Marjorie Taylor Greene (MTG) the far-right Congresswoman and white supremacist, and antisemitic conspiracy theorist, has spread around her delusions over QAnon, Pizzagate, mass shootings, the alleged killings perpetrated by the Clinton family, and the 9/11 attacks. Before running for Congress, she supported calls to execute prominent Democratic politicians, including Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama and has equated the Democratic Party with Nazis and compared COVID-19 safety measures to the persecution of Jews during the Holocaust. In January 2022, her personal Twitter account was permanently suspended for posting COVID-19 vaccine misinformation; and during the Ukraine invasion she has promoted Russian propaganda and praised Vladimir Putin.
She has repeatedly and falsely claimed that Trump won the 2020 election in a landslide victory that was stolen from him and is rumoured to be his running mate for a 2024 bid. She is up for re-election in 2022.
Born 27 May 1974 she is a Sun Gemini opposition Neptune trine Pluto – stratospherically ambitious. She has a tough Saturn Mercury in a fanatical square to Pluto and an explosive, incendiary Venus opposition Uranus square Mars in Cancer. Her enthusiasm looks squelched until mid this November with tr Saturn square her Mars/Jupiter midpoint and she has a dashed-hopes tr Pluto conjunct her Jupiter/Neptune midpoint running now till December. 2023 and 2024 don’t look great for her either with tr Pluto square her Mars/Neptune midpoint with disappointments extending into 2025.
Her relationship with Trump is a mystery since her combustible Mars is conjunct his Saturn with her Uranus square; and her (probably) Leo Moon is conjunct hid Mars. Though there is a connection of sorts from her North Node conjunct his South Node and Moon. And their relationship chart is fairly well tied together which will help though it is facing a few disasters until this December with a downhill slide thereafter.
A previous post: JULY 8 2021
Marjorie Taylor Greene is not only addicted to offensive, over-heated rhetoric but also to a warped Trumpian cum Nazi tactic of turning herself and her ilk into victims. She recently was forced to apologize for suggesting that mask mandates were similar to the Holocaust; and promptly went on to compare medical personnel offering vaccinations to Nazi brownshirts forcing prisoners to undergo experiments.
The House of Representatives which she only joined this January, voted to remove her from all committee roles on February 4, 2021, in response to her incendiary and violent statements. She will run for re-election in 2022.
Born 27 May 1974 in Georgia, USA, she is a Sun Gemini opposition Neptune trine Pluto; with a volatile and over-loaded Mars in excitable Cancer on the point of a T Square to Venus opposition Uranus; and a hard-edged, unyielding Saturn square Pluto. Tr Pluto is still exerting maximum pressure on her Martian T Square being square the Venus and Uranus till the end of this year. The December Sagittarius Solar Eclipse will oppose her Sun for a crisis of direction in which she may be forced to rethink her plans. She’s also got a Neptunian failure or two and in genera high hopes not producing results through till late 2022.
Her Solar Arc Sun is conjunct her Mars probably mid 2022 which will produce a collision of sorts and is not good news, followed by Solar Arc Neptune in a paralysed, panicky square to her Uranus also in 2022 and then Venus in 2023.
She probably is enamoured of Hitler since his mesmeric Neptune Pluto in Gemini is conjunct her Sun and oddly enough both have Uranus in Libra. The relationship chart has a passionately connected composite Pluto opposition Jupiter square Venus
With Trump, it’s trickier to see where the love comes from with his Saturn conjunct her focal point Mars; though her Sun falls in his 10th and her Leo Moon is probably attracted to all the fake glitter. Though their relationship chart again has a passionate Sun Venus square Pluto which will be rattled up by this December’s Solar Eclipse.
I can’t help but wonder what her chart was like for Jan. 6 2020. Also Boebart & a few other congresspeople who may have been involved I the insurrection. MTG asked for a pardon almost. before she was sworn into office.
Actually, if you are interested Marjorie, some of the obvious insurrectionist congresspeople were Greene, Boebart, Paul Gosar, and in senate, Hawley and Ted Cruz–and Cruz is on a book tour right now.
I know you guys across the pond are having your own chaos. Well…I guess things fall apart to be put together in new ways. It’d be nice to feel like the “bad guys” received punishment though. What a mess the world is in–and it’s all because of human love of power & money. I firmly believe that life is not about either–human power & money is so small in terms of what is–we are so small, live in such a tiny portion in time and yet are connected to something so unimaginably immense in worlds beautiful and magnificant. More gratitude just that we get to be here at all.
Note that it’s one of the three newly drawn congressional districts in Georgia that violate the Constitution and unlawfully diminish the voting power of people of color, according to a lawsuit filed by the Southern Poverty Law Center, voting rights groups and Georgia voters. Georgia’s 6th, 13th and 14th congressional districts highlight the long history of the white majority in Georgia’s use of racial discrimination to maintain political power. It was filed on January 07, 2022.
PS Maybe sell your property in the GA Blue ridge and instead go for the blue Boone area in NC, at least NC has a Democratic Governor.
The political prominence of Marjorie Taylor Greene and Herschel Walker makes me embarrassed to be a resident of Georgia. And Gov. Brian Kemp, with his thick redneck drawl, sounds like he’s been in the woods huntin’ possums all day whenever he opens his mouth. I’m just hoping that the world doesn’t look upon Georgia as the low-IQ hub of the U.S. based on the clearly mentally challenged Republicans running for or holding office. There ARE a few of us in this state who possess a few brain cells. EMBARRASSED!!!!!
It could be worse. I live in SC–our Governor sounds like Foghorn Leghorn. Except he’s not as smart. Another Trump cult-member.
@ Julie,
I know what you mean. I live in neighboring Florida and I know you already know the horrible politicians we have in office down here.
Sometimes I feel like I’m living in theb”Global South” rather than the American South – given the awful politics of this state.
That being said, I too hope the rest of the country doesn’t stereotype all Floridians as being like DeSantis, Rubio, Scott, Bondi, and all of the other jokers living down here.
Yet another right wing nut job Gemini Sun. She may have her points of tension with Trump but like him she is Sun, North Node in Gemini with Leo ascendant. It seems to be the signature of the con artist/psychopath/destroyer. One can only hope that the “qualities” that have raised her will in time bring her crashing down.
Whatever she is it’s not right for another person to call someone else a disgusting pig
@ Jackie,
I happen disagree with you. I have no idea where you are from, but if you had live anywhere near that menace and her equally deplorable supporters, I may think differently.
I stand by what I said about MTG. No way will I play nice with a far-right fascist conspiracy theorist who rallies behind the likes of Trump, Putin and various White supremacist figures.
You are right. Pigs are intelligent, sweet creatures. That “woman” is not. There are no animals as awful as people like MTG.
(I use “” because she is detestable–a horrible example of a human. I have no idea how someone becomes such a hateful, willfully ignorant person–who feels a right to have power over others.)
Another chaotic Gemini, along with Trump and Boris.
At least, their dreams have turned into dust. Let’s hope MTG follows the same downward path.
MTG and her fellow travelers are a national shame and embarrassment. I’m so glad she’s looking “squelched”–that’s the least that needs to happen to her. I hope it means her political hopes, and those of the fascist wing of the GOP that she represents, will be utterly dashed in the midterms.
MTG is going through a divorce so these negative aspects may be more about her personal life than what happens to her politically.
@ Roderick,
That’s true….she will likely win reelection (I can’t see how she wouldn’t given the demographics of her district)…but these negative aspects would also be an indicator of how her party (the GQP) does in the midterms as well.
I hate Marjorie Taylor Greene with an immense passion; she is such a disgusting pig. She’s a national embarrassment as well. My parents and I live in Florida but we do own property in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Georgia – not too far from the Congressional district that horrible witch represents.
I do feel encouraged by this post though. I’m glad to know she isn’t looking too cheerful around the election. Granted, her district, Georgia’s 14th Congressional District, is one of the most conservative districts in the country – I believe Republicans often win that district by at least 50 points or more in general elections. So, MTG’s district is always rated as “Solid R” or “Safe R” by psephologists and political forecasting models. In other words, MTG is slated to win reelection quite easily.
However, the fact that she looks unhappy around election time indicates to me that she might be unhappy that Republicans don’t end up doing as well as the polling would suggest. I’m guessing this because I noticed Marjorie Orr mentioned other prominent Republicans not looking too cheerful around the election too….so, it does make me wonder.
— Her enthusiasm looks squelched until mid this November with tr Saturn square her Mars/Jupiter midpoint and she has a dashed-hopes tr Pluto conjunct her Jupiter/Neptune midpoint running now till December. 2023 and 2024 don’t look great for her either with tr Pluto square her Mars/Neptune midpoint with disappointments extending into 2025–
Some good news at least. Thanks very much for your insight.