The USA heads for 2019 in as much chaos as the UK though of a different variety – with a government shutdown, a White House administration in turmoil with an acting chief of staff, an acting secretary of defense, an acting attorney general, an acting EPA administrator, no interior secretary, and no ambassador to the United Nations. Plus former US allies outraged and bemused by Trump’s quixotic foreign policies.
Legal jeopardy against Trump is mounting with four former colleagues pleading guilty to crimes; his campaign, his transition, his ‘charitable’ foundation and his business are all under investigation, never mind the NY Times expose of Trump, father and siblings engaging in a years-long scheme to commit tax fraud on a massive scale; and his elusive tax returns still have a tale to tell.
The stock markets are tanking and the global economy is running into trouble. Trump inherited ‘the best performing economy on the planet’ and gave it another stimulus with borrowed money. But export markets are in trouble; Europe and China’s economies are slowing, with Trump’s trade worries adding to the strain. American consumers don’t have the spending power to come to the rescue having been hit with additional healthcare, housing and education costs, as well as increased tariffs on goods. While the wealthy get wealthier and the US debt grows.
The USA 1776 chart shows up a sharp reality-check from as early as mid January as tr Saturn opposes the Cancer Sun (repeating in September). What will make that experience starker will be the 6th January Capricorn Solar Eclipse in opposition to the USA Sun ramming home the message that mistakes have been made and, if crises are to be averted in the months ahead, a new approach will be needed. It will be an ego-deflating time as the national psyche ponders on the consequences of having got it wrong. Not that the challenge of eclipses are always risen to. Many times they are ducked and crises follow to force a rethink that would have been better done earlier.
From mid February for a month, and repeating on and off till late 2020, tr Pluto will trine the USA Neptune which will bring confusion even devastation and off-the-wall ideas.
The July Eclipses will have the strongest effect as the Solar Eclipse in Cancer is conjunct the USA Sun is likely to accompany crises which will prompt radical decisions about the path ahead; and the Lunar Eclipse sits on top of the USA fanatical Mercury opposition Pluto which will foster hostility and heated debates.
In many ways 2019 is only the gathering storm with 2020 being a more critical year with the panicky-failure tr Neptune square the USA Mars; and tr Pluto moving to oppose the USA Mercury for even more inflamed debates in 2020/21 – and the era-ending Pluto Return following from 2023 onwards for two years.
The USA First President chart, 30 April 1789 12.45pm New York, reflects similar energies with tr Saturn square the Mars for financial setbacks; tr Pluto square Neptune bringing more chaos; and the Eclipses in January and July stirring up the electorate as they hard aspect the Cancer Moon.
Trump is unlikely to change his ways, but is under increasing pressure from mid February onwards, escalating from late March as tr Pluto makes a discouraging square to his Saturn (on and off till late 2020) – during this phase as well his relationship chart with the USA is showing up more obvious dislike and aggravation about his governance and that also runs till late 2020. His Progressed Moon trudging unhappily through his 12th house, never an encouraging experience, will conjunct his Mars in April for what might be an even more dramatic tantrum than usual. Tr Neptune squares his Uranus from late March through April, which could send his already mental balance/grasp on reality even further off kilter. That repeats into early 2020.
His Term chart will be rattled in March with tr Uranus square the Sun, sagging with disappointment and unpopularity in April, but generally will be in a bullish, what-the-hell mood throughout into 2020. Early 2020 will be the most unstable phase.