Mark Zuckerburg has been gritting his teeth through two days of Senate hearings on Facebook misdemeanours over data, his delivery described as ‘robotic with a smile that looks as though he’s more used to using emojis.’
Born 14 May 1984, White Plains, NY with a putative time of 2.39pm (astrotheme), he’s got a very locked-down, intensely secretive, stubborn to the nth degree and enduring temperament. His Sun and Venus in Taurus oppose Mars, Moon, Saturn in Scorpio with Pluto also in Scorpio. Very see-saw but not much give in there and he will have great difficulty with change. He assumes the world will adapt round him.
His get-it-together, can-be-dominating 5th Harmonic is strong though strained with a Uranus focal point Yod – which fits with Uranus ruling all things high-tech but it can be unstable. His ‘obsessive dream’ 11H is also heavily aspected but a difficult one to live up to. Interestingly his 10H is possibly his strongest – “The wheel of Fortune”. Contains innovation and creativity bringing prosperity and abundance, but it also contains the seed of both rise and fall, of the good and the bad.
He’s getting a jolt from Uranus as it moves first to conjunct his Mercury in Aries late this month and then as it goes into Taurus mid May it starts to oppose his Pluto for an uncomfortable and jolting year ahead. His Solar Arc Jupiter is moving over the next few years to form a T Square to his Venus Sun opposition Moon Mars, which could suggest more humanitarian activities – though it could also point to over confidence leading to a fall. Tr Neptune is undermining his confidence from May this year, on into 2019; and then dissolving high hopes and plans in 2019/2020. He’s got endless stamina but it won’t all be going his way.