Sam Heughan – a high-octane personality


Scots actor Sam Heughan is going from strength to strength co-producing as well as playing the lead in Starz TV’s Outlander now in its 5th and 6th season; and he’s also been recently cast as lead in an upcoming SAS movie based on an Andy McNab novel.

He was born 30 April 1980 in New Galloway, Scotland (so there should be a birth time for him if anyone has it). He’s been acting since he left school on stage as well as in TV and films with several awards to his credit.

He is a Sun Taurus almost certainly opposition a Scorpio Moon so an earthy and heavyweight personality. Add to that Mars in entertaining and determined Leo conjunct confident, lucky Jupiter squaring onto a high-adrenaline Uranus and he’s custom built for an exciting life. He has a creative and exceptionally hard-working though emotionally scattered Venus in Gemini opposition Neptune square Saturn in Virgo. Plus an inspirational and entrepreneurial Fire Grand Trine of Mars and a leadership North Node in Leo trine Mercury trine Neptune, formed into an even more talented Kite by Mercury in upfront Aries opposition Pluto. He will be influential and outspoken as well as fairly controlling. His love life seems varied which is to be expected from a Full Moon (can’t decide) and a changeable Venus in Gemini.

2020/21 will be years of major change with tr Uranus conjunct his Sun and tr Pluto sextile his Uranus.

Michael Platini – Qatar 2022 still under the scope


Michael Platini, a France football legend and former Uefa president at present banned for ethics violations has been detained in connection with a criminal investigation into alleged corruption relating to Fifa’s decision to host the 2022 World Cup in Qatar. He denies all outside influence in the vote he made for Qatar, though focus will be turned on a lunch he attended in Paris just days before the controversial vote in 2010, with the Qatar Head of State and the then French president Nicolas Sarkozy who was lobbying for an important bilateral trade deals between the two nations. Qatar subsequently took over the Paris St-Germain team. There’s little prospect that this latest development will affect Qatar’s status as hosts, even if Platini is charged.

He was born 21 June 1955 9am Joeuf, France, and is a Sun and Mercury in Gemini opposition North Node in sporting Sagittarius, trine Neptune and sextile Pluto – so not short of ambition, influence or the ability to slide round obstacles. He’s also got an adventurous Uranus conjunct Jupiter in a highly-strung square to Neptune. Plus a gritty Saturn in Scorpio trine Mars (Moon) in Cancer.

He’s not looking too cheerful at the moment with tr Saturn coming up to oppose his Mars from the last day of this month into July which is usually a setback and enraging; and it repeats later in the year. But where he runs into real trouble  is in 2021/22 with his Solar Arc Mercury conjunct Pluto which is depressing; and tr Pluto opposing his Uranus and square his Neptune which will be a considerable upheaval and fairly devastating and confusing.

Katie Hopkins – Trump twinlet venting her spleen * Add On

Katie Hopkins is the nearest thing the UK has to a right-wing, shock-jock with rancidly extreme views which have got her fired from most media outlets, even when they hired her for as a controversialist. She’s been reduced to a Canadian website on which Tommy Robinson of the English Defence League is also a contributor; and has recently filed for bankruptcy as a consequence of legal cases which went against her. She has suffered badly from epilepsy. She’s anti-Islam and anti-multicultural and Trump is a fan.

Born 13 February 1975 she has an unaspected Aquarius Sun which will make it difficult for her to modulate her ego. She’ll tend to be an island unto herself, holding herself in high esteem, and not being much affected by feedback. She does have what should be a relatively pleasant and sensitive Moon, Venus and Jupiter in Pisces but that is completely swamped by an aggressive and afflicted Mars in Capricorn opposition Saturn square Pluto – fuelling inner rage, grievance and hatred. Saturn Pluto makes her unyielding and resistant to change.

Her Jupiter and Venus square Trump’s Gemini Sun and Sagittarius Moon for an emollient cross over. But that apart they wouldn’t make a great pair with her Sun in an argumentative and competitive opposition to his Mars; her Mercury opposition his Pluto and her controlling Pluto square his Mercury.  Their relationship chart has a cool, business-like composite Sun square Saturn and trine Uranus; with Uranus square Venus. And a ramped-up Jupiter trine Pluto sextile Mars Neptune which will do well as they work together to attract publicity for each. But if they ever got close and fell out it would turn nasty since neither are supportive types.  There would be a fight for supremacy. Indeed all is not well in that heated corner especially from this July onwards into 2020.

She looks pretty much flattened this year with Solar Arc Pluto square her Sun and Solar Arc Sun opposition her Pluto which will block her every which way, no doubt because of financial problems – and an emotionally upsetting Solar Arc Venus opposition her Uranus. Plus several aggravated and insecure Uranus transits to midpoints plus a swampy Neptune; and setbacks from tr Saturn conjunct her Mars till late this year.  Not her finest hour.

Add ON: There’s no suggestion that Katie Hopkins is in any way associated with the following but it popped up today and has an astro-slant. Two teen Neo-Nazis have been jailed for terrorism offences in the UK, promoting online material that encouraged an attack on Prince Harry for marrying a woman of mixed race, suggested targeting non-white and Jewish people and glorified the Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik. Their UK Sonnenkrieg organisation takes after the USA Atomwaffen which is led by James Mason, 25 July 1952. Both are seen as extreme even within the alt-right movement.

Mason has Mars in vengeful Scorpio opposition Jupiter and square Pluto in Leo (which is opposition the North Node in Aquarius). Mars Pluto is a running theme through a great many of these hate organisation individuals; and an emphasised/afflicted Pluto which in its efforts to exert control needs to stamp what is considers lesser persons under foot.

Gloria Vanderbilt – she lived life to the full

Gloria Vanderbilt, heiress, fabulously wealthy socialite, fashion designer and writer, has died aged 95. She was the subject of an infamous custody case as a child as her aunt sought successfully to remove her and thus her fortune from the hands of her extravagant mother after her father’s death.

Born 20 February 1924 9.55 am New York, she went on to marry four times, once to director Sydney Lumet and had four sons, one of them, Anderson Cooper, from her final marriage.

She was born on the exact Full Moon with a Pisces Sun opposition a 5th house performing/entertaining Virgo Moon, so would never know quite what she wanted emotionally. She had a strong Mars Jupiter in the 8th as might be expected having inherited vast sums of money; with both in a showbizzy and creative trine to Neptune. Her Venus in upfront Aries was in a passionate square to Pluto which would contribute to the variety of relationships she enjoyed through her life, including Marlon Brando, Frank Sinatra, Howard Hughes and Roald Dahl amongst others.

She was also renowned as a writer with a 10th house Mercury in Aquarius square Saturn.

A lady who lived life to the full and worked until late on in years.

Chuka Umanna – all systems change


Chuka Umanna, former Opposition Shadow Cabinet member, a Blairite and Remainer, who backed out of the Labour Party leadership race in 2015, then objected to the leftward drift of the party and finally this year baled to start the Change UK independent group before exiting for the Lib Dems. The cartoonist are having a field day about his flip flopping.

Born 17 October 1978 he’s a controlled and controlling Sun Pluto in Libra with a charming, though changeable and stubborn Venus Mars Uranus in Scorpio. He’s also got Mercury in Scorpio square Jupiter in Leo – plenty of fixed signs so he’s not exactly one to waver around in the breeze, except for Saturn in Virgo square Neptune.

He’s not having a great year with tr Neptune opposition his Sun/Jupiter midpoint till December; a hugely pressured tr Pluto square his Sun until late 2020; a muddled-thinking Solar Arc Mercury conjunct his Neptune; and a couple of unfortunate Uranus and Neptune hard aspects to midpoints, which run into and through next year.  He’ll get some uplift from tr Uranus square his Jupiter this July to September but there’s not much else of cheer.

Pic: Chris McAndrew

Trump’s vengeance spree against Sadiq Khan


Another of Trump’s unseemly hate-festes has been unleashed against London Mayor Sadiq Khan. It’s a spat that has been running since Khan spoke out against the Muslim ban and Trump retaliated with glee on twitter over the London terror attacks in 2017 which left 7 dead and many injured, using it to justify his travel ban and misquoting Khan. Khan has since retaliated by speaking out against Trump and his state visit.

Now stoked up by the beyond-appalling Katie Hopkins, Trump is slating Khan for London’s crime killings. In reality the murder rate in Baltimore is a 31 times higher per capita, New Orleans is 22.4 times higher and Detroit 22 times. London has half New York’s murder rate.

What’s astrologically on point is the cross over between the charts. Khan, despite being a mild-mannered Libra, has a megaton, forceful Mars Pluto in Virgo which squares Trump’s Sun and Moon; and Khan’s Saturn in Taurus is conjunct Trump’s midheaven with his Neptune opposition and both are square Trump’s bombastic Mars. Active dislike runs rampant and Khan would crush him if he could.

Their relationship chart has a composite Mars Pluto which leads to bitter power struggles; and a needs-space, differing-agendas composite Sun Uranus. It’ll flare up again in November and next February as tr Uranus trines the Mars Pluto, if not before in July.

Franco Zeffirelli – creativity ran in his blood


Franco Zeffirelli, one of the great film and opera directors, has died. He was known for his Taming of the Shrew with Liz Taylor and Richard Burton, Romeo and Juliet and the miniseries Jesus of Nazareth starring Robert Powell as Christ. He worked with Maria Callas and some of his operatic designs and productions have become worldwide classics. He was also latterly a senator for Berlusconi’s Italian centre-right Forza Italia party and a staunch Catholic.

He was born 12 February 1923 12 noon Florence the result of an affair between a fashion designer and a wool dealer and could trace his lineage back to Leonardo da Vinci’s family.  His mother died when he was six and he grew up in an English expatriate community. He fought as a partisan and an interpreter for British troops, went back to architectural studies after the war and then switched to theatre, working with Luchino Visconti, Roberto Rossellini and Vittorio De Sica.

He had a 10th house Aquarius Sun opposition a filmic and creative Neptune squaring onto an expansive, confident and lucky Jupiter in Scorpio. He also had a restless, high-initiative Cardinal Grand Square of a Capricorn Moon and Venus opposition Pluto square Mars in Aries opposition Saturn in Libra – so no slouch when it came to hard work and dreaming up new projects. But he had a hard-edged and ruthless streak which would make him tricky to get along with. He also had a creative Water Grand Trine of a maverick Uranus in the 10th trine Pluto trine Jupiter, formed into a Kite by Pluto opposition Moon. Not designed for an ordinary life – the driving planet Moon would propel him towards a public career as would a 10th house Sun.

His creative and musical 7th harmonic was confident and strongly marked; as was his obsessive-dream 11H; his leaving-a-legacy 17H; and his superstar 22H.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders – null points for communication

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump’s (alleged) press secretary has resigned, though in recent times after being caught out in a litany of lies, obfuscations and misspeaks, she has rarely spoken to the majority of the media.

Born 13 August 1982 in Hope, Arkansas, she is the daughter of Mick Huckabee former Republican Governor of Arkansas and twice candidate for the presidency.  She’s got an idealistic/slippery Leo Sun trine Neptune, sextile an unyielding Saturn Pluto in Libra; with a sugary-sweet, good-for-PR, insincere-charm Venus in Cancer square Jupiter Mars in Scorpio which masks a steely core.

Her relationship with Trump is genuinely affectionate/friendly and supportive with a composite Sun Venus square Jupiter; though it was always going to be a  bond that moved through changeable times with composite Saturn Uranus and Uranus conjunct Pluto.

I thought it might blow last year when tr Uranus was square the composite Sun and Venus though that may have loosened the ties that bind. Tr Pluto has been opposing the composite Sun this year; and both tr Uranus and tr Neptune are pulling on the need-for-change planets. Mueller may have been the straw that finally made the difference as she is recorded as having lied about the FBI and James Comey, though she won’t admit to anything other than a slip of the tongue.

On her own chart she looks relieved with tr Uranus opposition her Jupiter though also a touch insecure and agitated with tr Uranus opposition her Mars, with a deluge of bad press on her exit. She also has a massive upheaval from her Solar Arc Pluto conjunct her Uranus now, which would certainly give her a sharp nudge.  Her road ahead looks uncertain, insecure, confused and fairly catastrophic for the next three to four years with tr Neptune opposition her Sun/Saturn midpoint in 2020/2021 and three Pluto hard aspects to three separate Saturn midpoints this year and on till 2023. Though that won’t hold her back with tr Pluto square her Jupiter in 2021/22, so she’ll respond – some of the time – with her usual tone-deaf confidence.

Kellyanne Conway – brazen and enraged


Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s top aide, is under warning from an independent federal agency that oversees compliance with the Hatch Act that she has repeatedly violated the law by criticizing Democratic presidential candidates while speaking in her official capacity. They recommend she should be removed.

Previously, when asked about the issue in late May, she replied, “blah, blah, blah. … If you’re trying to silence me through the Hatch Act, it’s not going to work. Let me know when the jail sentence starts.” A senior administration official said the president had no plans to discipline or remove Conway and is standing behind her, while a spokesman criticized the Office of Special Counsel for kowtowing to liberal organizations.

It’s the problem when you have a shameless administration with little knowledge of constitutional niceties and utterly no respect for the law. And the system doesn’t appear robust enough to slam the brakes on them.

Born 20 January 1967 8.58 am Washington, DC, she has a 12th house Capricorn Sun trine a Taurus Moon and square an 8th house Mars in Libra; with a Water Grand Trine of Saturn in Pisces trine Jupiter in Cancer trine Neptune in Scorpio formed into three Kites by Jupiter opposition Sun, Saturn opposition Uranus Pluto and Neptune opposition Moon. A very complicated lady, lucky in certain respects, but also chaotic and driven by deep subterranean anger.

She’s got a blocked, frustrated, enraged tr Pluto square her 8th house Mars exact at the moment and repeating till late 2020, indeed it is exact over the 2020 election. Tr Pluto then move on to conjunct her Sun in 2023/24 so a long phase of grinding pressure some of it psychological, though her Jupiter will come to her rescue at times. She has three downers from Solar Arcs to and from Saturn in 2020 and 2022, with only one upper in 2021 from Jupiter.

Her relationship with Trump will have its hiccups and surprises from this July onwards with tr Uranus conjunct their Solar Arc Venus and square the Uranus which is the same time tr Uranus is square her Solar Arc Midheaven which could suggest a career change; and with Trump she is under exceptionally gloomy challenges from early 2020 to late 2021.

The real mystery is her marriage to George Conway, one of Trump’s most vehement critics. Though with Uranus Pluto in her 7th she was always guaranteed to find an unconventional partner. He’s a Sun, Uranus, Pluto in Virgo so has his own degree of chaos. And his Saturn in Aquarius is conjunct her Venus and square her Moon which might make one wonder why they ever got together. Their composite Mars is under great strain this year and next – aggravated and stuck.