Moby – undone by an idle boast


Musician Moby has cancelled the book tour for his memoir after his claim of dating Nathalie Portman when she was 18 and he was in his thirties was disputed by her. She described him as a creepy old man at the time.

Born 11 September 1965 (same day as Bashar Assad, the  Syrian dictator) he had a fractured and sad childhood with his feather dead at two after a drunk driving crash, his mother poor and living in junkies’ squats some of the time and sexually abused by a daycarer. He’s a vegan and animal rights activist and has been fairly celibate for most of his adult life. His name comes from Moby Dick since Herman Melville is supposed to be an ancestor.

He’s a Sun, Pluto, Uranus in Virgo opposition Saturn square North Node in Gemini – a fairly chaotic personality, scattered, highly-strung; with a tricky Mars Neptune in Scorpio trine Saturn and sextile his Virgo planets. Not an easy or a happy chart. His Venus in Libra is in an indulgent trine to Jupiter so will have his lighter-hearted moments.

He is certainly not a good fit with Nathalie Portman whose Gemini Sun is square and her Virgo Moon conjunct his Sun, Pluto and Uranus.

Their relationship chart has a chilly composite Moon opposition Saturn with Saturn in an aggravated trine to Mars and sextile Uranus.  Tr Uranus was square the composite Sun when this storm in a teacup brewed up.

He’s sinking at the moment with tr Neptune opposing his Sun and Pluto and will continue to be at a low ebb through 2020 as well.

2 thoughts on “Moby – undone by an idle boast

  1. There is someone else who was also undone by her book. It is the feminist writer Naomi Wolf. She just published a book on the Victorian era’s attitude to homosexuality and it turned out that the important facts in her book were incorrect and she was exposed on a radio show. But I think she didn’t care and didn’t show any remorse. The publisher says it will add corrections to the book.

  2. Saw her comments in the news, but didn’t know any of this about him.

    These days I was expecting John Cleese or Alastair Campbell or that life coach Tony Robbins to pop up. Also, Ellen DeGeneres. Tried to guess who of them will make the front page.

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