Monaco is aflutter over a magazine story of a split between Prince Albert and his beleaguered wife Charlene with hot denials being issued about ‘the malicious rumours’ and assurances about their joint appearance at King Charles’ Coronation in May. Their relationship chart always was atrociously bad. The explosively unstable wedding chart equally was an omen for rolling crises to come. And both have major stressors on their emotional chart areas over the coming two years. It may get patched together with stories of millions being handed over to keep up appearances but it won’t be a fairy tale ahead.
The relationship chart is a mix of grandiose dreams and delusions with a composite Sun opposition Jupiter square Neptune. But there is also a one-sided, unkind/cruel treatment Saturn Mars conjunction trine the Sun which suggests one partner has to suppress their needs, wants and identity to hold it together which leads to simmering resentment. Tr Pluto will grind painfully on squaring the composite Saturn and Mars until late 2024; with tr Uranus causing havoc from mid 2024 and throughout 2025 as it elbows the delusional composite Sun Jupiter Neptune T square.
They were married on 1 July 2011 when the Cardinal Grand Cross of a New Moon in Cancer opposition Pluto square Saturn opposition Uranus was in place – which is controlling, chained-together and prone to blowing a gasket frequently along the way.
She was born 25 January 1978 12.35 pm Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, and has a friendly Sun Venus in Aquarius in her much-travelled 9th opposition a flamboyant Mars in Leo. She has an erratic Uranus in her 7th square her Moon so was always going to attract an unpredictable partner and is herself not well-designed for 24/7 togetherness. She also has Neptune in the 8th which again finds commitment tricky; with dutiful Saturn and Moon in Leo in her 4th house of family and domesticity. She would be attracted to money and the five star lifestyle with a Leo Moon and Jupiter in her 2nd house of finances but it has come at a considerable cost.
She’s had a tumultuous two years, absent for 10 months in 2021 in South Africa getting treatment for a sinus condition and then admitted to a Swiss clinic for exhaustion on her return. This coincides with tr Uranus crossing her Taurus Ascendant after 2020 which is when individuals strike out for freedom and stage a rebellion. And indeed just after tr Uranus squared her Sun and Venus.
Prince Albert’s Pluto is conjunct her 4th house Saturn so he will anchor her down and play on her sense of duty.
Moving ahead she has tr Uranus opposition her 7th house Uranus exactly now – for her mid life crisis when she will be chafing at the bit. Tr Uranus then moves on to square her Moon in April which will be domestically unsettled, emotionally upsetting. Tr Pluto is opposing her Mars exactly now till June for extreme frustration and feeling trapped, returning through 2024. With 2025 being road blocked and undermining. There is no pressure on her Sun/Moon midpoint, the marriage significator, until 2028. So it is possible that a face-saving agreement is reached, at least for a few years.
Prince Albert, 14 March 1958 10.47 am Monte Carlo, is not an easy or self-aware personality with a 10th house Pisces Sun, an 8th house Mars and Moon in Capricorn and Pluto in his 4th. Designed for a public career but empty inside and never satisfied, driven by impulses he doesn’t understand, compulsive about being in control at home. He has a head-in-the-clouds and can-be prone to scandal Jupiter, North Node, Neptune in his romantic 5th, also the chart area of children which has produced some off-piste offspring and multiple relationships.
His 7th house Saturn (= close partners mean hard work) is being undermined by tr Neptune square this year; with his 8th house Mars catching the tr Pluto conjunction all year which is trapped and frustrated. His emotionally controlling 4th house Pluto will be blocked in 18 months by SA Saturn in opposition.
Both of them have their Progressed Moon moving through their 12th house which is a time of endings and clearing out what no longer works – her for eighteen months and him for two years. Like her his Sun/Moon midpoint does not catch much in the way of transits until late this decade.
Who’d want to be a princess? Especially one locked in a tower. No amount of glitter would make up for the aggravation.
Add On: Princess Caroline, eldest child of Prince Rainier and Grace Kelly, was heir presumptive until Albert’s children arrived and if anything happened to them would be again. She was born 23 January 1957 9.27am Monte Carlo, and has a hidden 12th house Aquarius Sun opposition Uranus square an 8th house Moon Neptune in Scorpio. She certainly gives off an enigmatic and powerful aura but she will be difficult to get to know. Her marital life has been tangled with firstly a banker giving way secondly to a wealthy sportsman with whom she had three children and he was killed in a speedboat accident at 30. Third is Prince Ernest Hanover, with whom she has one daughter. He has an erratic temperament and alcohol problems. They live separate lives.
With Jupiter in her 7th she will find it easy to attract partners and will cope well socially. That plus a friendly 11th house Mercury, Venus in Capricorn will allow her to operate in public with charm and friendliness though essentially she is very private.
Thank you Marjorie. No Astrologer will see a chart exactly the same, as we all see a chart from our own planetary make-up. I have Venus conjunct Uranus and see adult choices have been made above. Their Wedding Chart has Sun/Moon 8th house Cancer midpoint square Saturn an 11th house Libra. I believe Saturn is exalted in Libra making Saturn the dominant player in that Square. The marriage will comes first. Many marriages, in the past have been a contract. A very quick look at Charlene’s chart makes her Sun/Moon midpoint on the cusp of Scorpio ( I may be wrong) with transiting Pluto squaring it at the moment, making her marriage under speculation again. Venus/Sun conjunction in Aquarius would make sense for someone who craves freedom or a spiritual existence, yet may want children – as the Moon is in the fourth house – to have an unusual marriage or friendship with benefits. Jupiter sextile Saturn could also work for a marriage contract. Society wants love all the time, yet people marry for different reasons.
Helen, I would hope not – that astrologers see charts from their own planetary make up. Would be a very biased and blinkered interpretation if so.
is the synastry of caroline with her mother grace kelly bad? they had a famously difficult relationship
please do the synastry of caroline with her husbands
She has always looked unhappy to me. Caroline has stepped up to the matriarch role. I have always been curious about her chart.
i’m curious about her synastry with her children, particularly charlotte, and her mother grace kelly….
Amal Clooney was born just a few days after Caroline and thus has a Sag moon instead of Scorpio. Goes to show what a difference a few days can make (similar to Marjorie’s post on Brian Cox who’s bday is just a few days away from Trump’s)