Alec Baldwin – from tragedy to repercussions

Actor producer Alec Baldwin is to be charged with involuntary manslaughter in the fatal on-set shooting of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins on the film set of “Rust”. The young armorer who handed Baldwin the gun also faces charges.  If convicted, they could each face five years in prison though legal experts say it feels like over-charging and will be a tough sell to a jury.

  Baldwin’s attorney said he “had no reason to believe there was a live bullet in the gun – or anywhere on the movie set. He relied on the professionals with whom he worked, who assured him the gun did not have live rounds.”

 Nonetheless Baldwin looks more than concerned ahead. Tr Pluto square his Mercury in Taurus from late March on and off till late 2024 will stir up bitter arguments. Also from mid March tr Neptune square his Saturn will bring high levels of uncertainty and worry, on and off into early 2024. Plus his Solar Arc Pluto will conjunct his Neptune this year which can feel devastating and massively confused.

  He will attack the situation with his usual bravado but it will be a discouraging year with more than a few catastrophes lurking from mid June onwards for a few months.

  The accident happened on a Mars square Pluto on 21 October 2021 when Baldwin’s Solar Arc Mars was in a collision with his Sun and his Solar Arc Saturn conjunct his Venus. The assistant director who admitted he should have but did not check the gun beforehand has signed a plea deal with no jail time which makes this charge even more peculiar.

3 thoughts on “Alec Baldwin – from tragedy to repercussions

  1. At the very least he should be charged with negligence! It is after all his production, therefore his responsibility. Involuntary manslaughter seems right to me.

  2. I somehow feel there’s a much bigger story behind this and that the death off Halyna Hutchins was the end result. I’m remembering that his daughter made public his threatening rage filled answerphone messages to her. Either way, his stars seem somewhat misaligned for the forseeable…so sad for Halyna’s husband and son.

    • The Halls deal is pretty stinky – given the high contrast to the unheard of Five Year Add On for Baldwin.
      Wonder how Merc Retro influenced this. Is there a lurking time bomb against AB that the prosecution secured from Halls to let him off so easily, or is just a classic retrograde gaffe?

      I feel mixed at the lack of attention of Gutierrez Reed. It highlights the “industry” built around famous folk who step into infamous acts ( like Alec’s ally Woody Allen) . I imagine it some relief, however minuscule, to be spared the press coverage AB is getting.

      I also wonder how Hilaria is coping. I mean the armorer getting charged seemed inevitable, but the outrageousness of time seems like they are gunning for her husband. Pretty brutal stuff for a mom of 7 – yet his attorney vows victory is ahead .

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