One of the most high profile miscarriages of justice in the USA in recent times in 1989 was the Central Park Five – five underage black and Hispanic teenagers were charged with rape and attempted murder despite their DNA not being found on the victim; and confessions were coerced out of them. Trump took out a full-page ad calling for the death penalty. Republican commentator Pat Buchanan insisted that if only “the eldest of that wolf pack were tried, convicted and hanged in Central Park and the 13- and 14-year-olds were stripped, horsewhipped, and sent to prison, the park might soon be safe again for women.”
They were imprisoned and only set free when another rapist imprisoned for other crimes admitted to it 12 years later and his DNA matched. He said he was the only attacker. Michael Bloomberg, then Mayor of New York, resisted paying the five compensation but subsequently the next Mayor Bill de Blasio did agree.
A recent Netflix series When They See US has brought it back into the spotlight again. The head prosecutor who oversaw the case and observed the police interrogations at the time was Linda Fairstein, now a crime novelist. In light of this recent publicity she has had her publishing contract withdrawn. Her wiki write-up contains another case in which malicious prosecution was alleged; and her part in not having Dominique Strauss Kahn charged with sexual assault in 2012.
Born 5 May 1947 Fairstein is a tough Sun Taurus square Pluto, with Pluto conjunct Saturn and her Sun most likely opposition a Scorpio Moon so very intense and stubborn. Plus she has a fairly brash Venus Mars in Aries with Venus opposition Neptune and trine Pluto, and Mars sextile Uranus and trine Pluto – she enjoys power and high excitement.
At the time of the rape the tr Uranus Saturn Neptune was in place in Capricorn and the tr Saturn Neptune were conjunct hr Solar Arc South Node exactly, which is fairly obscure but suggests something in the spirit of the times was playing on her inferior instincts. Tr Neptune Saturn was also square her Venus so she’d be emotionally upset.
This year she has tr Uranus in a jolting and unsettling square to her Saturn and tr Saturn square her Mars producing setbacks; with worries and concerns in 2020 from tr Neptune square her Uranus.
Trish Meili, the victim, 24 June 1960, who still suffers memory loss and some long-term damage from the attack which nearly killed her is reportedly unhappy about the Five being paid compensation since she says there was more than one attacker and supports the police.
Born 24 June 1960, she is a Sun Venus in Cancer which is part of a talented Half Grand Sextile from Neptune opposition Mars in Taurus, sextile trine Sun Venus and Pluto. When the attack happened the tr Uranus or Saturn Neptune in Capricorn may have been opposing her Cancer Moon; and her Solar Arc Neptune was on the apex of a Yod to her Sun Venus sextile Mars – so pulling on the fraught energy of that Half Grand Sextile involving Mars and Pluto.
She isn’t looking too happy this year with tr Uranus conjunct her Mars.
I’m not sure at what point the Trump ad or Buchanan rant came out but the USA justice system is worse than the UK’s (which can be exceedingly ropey in its own way) in allowing what would be contempt of court utterances to be sprayed around publicly prejudicing proceedings.