Boris’s Grand Tour of the ‘awesome foursome’ components of the UK and the dragons of the EU will keep him in an enjoyable (for him) high-profile whirlwind of activity for the next few weeks. Until presumably knock-on-wood reality becomes unavoidable. His Government chart’s extravagant Jupiter in the 2nd is certainly getting an airing as he blithely promises largesse in all directions, though along with tax cuts it’s tricky to see how he’ll deliver. Tr Neptune square his Government Jupiter mid November to mid December will bring a back-to-earth-with-a-bump moment.
In general there’s a Neptunian smokescreen of confusion, miscommunication and disappointment on several of the relevant charts. The UK chart has tr Neptune square the 3rd house Mercury mid August to late September for unclear discussions, evasive conversations and transport worries; followed by a panicky tr Neptune square the Solar Arc Mars also in the 3rd right through until mid November.
There’s the faintest hint of a partnership split on the UK chart mid August to early September with tr Saturn square the Sun/Moon midpoint and the North Node. Tr Pluto and tr Uranus had been in hard aspect to those points in the run up to Brexit, so it is a sensitive spot. But it seems too mild for the kind of brutal pulling apart which a No-Deal would involve.
On the UK joining the EEC chart, 1 January 1973, there’s a run of tr Neptune square the Venus and then Saturn from late September to late January, which will be slipping, sliding, undermining emotionally as well as financially.
The UK relationship chart with the EU again shows up mid November to mid December as losses. With an uphill struggle of bulldozer-meets-brick-wall at the moment till late August, and again mid November to mid December.
On Boris’s crossovers with relevant others:
Nicola Sturgeon – she and BJ start off significantly chilly with a composite Sun Mercury square Saturn; and an emotionally conflicted composite Moon square Uranus Pluto. Tr Neptune is square the composite Moon now till mid August and again in 2020 – illusions, delusions and lies. Mid November to mid December look upsetting between them as well. That won’t improve in the foreseeable future.
His relationship with Nigel Farage is slippery at the best of times with a composite Sun opposition Neptune and unstable with Uranus Pluto trine Mars Jupiter which will swing around wildly over the next couple of years.
With Emmanuel Macron it’ll be a hostile and bitter power struggle with a composite Sun opposition Pluto squaring onto Mars; and a suspicious, distrustful composite Neptune opposition Jupiter Saturn.
And Angela Merkel won’t be budging in a hurry since her ferociously determined Mars in Sagittarius (trine Pluto) opposes his Sun Venus; and her Saturn in conscientious Scorpio is conjunct his Moon – so a charm offensive won’t wash.
His Government chart is facing a run of crises mid November to mid December and again in February to early March 2020. Whether this is post-a hasty-exit-Brexit or a continuing struggle to get a sensible deal isn’t remotely clear from any of the charts.