Italian prime minister Giorgia Meloni is not having the best week with sexist and chauvinist remarks from her partner TV host Andrea Giambruno, father of her seven year old daughter, propositioning a female colleague for a threesome, leading to a split. And her latest budget is being compared to the ill-fated Truss budget which nearly tanked the UK economy a year ago. She has put off painful retrenchment until 2026 which veteran economists warned would lead to trouble, and so it has. Italy has become the eurozone’s weakest link. Moody’s has already cut Italian debt to one notch above junk, with a negative outlook.
Her Term chart, 22 October 2022 9.30am, does have Mars in the financial 8th catching the tr Neptune square exactly now and repeating early in 2024 which usually coincides with outright panic and a sense of failure. Plus considerable pressure from tr Pluto square the Sun Venus and conjunct the Pluto until late this year. Her political fortunes may revive come late January 2024 with an upbeat push from tr Pluto sextile the Jupiter.
Though the Bank of Italy chart, 10 August 1893, has a discouraging Solar Arc Saturn opposition Sun now and a rattled, insecure tr Uranus square the Mars at 26 Leo from next July into 2025 (which Fixed degree is beginning to haunt me since it appears all over the place.)
Meloni, born 15 January 1977 6.30pm Rome, is an ambitious, hard-working 6th house Capricorn Sun trine a confident and lucky 10th house Jupiter in Taurus. She also has a do-or-die determined – and ruthless – Pluto square Mars in Capricorn; plus a can-be-autocratic Saturn in Leo on her Ascendant square Uranus. She also has two yods both tied into her 8th house Venus in Pisces – Saturn sextile Pluto inconjunct Venus and Venus sextile Mars inconjunct Saturn.
She’s definitely a lady who walks her own singular path in life though her romantic life will not have been uncomplicated with an 8th house Venus.
Tr Uranus conjunct her Jupiter will give her lucky career breaks right through until April 2024.
Andrea Giambruno, 7 May 1981, has Mars, Sun, Venus and Mercury spread out through earthy Taurus all falling in her 10th house – so joint ambitions will always have been a priority. But his Uranus is opposition his Venus for changeable affections and his Uranus is conjunct her 4th house Sagittarius Moon which won’t make him a steady influence at home. Their relationship chart has a spark of passion from a composite Venus opposition Pluto; luck and adventure from Sun, Jupiter, Uranus in trine but with major aggravations from composite Mars opposition Saturn.
Italian editorialista and writer Selvaggia Lucarelli was asked about not agreeing that this is their private thing, that Giorgia’s is a feminist post and that Giambruno is a great gaffeur.
Their private thing, she says, it cannot be, given that she is prime minister of a pretty powerful country. He, on the other hand, is also a known, media, personality.
Feminist post it is not, because she is in no part of it pointing the finger at him. In fact, she is thanking him and is accusing an invisible enemy of trying to weaken her. Lucarelli says Giamburno is the one that weakened Meloni and and made Meloni make a terrifying impression.
Oh,oh La famiglia… suppose he couldn’t cope as an Italian man to be secundary…
Thank you for this post. I was searching for the text of this Economist article and going to ask you for a reading.
TBH, this chart does not make me feel very good about me.
Both Meloni and I share many planets in the same houses, but not the same signs. Both of us have Moon and Pluto in the fourth, though not conjunct each other, with the Sun and Mercury in the 10th (though in my case, the Sun is almost exactly conjunct the MC, unlike Meloni) and Venus in the 8th.
Perhaps I should move to Italy and run for the Presidency of the Council (their term for the Prime Minister).
As an aside, what does her chart look like in synastry or in composite with (a) the EU and (b) Italy?