The asinine Jacob Rees Mogg has hit the campaign trial again flanked by his wife and five of his six children to dispel notions that he had been sidelined after causing outrage with comments on the Grenfell fire in which 72 people died. He suggested the victims lacked common sense for following fire officials’ instructions to stay put. And this follows on from his lordly and smirking slump across the House of Commons front benches during a vital Brexit debate.
He’s an MP on the far-right of the Tory Party, educated at Eton where he was known as a dogmatic Thatcherite, then Oxford University, where he was a keen debater and pronounced pushy; thence into investment banking and ultimately his own hedge fund (he and wife were deemed worth £100 million in 2016). A Roman Catholic he’s against abortion even in cases of rape, incest and foetal abnormality.
Born 24 May 1969, son of William Rees Mogg, editor of The Times, he is another dratted Gemini Sun which is opposition Neptune in late Scorpio and opposition Mars in Sagittarius – perhaps forming a T Square onto a late Leo/Virgo Moon. And another Mutable scattergun like Boris and Dominic Cummings. He also significantly has a powerhouse Pluto, Jupiter, Uranus in Virgo which will give him confidence aplenty and his sense of arrogant entitlement.
He regrettably looks upbeat and successful in 2021/22 as tr Pluto trines his Jupiter; with faint traces of that from March 2020 onwards as tr Pluto is trine his Jupiter/Pluto. But he’s got a disaster or two to overcome before then. Late December through till early February he’ll be facing catastrophes, jolts and jangles with tr Uranus opposition his Mars/Pluto midpoint and conjunct his Saturn. He’ll also be facing a major setback as his Solar Arc Mars squares his Saturn in 2021 or 2022.
His relationship with Boris is sagging badly from mid this month for four weeks and continuing on a downhill slide in 2020.
He’s everything that is wrong with our supposed ruling ‘elite’ – it’s almost enough to turn you communist. Brattish boys who never quite left the University debating society mindset.