Political connections, high finance and allegations of accounting fraud and share manipulation have collided in a debacle that has wiped over $100 billion from the share price of the company owned by Indian tycoon Gautam Adani, recently estimated as the world’s third richest man. He is much associated with Indian PM Narendra Modi and his attempt to sell £2 billion of shares has roped in a London investment firm with Jo Johnson, Boris’s brother, as a director – who has just resigned. This comes only weeks after Johnson’s resignation from the UK advisory board of Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange – not his best year.
Hot denials all round after US-based investment firm Hindenburg Research published a report accusing the Adani group of decades of “brazen” stock manipulation. The Adani Group responded by calling the report “a malicious combination of selective misinformation and stale, baseless and discredited allegations”. The share sale has been called off.
The opposition in India has been demanding answers from the Modi government, accusing the government of forcing India’s premier life insurer and its biggest state-run bank to invest in Adani’s stocks, thereby “endangering the savings” of millions of Indians.
Gautam Adani, 24 June 1962 5.14am (Indian astrologywebsite) Ahmedabad, India, was a school and college dropout who moved into trading and prospered. On this birth time he has a lucky Jupiter Moon in Pisces in his 10th house opposition a pushily-confident Pluto which forms the driving rod of a creative Water Grand Trine of a Cancer Sun trine Midheaven and Jupiter trine Neptune. He’s also got a risk-taking Mars in acquisitive Taurus square Uranus and a Fixed T Square of Venus in flamboyant Leo opposition Saturn in cool Aquarius squaring onto an escapist, idealistic, evasive Neptune in his 5th house which rules speculation.
He was trapped in the Mumbai Taj Hotel shootings on November 2008, when tr Uranus was exactly conjunct his Moon which sounds as if his birth time is feasible.
Tr Saturn in Pisces will put a damper on his influential and over-confident Pluto from this June onwards and then his Midheaven, Jupiter, Moon in 2024. Even earlier he’ll be in for a shock from this May with tr Uranus conjunct his Mars which also extends into 2024. Overall 2024 looks like a serious swamp moving into 2025.
Jo Johnson (Lord J of Marleybone!!) born 23 December 1971 London shares with his brother Boris all the hallmarks of his bulldozer father. Stanley is a Sun Mars in Leo square Uranus with Jupiter Saturn in Taurus. Boris has Uranus Pluto opposition Saturn square Mars. JoJ has Mars in late Pisces opposition Pluto square a Capricorn Sun; with an ‘adventurous’, risk-taking Mars square Jupiter; and an Air Grand Trine of Pluto trine Saturn trine Venus, formed into a Kite by Pluto opposition Mars. In many ways even more driven by competitive ambition than Boris.
He was a politician serving as a Minister under David Cameron and latterly in his brother Boris’s cabinet until he resigned and was elevated to the House of Lords. After his retreat from politics he moved into business and writes as a journalist for the FT.
He’s into a car-crash phase of his life starting with a disastrous tr Pluto square his Mars/Saturn midpoint from this month on and off till late 2024; a devastating tr Pluto conjunct his Mars/Neptune from late March also until late 2024. Plus plus other less desirables. And he has not even reached tr Neptune Saturn in Aries hitting his Sun and Pluto in 2025. Cataclysmic.
It’s not sure that Narendra Modi will be pulled into this whirlpool but he does have an undermining tr Neptune opposition his Virgo Sun and Mercury this year – and a disruptive, destabilizing tr Uranus square his Pluto in late April early May which few weeks is also flagging up on his Term chart as a financial shock.
Thanks Marjorie for the analysis – shameful that people’s savings have been tangled up in this mess by the govt.
Have never understood what the Guardian Award Winning Windrush journalist Amelia Gentleman is doing married to Jo Johnson with their seemingly opposite perspectives on life and politics? Perhaps Majorie can
see the connection?
Thank you for these charts. I once thought he was different from the Johnson clan. Yet seeing his chart and reading the above, there does appear to be a Johnson theme. Pluto in the sixth, conjunct the Descendant is interesting, as money, secrets and partnerships may well be a way of networking. The Saturn/Pluto/Venus air trine is going to be quite a trial in the next couple of years , as transiting Pluto activates this trine. Friends, self worth and work/partnerships will all be tested.
Marjorie, Brilliant analysis as always. Wondering about the BBC (Jack Straw led) documentary which is also getting banned on Twtr and Utube! Would that event be worthy of your astro analysis?
Looking forward to your insights!