have an easy chart, 10 February 1930 1.45am Detroit, Michigan, being part of the Saturn opposition Pluto Moon square Uranus generation – so used to tough times and difficult emotional relationships with women. Plus he was a Sun, Venus in Aquarius so would be fairly detached. There’s almost no cross over in their chart – he certainly had a Cancer Moon but not conjunct Natalie’s Cancer Sun. His Sun squared Natalie’s 8th house Uranus and Natalie’s Moon squared his Mars – so it was hardly a meeting of souls. Their relationship chart has a cool Saturn Venus square (= work getting in the way), an argumentative Mercury opposition Mars Uranus – nothing much that sounds like deep affection. Though she’d probably not be capable of really accessing her feelings because of her mother. And he is pretty battened down as well.

Like Natalie, his chart didn’t have much going on exactly at the time of her death – though it was a heavy time in his life with the tr Sat Pluto just off the square to his 8th house Pluto – so tremendous financial and psychological pressures. Tr Pluto was just off a conjunction to his SA Neptune so the previous months would have been devastating. Tr Uranus is opposition his Solar Arc Uranus suggesting a definite jolt and break with the past. Tr Uranus had just crossed the conjunction to their composite Venus which would have pulled them apart emotionally over the previous months as well. Their relationship chart was exceptionally argumentative with a Sun Mars conjunction opposition Mercury and a passionate Venus Pluto trine as well as a cool Venus square Saturn. It would blow very hot and very cold.

Her own chart had a fair amount of Neptune around at that point on the midpoints – hinting at confusion, drink, poor judgement and possible poor physical co-ordination.

The only thing on Wagner’s chart which is notable is tr Pluto square Mars/Pluto which is trapped anger, frustration – and could as easily be explained by having to cope with a tragic accident.

He certainly had a short fuse with a 3rd house Mars Mercury and she of course had that mind-blowing Mars Pluto Sun conjunction in her 10th so she’d not be backwards about stamping her foot either.

On the astrology I’d think an accident was the most likely explanation – though it has a shivery feel of the finger of fate given what her mother put her through early in life.

He’s now 87 so tricky to say whether adverse influences on his chart are health or other matters. But he looks devastated this month and on and off to late 2019 with tr Pluto conjunct his Mars/Saturn midpoint. That coincides with a CBS 48 Hours documentary digging it all up again this Sunday. His Solar Return for this year has an angry/trapped Moon Mars in the 8th, an image-denting Pluto in the 10th and a disruptive Uranus on his Ascendant.



USA Mid-Terms – both party heads sagging



No sooner over one hurdle than another appears. The USA Mid Term elections on November 6 2018 will be more fraught than usual with the world watching to see whether Trump’s chaotic presidency will affect the GOP’s standing. There’s nothing pass remarkable about the day though Jupiter is poised to move out of Scorpio into Sagittarius for the result. Uranus is back at zero Taurus exactly square the Leo North Node, with the Node also about to shift sign, into Cancer that day. Both Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn, though not conjunct.

The two party chairpersons – Ronna McDaniels (GOP), 19 Jan 1973; and Tom Perez (Dem), 7 Oct 1961, if still in place, might be a hint of what the result is likely to be.

Neither look exactly delirious with joy. Oddly enough both have tr Neptune in hard aspect to their Mars/Saturn midpoint which Ebertin describes as ‘waning powers, inner torment, losses’. Both also have tr Saturn hitting on a Mars midpoint immediately after which is usually a setback.

Of the two, McDaniels looks marginally more upbeat with tr Pluto conjunct her Jupiter/Node which usually brings advantages. But on the other hand she also has tr Uranus square her Solar Arc Saturn and square her Solar Arc Mars, both of which could see a major upset.

There are no birth times so information is missing which could be more of an indication. The flesh-tearing is likely to continue.