There’s been a mystifying Instagram spat between two Sex and the City stars Kim Catrall and Sarah Jessica Parker. Kim’s brother died this week after she had reported him missing and when Sarah sent her condolences, presumably publicly, she received a blast back from Kim: “Your continuous reaching out is a painful reminder of how cruel you really were then and now. Let me make this VERY clear. (If I haven’t already) You are not my family. You are not my friend. So I’m writing to tell you one last time to stop exploiting our tragedy in order to restore your ‘nice girl’ persona.” Even given her upset over a family death, it does seem an over-reaction, no matter what how strained their working relationship had been.
Kim Catrall, 21 August 1956, Liverpool, England, is an intense Sun Pluto in Leo in a bleak square to an obsessive Saturn in Scorpio; with her Saturn in a gritty trine to Mars in Pisces; and her Mars in an argumentative opposition to Mercury.
Sarah Jessica Parker, 25 March 1965 9am Nelsonville, Ohio, will be tricky as well. She has a charming and upfront Sun Venus in Aries; but also a tumultuous Uranus Mars Pluto in Virgo in her 4th opposition Saturn and trine her 8th house Capricorn Moon, so will bubble like a volcano with emotional undercurrents.
Their charts are not too badly aligned, though Kim’s Sun Pluto falls in Sarah’s 4th which will put her on edge and squares Sarah’s confident Jupiter which may lead to one-upmanship games; and Kim’s Saturn is conjunct Sarah’s Descendant and opposition her Jupiter, so she will make Sarah feel put down.
Their relationship chart has a competitive composite Sun Mars inconjunct Saturn and widely square Pluto – all of which is very ratchety. And the composite Saturn opposes Jupiter for difficulties maintaining balance in their relationship. It’ll worsen from now onwards with tr Neptune squaring the composite Sun Mars in 2018/19.