Pete Buttigieg – one for the future



Pete Buttigieg is an unlikely Democratic presidential candidates amidst the crowd – mayor of a midsize city, 37 years old and openly gay. But he’s garnering praise for his stance on the Green Deal and his support for his Muslim residents in the wake of Christchurch.

Born 19 January 1982 in Indiana to two academic parents, he made his mark through school and college, was a naval reservist, then became the youngest mayor of a mid-size city for two terms. His career has been upwards and onwards since his teens.

He’s a last degree Capricorn Sun in an ultra-determined square to Saturn Pluto in Libra; his Sun is also conjunct Venus in Aquarius square Jupiter in Scorpio so he’s charming, tolerant and lucky as well.

His high hopes will get tempered from this May onwards with tr Neptune square his Sun/Jupiter midpoint, running into 2020. Over the election itself tr Saturn is blocking his enthusiasm square his Mars/Jupiter and the tr Jupiter Pluto is square his Saturn, which is probably not great either, despite Jupiter’s presence. However he does have tr Uranus opposition his Jupiter in November 2020 which suggests good news of some variety.

He’ll be around for years and years so this first throw of the dice may just earn him name recognition outside of his own circle. And there’ll be everything to play for in future years.

Pic: marcn

John Bercow – flinging the book at No 10



John Bercow, Speaker of the House, threw a spanner into the Brexit works yesterday by denying a further (third) vote on Theresa May’s deal unless it was substantially different from the previous one. Which seems reasonable since it’s been heavily defeated twice but his action has raised an almighty furore. And this despite the fact that she was rumoured to be considering pulling the vote if she looked like losing again which seemed likely. Now the word is she’s pushing ahead against Bercow’s ruling to hold the vote. Shambles isn’t the word for it.

Bercow, 10 January 1963 is a late degree Capricorn Sun with two contradictory T squares – one super-confident, pushy and frivolous with Jupiter opposition Pluto square Venus; and one gritty, slippery, short-tempered with Mars in Leo opposition Saturn square Neptune.

What’s for sure is that his relationship with Theresa May is one of deep dislike and hostility with a composite Sun Mercury opposition Mars square Pluto. It’s sagging even more badly than usual through April, worse in May right through till mid September. Though he’s likely to go sometime soon.

Dick Dale – strumming the waves



Dick Dale, the guitarist, godfather of Surf rock and the father of Heavy Metal has died. He aimed for a sonic impact to match the power of the waves and the adrenaline rush he felt while surfing which brought a faster, louder style that influenced the Beach Boys and Jimi Hendrix, among others. His 1963 hit “Misirlou,” an adaptation of a traditional Arabic song, was revived in 1994 as the opening anthem for Quentin Tarantino’s blockbuster film “Pulp Fiction.”

Born 4 May 1937 in Boston, MA, with a Lebanese father and Eastern European mother, he was an earthy and rebellious Sun Uranus in Taurus in an inspired trine to Neptune; with a supremely and powerfully confident Jupiter in Capricorn opposition Pluto square Venus in upfront Aries. A heavyweight and gutsy personality.

His creative 5th harmonic and musical 7th were both marked; as was his global superstar 22H.

Prince Will and Harry – moving along different paths



The fab four are no more as Prince William and Harry split their households in part for sensible reasons. William will move closer to the throne while Harry, now sixth in line, will be free to pursue a different kind of lifestyle with fewer restrictions. And the Harry Meghan move away from Kensington Palace to Frogmore was as much for reasons of space as anything else. But still the rumours circulate about a rift between the Royal ladies or the brothers. New marriages always throw out old family dynamics so it’s hardly surprising if there’s a phase of re-adjustment.

Although William and Harry have always been close since their parents’ divorce and then their mother’s death, and they do have an affectionate composite Sun Venus in their relationship chart, it hasn’t all been peaceable between them. There’s a Mars square the composite Sun which is competitive and argumentative; and a chained-together Saturn Pluto. That latter has been upended in recent times by tr Uranus in opposition perhaps as their divergent paths of duty became clearer. And tr Neptune was undermining the composite Moon when Harry became engaged, so perhaps the stories of his disappointment at lack of support from William over his choice of bride isn’t too far wrong.

On the synastry, there’s a really positive crossover with Harry’s Taurus Moon conjunct William’s Moon. Though Harry’s Pluto is conjunct William’s Jupiter and Midheaven, which does suggest a one-upmanship dynamic with Harry being fairly controlling. And William’s Saturn and Pluto are conjunct Harry’s Venus in Libra which will put up barriers between them. So pluses and minuses.

Kate and Meghan do have tricky crossovers since both their Mars conjuncts the other’s Moon, which will be ratchety, especially since Kate’s Mars is also conjunct Meghan’s Saturn which is doubly gritty. And Kate’s Mars and Saturn Pluto are in Meghan’s 4th so behind the scenes she will be controlling, which won’t sit comfortably with Meghan’s 4th house Pluto which is scared of being cornered and manipulated.

Their relationship chart has a struggle-for-the-upper-hand composite Jupiter Pluto; with a power-struggling Sun Pluto as well; plus a needs-space, volatile Mars (Moon) square Venus Uranus. Not ideal. It started badly around the time of the engagement with tr Uranus opposing the composite Pluto and now has tr Uranus opposing the composite Sun as final decisions are made and Meghan withdraws towards motherhood.

Kate’s dress choices have spruced up noticeably in recent times away from the distinctly dowdy outfits she was veering towards before on occasion, so there will have been an element of rivalry.

All families have complicated dynamics, the Royals multiplied by 100 given ranking etc and it’s not easy with the media stoking up trouble. No doubt it’ll all shake down given time and space.

Brexit – words, words, words and no sense * update



Even the cartoonists have run out of original images for the ongoing horlicks of Brexit – cliff edge, Theresa May walking the plank (we wish), flying pigs and unicorns, Napoleon’s retreat, flogging a dead horse, yatter yum.

Latest thought from Janet Daley in the Telegraph is that the Remainers have won since there aren’t enough votes to carry Theresa May’s third-time-unlucky-go at her flawed deal; so we might as well stay in and make Macron’s life hell.

Arlene Foster of the DUP is looking discontented and discomfited this year with tr Pluto opposition her Mars in Cancer; and tr Saturn also in opposition in this April, and again till late year – which all looks like a major setback, with more disasters in 2020.

The UK chart looks befuddled from March 30th for a few weeks and filled with panicky uncertainty in May to mid August. Though there will be a ray of good cheer over the final days of March into April from tr Uranus square the UK Jupiter.

On Theresa May there’s nothing new to say – slipping and sliding downhill, with more disappointments over the end of this month and onwards in April.

Boris Johnson still tops the polls to replace her if she’s prised out of No 10 – heaven help us and that’s not a political reaction, more cringing embarrassment. He’ll pick up a minor head of steam over the end of this month with tr Pluto trine his Mars/Jupiter midpoint; but the rest of the year looks edgy, downbeat and undermining.

Michael Gove is heading for major changes and upheavals in his life with tr Pluto trine his Uranus from the final day of this month which runs into June and then on and off till late 2020; is facing a disaster or two from late this month to mid April; and a fraught several months of Pluto collisions with midpoints to the year end. He does have tr Uranus trine his Sun from mid April which can bring positive changes; and two upbeat and successful Uranus transits to Jupiter midpoints in late May and again July onwards. So it’s possible he steps up and then finds what a poisoned chalice he’s taken on, since nothing late year looks good.

Cartoon: Bob Moran.  Political Cartoon‏ @Cartoon4sale

Political cartoon gallery in London

Greta Thunberg – a butterfly sets off an avalanche



Young people in more than 100 countries have walked out of class today to demand action on climate change. Greta Thunberg, the sixteen year old Swedish schoolgirl who started the international movement, has been nominated as a candidate for this year’s Nobel Peace Prize.

She was born 3 January 2003 to an opera singer mother and an actor father. She has described herself as having been “diagnosed with Asperger syndrome, obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), and selective mutism; and says she can’t let things go once she has seen them. In December she addressed the United Nations Climate Change Conference and in January 2019 was invited to talk at Davos where she berated business leaders for putting profit before the future security of the earth.

She has a Sun and Moon in Capricorn; with an ultra-determined and unyielding, prone-to-depression Saturn in Gemini opposition Pluto. She has a passionately enthusiastic Venus Mars in intense Scorpio in a volatile square to Uranus. Her Jupiter in flamboyant Leo is in an idealistic and can be impractical opposition to Neptune and a confident trine to Pluto.

Her Saturn Pluto and five Fixed planets – Mars Venus, Jupiter and Uranus Neptune – will give her staying power and obstinacy. Her Capricorn Sun and Moon gives her initiative.

At the moment her Solar Arc Neptune is conjunct her Uranus which can be highly-strung though also inspired. She’ll have her down moments this year as well. It won’t ever be that easy for her with her underlying psychological issues. Tr Neptune will start an undermining square to her Pluto from this year and moves on to square her Saturn by 2022, aspecting the midpoint in between which will be droopy; and in 2021 her Solar Arc Saturn opposes her Sun which is downbeat and stuck.

She’s got guts but it’s a beyond-huge project she’s taken on.

New Zealand mosque shootings – shock and dismay ** plus gunman



Forty-nine people have been killed and at least 20 wounded in shootings at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, the deadliest such atrocity in the nation’s history. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern described the incident, which was live-streamed on facebook by one of the gunmen, as a terrorist attack. A man in his late twenties, apparently far right and anti-immigrant, has been charged with murder.

The shootings started around 1.45pm which, if accurate, puts a brutal Mars in Taurus trine Saturn Pluto in Capricorn, in the hidden 12th and 8th house, sextiling onto Sun and Neptune in Pisces.  Mars which is always unyielding and possessive in Taurus is exactly square the Neptune/Pluto midpoint which has a tinge of megalomania or madness about it.  Uranus just into Taurus is on the focal point of a disruptive T Square to Pluto opposition the Cancer Node.

Tr Saturn is exactly square the New Zealand Moon now for a depressed mood and that repeats on and off till late year. And throughout this year there are a series of difficult Neptune conjunctions to several Mars and the Sun/Saturn midpoint, bringing a sense of panic and confusion. Tr Pluto is about to move into the NZ domestic 4th house from this April suggesting a long period of internal unrest ahead.

The central configuration of the New Zealand chart of Sun Mars square Pluto Uranus is under severe pressure for several years – tr Uranus has been in jolting hard aspects in late Aries, continuing on into Taurus; followed by downbeat tr Saturn for two or three years ahead; and then tr Pluto grinding its way across conjunct the NZ Sun in 2021/22, onto a frustrating, trapped and can-be-ruthless conjunction to Mars in 2022/23 and on through the 2020s pulling at the NZ Pluto, Uranus and finally Saturn.  So it’ll be a rocky and difficult decade which will transform the country out of all recognition and is likely to bring out the hidden aggressive streak in New Zealand’s temperament.

The principal shooter, Brenton Tarrant was apparently born 24 May 1990 in Grafton, Australia which makes him a Sun Gemini with either a New Moon or Moon in late Taurus. He has an active Jupiter which opposes a can-be-fanatical Uranus Neptune and trines Pluto, so not short of confidence or a tendency for risk-taking. He has a North Node in Aquarius which often leans towards a cause and that squares his Mercury in Taurus. His Saturn in Capricorn is in an emotionally cold square to Venus in Aries and a tough-minded sextile to Mars in Pisces.  His Saturn is conjunct the New Zealand 1853 Sun Mars in Capricorn which makes sense of why he chose it as a target.

At the moment his Solar Arc Mars is conjunct his Venus stoking up his excitement; with tr Saturn Pluto zig zagging across his brutal Mars/Pluto midpoint this year, though not exactly.

The triple conjunction in Capricorn has produced a fair number of terrorists in recent times on all sides of the fence.



O’Rourke, Inslee, Hickenlooper – rolling the dice



Three more possibles for 2020 US Elections – all without birth time so to be treated with a degree of caution. Beto O’Rourke, born 26 September 1972 El Paso, Texas, is an exceptionally determined and confident Sun Pluto in Libra conjunct Mars in late Virgo, all square Jupiter in Capricorn. His Saturn in Gemini is square Mars and which will make him hard-working, short-tempered. His Saturn is also trine Uranus, sextile Venus in sociable Leo – innovative, charming, a good networker.

He’s up and down this year but what will really do for his chances in 2020 is tr Neptune square his Saturn from late April onwards which is uncertain, confused, perhaps a scandal popping up. And from late May 2020 tr Uranus starts to square his Mars/Saturn midpoint which suggests rolling crises. Both these influences run into early 2021.

Jay Inslee, 9 February 1951, Governor of Washington, pro-drug law reform, education, climate change and against the Muslim ban, is a Sun Aquarius opposition Pluto and trine Neptune, so not short of ambition or determination. He’s also got a super-exuberant and compassionate Mars, Jupiter, Venus in Pisces.  He has some highs and successes this year but also Neptune tugging away at his confidence all year as well; 2020 is similarly up and down. But there’s nothing spectacularly positive – without a birth time.

John Hickenlooper, 7 February 1952, Colorado Governor, is an even more determined Sun Aquarius opposition Pluto; with a super-charged Cardinal Grand Square of Jupiter in Aries opposition Saturn square Uranus (Moon) in Cancer opposition Venus in Capricorn – bubbling over with initiative, restless, going off in all directions at once. He’s also got a sharp-tongued Mercury in Aquarius square Mars in Scorpio. He looks confused and uncertain through this year with nothing much positive until February 2020 when he gets an a high-octane injection of enthusiasm and maybe success. Though it could be he pulls out through this year and that’s because of other projects.

Felicity Huffman & Lori Loughlin et al – buying status ** update




Actresses Felicity Huffman (Desperate Housewives) and Lori Loughlin (Full House), along with 50 others, many of them celebrities or CEOs of major companies, have been accused of paying massive bribes to get their children into America’s top colleges. They have been released on bail.

Felicity Huffman, 9 December 1962,is a Sun Sagittarius with a pushily confident and risk-taking Jupiter opposition Pluto Uranus; and a flamboyant Mars in Leo with a determined Venus Neptune in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius and a Taurus Moon.  Tr Neptune is squaring her Sun now and that runs on into early 2020. She’s also got a scary/trapped tr Pluto square her Sun/Mars midpoint running through this year.

Her husband William Macy (Shameless TV series), who hasn’t been charged, 13 March 1950, is a downbeat Sun Pisces opposition Saturn in Virgo and has tr Neptune opposing his Saturn this year and squaring the Sun/Saturn midpoint into 2020 for a longish phase of uncertainty and worry.  His relationship chart with Felicity looks more than edgy this year into next with tr Uranus elbowing the composite Sun opposition Uranus square Neptune.

Lori Loughlin, 28 July 1964, is a Sun Leo with Jupiter in indulgent Taurus in a head-in-the-clouds opposition to Neptune. Tr Uranus is squaring her Sun from June onwards and before then she has a series of disaster-prone Uranus hard aspects to three different Mars midpoints, running on and off into 2020.  So a fairly catastrophic year for her.

Her daughter Olivia Jade, 28 September 1999, at college since last autumn, is a social media influencer with close to two million YouTube subscribers and over a million Instagram followers. She’s a Sun Libra trine Neptune and Uranus in Aquarius, sextile Pluto – super-ambitious and highly strung. She’s also got an ultra-determined Plus Mars in Sagittarius; a flashy Venus in Leo; and a can-be autocratic Saturn in money-minded Taurus square Uranus; plus an indulgent Jupiter in Taurus. She looks seriously deflated now with tr Neptune square her Mars.

The children are not involved in the criminal proceedings but it isn’t clear whether their position at college will be affected. Clearly her social influencing will take a nosedive.

The mastermind behind it all is Rick Singer, 18 September 1960, who has pleaded guilty to federal criminal charges including money laundering, racketeering, obstruction of justice and tax evasion in connection with the $25 million scheme to help parents fraudulently game the college admissions system.

He has a Virgo Sun on the focal point of a T Square to an opportunistic Jupiter opposition Mars in Gemini. Mars Jupiter in hard aspect can be self-interested, described by Sakoian & Acker as a soldier of fortune. ‘In extreme cases avarice and dishonesty occur.’ A Mutable focal point Sun will be ego-centric, can be conceited and know-it-all, headstrong. His Jupiter in crusading Sagittarius is also in an adventurous trine to Uranus, sextile a charming and sociable Venus in Libra. Well designed as a conman.

He’s also got a tough-minded Saturn in Capricorn trine Pluto, sextile Neptune.