Nearly 300 are dead with 500 injured in the wave of bombings in Sri Lanka yesterday which were targeted at Easter Christian Church services and luxury hotels. A local Islamist terrorist group is being blamed but no one has claimed credit yet.
Sri Lanka is predominantly a Buddhist country which fought a 26 year civil war ending in 2009 with the predominantly Hindu Tamils. Both Muslims and Christians are minorities and have been subject to persecution by militant Buddhists. See URL below.
The bombings occurred when the bleak, war-like Saturn Pluto conjunction was close, though it doesn’t reach exact until early January 2020; and was opposition the Cancer North Node. The disruptive, rebellious Sun Uranus in Taurus was also in place.
The January Total Lunar Eclipse at zero Aquarius had Mars on the Ascendant square Saturn on the midheaven, located to Sri Lanka, so it did highlight a destructive event.
The independence chart of 4 February 1948 12 am Colombo, has a similarly explosive Solar Arc Uranus conjunct Mars this year. This chart has a Saturn Pluto conjunction and Jupiter in Sagittarius so present influences are relatively similar.
The Republic of Sri Lanka was proclaimed on 22 May 1972 at 12.43pm, a time elected by Government astrologers as auspicious – for reasons unknown. Like Burma/Myanmar they must work off a different system of astrology. It puts Saturn in Gemini on the midheaven conjunct the Sun; with an excitable, volatile T Square of Mrs Venus in Cancer opposition Jupiter square Uranus. That T square and the Solar Arc Sun Saturn are being rattled by this years’ Eclipses for rolling crises and pressure for change.