Dustin Black & Tom Daley – an Air sign match


Oscar-winning screenwriter Dustin Lance Black who two years ago married Olympic diver Tom Daley and had a surrogate baby has been talking of his Mormon childhood and fear of being gay. He was born 19 June 1974 2.32 pm Sacramento, California, with his father leaving his polio-stricken mother early on, his first stepfather being violent and living within a Texas military community – not an easy environment and it made him dumb for several years.

He has an Air Grand Trine of a 9th house campaigning and communicative Gemini Sun trine an Aquarius Moon trine Uranus in Libra in his 1st house; with his Sun opposition a Sagittarius Node, plugging him into the zeitgeist. His Sun is also in an expansive square to Jupiter in Pisces which is counter-balanced by a tough, unyielding Saturn conjunct his midheaven square Pluto. His influential Pluto is further amplified being on the focal point of a mini Grand Trine to a showbizzy Mars in entertaining Leo trine Neptune. Not short of determination or confidence.

On the surface he’s quite like Tom Daley, 21 May 1994, who also (probably) has an Air Sun and Moon – Gemini and Libra. Though it’s not the easiest connection with Daley’s Venus in Cancer being conjunct Black’s Saturn and square his Pluto;  and Daley’s Uranus opposing Black’s Mars – in some ways fairly blocked emotionally and also volatile.

Their relationship chart has a needs-space composite Sun Mars Venus opposition Uranus Moon – so two strong individuals who won’t find it easy to compromise. Plus a chained-together Saturn opposition Pluto. There is a stabilising Jupiter trine Saturn but it’s not the most intuitive of matches.

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