E Jean Carroll, one of the USA’s most popular advice columnists, has written a book in which she says she was sexually assaulted by Donald Trump in the mid 1990s. She said she told two friends at the time but was advised she’d be buried in lawyers if she reported it, so stayed silent. No doubt this will go the way of the other manifold allegations against him, written off as fake news and fiction. So no one is going to be any the wiser.
Born 12 December 1943 she’s a Sun Sagittarius opposition Saturn in Gemini which falls across Trump’s Full Moon. She’s also got a volatile Mars Uranus in Gemini sextile Pluto North Node in Leo and inconjunct Mercury in Capricorn – giving her leadership abilities, making her hyper-active at a mental and communication level, tending to be scattered but ultimately designed to be a teacher or social enlightener.
Her Jupiter in entertaining Leo is conjunct Trump’s Mars so it is a high-energy interface; though her Saturn sitting on top of his Sun will have a seriously dampening effect on him.
On her personal chart at the moment her Solar Arc Saturn is conjunct her Mars which will accompany a deal of grief as she’ll no doubt be avalanched with denials and vituperation from the fan base. And while 2020 will have its moments of great elation as her Solar Arc Mars is conjunct her Jupiter, she’ll also have a run of uncertainty with tr Neptune square her Sun, and moving after that to conjunct her Sun/Saturn midpoint and finally square her Saturn in 2021/22.
There’s no absolute way of telling from the astrology about guilt or innocence but their relationship chart is certainly under slipping and sliding Neptune transits for the next three years. There’s a superficially sociable composite Sun, Venus, Jupiter; but also a composite Mars conjunct Node which is conjunct Saturn, giving rise to anger. Around the time the alleged incident took place in late 95/early 96 tr Saturn was then opposing the composite Sun, Jupiter, Venus – dampening good feelings. And tr Neptune (conjunct tr Uranus) was opposing Trump’s Saturn Venus in Cancer. It was the time when he was climbing out of her near-bankruptcy phase. See previous post 19th June below.