The third Carolean era begins on a high note with respect for the late Queen and her glorious send off touching the heart of even the most ardent republican. But whether Charles, basking in her glow and without a guiding hand from an experienced and esteemed prime minister as she had, will glide easily into his new role is questionable.
Massive change is visible on his personal chart with tr Uranus square his 1st house Pluto until early 2023, which always accompanies a revolution in lifestyle and in his case image as well. And tr Pluto squaring his 10th house Moon throughout 2023 and 2024, will bring immense challenges and pressures in his career with power struggles ongoing which always ensue with Pluto around. Perhaps in part due to his intention to slim down the monarchy and institute far-reaching changes. And all at a time of high anxiety for him with Neptune bearing down heavily on his freedom-loving Uranus Jupiter.
His relationship chart with the UK is chained-together but strained with a composite Saturn opposition Mars square Pluto opposition Mercury likely to cause divisive and hostile arguments which will reverberate through the first three or four years as tr Saturn and tr Uranus wend their way round that Grand Cross. There is affection for him but he’s likely to cause great irritation as well. And confusion through 2023/24.
His relationship with Liz Truss is distrustful and suspicion-ridden on both sides with a composite Saturn square Neptune; as well as implacably and explosively opposed on certain issues with composite Mars opposition Pluto and Uranus. With sprinkling of friendliness added to cover a few cracks. But it will get ratchety in January next with tr Uranus square the Saturn with more discord in April and on and off into early 2024. With disappointment and evasions undermining confidence with tr Neptune opposition the composite Sun and Venus in 2023/24.
Relations with other Royals:-. To be remembered there are always undercurrents in all families which the astrology pinpoints which individuals may not be aware of. And the Royals are more of a pressure cooker tribe than most. Plus some are knocking on in years and despite longevity in both parents there is no saying that certain influences of separation may point to a physical not an emotional experience.
Charles’ relationship with William which has a complicated push-pull composite Sun, Uranus, Pluto conjunction has been through many changes but is clearly more settled than in the past. There will be moments of uncertainty and worry throughout 2023 with tr Neptune opposition the composite Saturn; and a few rocky moments over New Year as tr Uranus opposes the composite Mars Neptune conjunction. Charles’ vulnerability to being upstaged may be a problem as Will and Kate prove a more photogenic attraction. But it won’t last long.
Charles gets on well with Princess Anne as long as both can lead their independent lives. Their composite Sun square Moon Uranus suggests that close confinement would be a mistake. There’ll be a few blips in early 2023 and a business-like coolness throughout the year; with the possibility of a more enthusiastic joint push in 2024/25.
What intrigues me is his relations with Edward and Sophie, since she has stepped recently into high prominence and seems a capable pair of Royal hands. Charles’ relationship with Edwards will be labouring under considerable confusion in 2023/24 and will be seriously aggravated in 2025/26. With a damper on good feeling with Sophie in 2023 and muddles and disappointments in 2024/25.
Charles’ relations with Harry always were fraught and bitter with a composite Mars square Uranus Pluto which will make both feel trapped. It has been sagging under disappointing Neptune transits for the past two years and will continue to be so till February 2023. What is crucial ahead will be how both handle tr Pluto conjunct the composite Midheaven, dictating the path ahead for their togetherness. Tr Pluto conjunct the composite MC from late March 2023 on and off till late 2024 could transform their relationship path in a positive way after a long struggle or break it up altogether.
He’s not overly enamoured of Meghan with aggro and frustration stretching ahead over the next three to four years.
Prince Andrew is the blot on the landscape that needs bulldozed out of sight permanently. C’s relationship with him was always cool and argumentative/competitive with a composite Moon square Saturn and a Sun Mars conjunction. This year confusion reigns between them; in 2023 a chill will descend and by 2024 there will be a further upheaval. Charles is no fan of Sarah Ferguson, even less so ahead than before.
Andrew’s personal chart indicates a life-changing fork in the road now with his Yod focal point Uranus at 18 degrees Leo catching the tr Uranus square now until early 2023. Pluto pressures from tr Pluto conjunct his Mars Venus in late Capricorn which is Solar Arc Moon is also conjunct which will make this year and next emotionally anguished and bitter. Plus a good deal of activity around his 8th house Mercury with his Progressed Mars approaching and exact in 2024, which could detonate a few more unsavoury financial scandals into the open. 2024 will also see tr Uranus opposition his Scorpio Moon which can coincide with a house move – so it may be he moves out of Windsor Park.
Andrew’s relationship with William has never been good with a mistrustful and exasperated composite Saturn, Neptune, Mars conjunction. It is forcibly pulling apart at the seams through 2023/24 with tr Pluto square the composite Sun; tr Neptune undermining the Venus Pluto, and then tr Uranus elbowing the Saturn, Neptune, Mars conjunction in 2025/26– it looks unlikely he’d keep any doors open for a come back.
Add On: Charles’ bro-romance with French President Emmanuel Macron forged at last year’s climate change conference may make France the surprise choice for his first state visit ahead of a Commonwealth trip. The Foreign Office is understood to be keen to utilise the diplomatic power of the monarchy to build bridges with major European neighbours post-Brexit. Charles and Macron have a friendly link with Macron’s Sagittarius Sun conjunct C’s Jupiter and Macron’s Venus conjunct C’s Mars. Both have Saturn in Virgo and Moon in Taurus; and Macron’s Pluto is conjunct C’s Venus for a shared passion in environmentalism. There will be scratchy moments as well but overall they are singing off the same hymn sheet. Though whether that falls foul of Truss’s hardline policies against the EU remains to be seen.
A bombshell revelation from – yet another – Royal book, this one by Angela Levin, suggests that Andrew lobbied his mother to forbid Charles’s proposed marriage to Camilla. ‘A senior insider told me, he had a treacherous request. “He tried to persuade the Queen to block Charles marrying Camilla by being quite poisonous, mean, unhelpful and very nasty about Camilla.” His claims included that she was insufficiently aristocratic and that she was not to be trusted. The same individual went on to say that “when Diana was alive, through her friendship with Andrew’s wife Sarah, [Duchess of York] she plotted with Andrew to try to push Prince Charles aside so Prince Andrew could become Regent to Prince William, who was then a teenager.’
“Andrew lobbied very hard with the hope that Charles would not become king when his mother died, and that William would wear the crown. His behaviour was very, very negative and extremely unpleasant to Queen [Elizabeth], who disagreed. I was told it was one of the rare occasions he didn’t get his way. Nonetheless, he was apparently very angry that he couldn’t rule the country in some way. He remained so hostile to Camilla’s emergence and acceptance that it’s doubtful it has ever been forgiven.”
If a smidgeon of that is true it is mind-boggling. It certainly spotlights Charles and Andrew’s composite highly competitive Sun Mars conjunction in their relationship chart. Around that time tr Saturn in Cancer was opposing the composite Sun Mars. And Saturn was also casting a freeze on the Queen and Andrew’s relationship in hard aspect to the delusional Sun opposition Moon Neptune on their composite chart – bringing a reality check. Pity the Queen never quite woke up to his true colours.
Around this time Camilla was not invited to a Royal family Windsor do but Andrew turned up with his special guests – Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein. Nuff said.
In a Daily Express article (is that a reliable paper?), Jessica Adams hints Charles won’t be crowned. After the funeral, her Twitter feed was very cryptic. To paraphrase: ——Shakespeare could have written this. Look to Camilla and William. It’s very sad. I need to go for a walk. —?? I do think that William will be crowned sooner than expected. He seems more like the spiritual and regal successor to QE2, IMO.
Blimey! Who’d have a family.
My goodness! What an add-on! Could Andrew’s reputation possibly get any worse – and yes, it just has. A kind of fairy tale in a way, with the scheming brother or wicked uncle plotting in the shadows. I wonder, too, what he makes of Kate, if he thought Camilla “was insufficiently aristocratic?” And his own relationship with Koo Stark? Or is it just about marriage?
I don’t really like the look of the King Charles/UK composite MC and Pluto aligning with the Medusa’s Head, or Algol. Saturn squares this in January 23, Uranus arrives there in 2024. Could this be another upheaval, or am I placing too much emphasis on it?
No it is an alarming relationship chart with the UK – bitter arguments ahead I fear.
Thanks Marjorie. An odd coincidence is that Natalie Haynes’ book Stone Blind, about the Medusa myths, has just been published. Bernadette Brady talks about the stars which orbit the North Pole, and how they represent themes. Algol, the Medusa’s Head, is in the constellation Perseus, the Prince. The theme or story begins with Andromeda, the Princess:
“Placed just south of Draco and the two Bears, the constellation of Andromeda is one member of a royal family, which consists of Cepheus the king, Cassiopeia the queen, Andromeda the daughter or princess, and Persus the Prince. Situated beside the divine and worshipped Pole area, this grouping depicts the shape of human society.” Brady’s Book of Fixed Stars
Algol is a powerful fixed star, and does seem to crop up at potent moments in history. With the Gemini Moon in that composite aligned with Aldebaran, Watcher of the East, and one of the four Royal Stars of Persia, there’s another hint of turbulence ahead. Mars turns direct in Gemini aligned with Aldebaran next year. Brady mentions Edward VIII who had Aldebaran rising with Jupiter, and abdicated…. and Galileo who had Mars setting with Aldebaran, and rebelled against religious teachings by stating that the Earth orbited around the Sun. Taking a stand against convention or the establishment looks like it will be part of what lies ahead.
Regarding the add-on: is this why Diana claimed in the Panorama interview that Charles would never be King?
What a schemer she was!
I read somewhere that Diana was a big believer in astrology and regularly consulted different astrologers. It’s also interesting that many astrologers since 1949 have predicted that Charles will never proceed to be coronated as King. Was Diana’s claim coming from her astrologers or was it just out of spite?
I fail to see anything obvious in Charles’s chart that says so.
However, he is proclaimed king at a time when so many planets are retrograde including Mercury.
I read the other day – can’t remember which astrologer – the “never be king” prediction was because he doesn’t have a heavyweight planet on his Aries MC. He does have Taurus moon / node scraping into the end of the 10th.
For comparison, The Queen had Saturn. Prince William has Jupiter. King George VI had Jupiter. King George V had Jupiter. Edward VII (1901-10) had Sun in 10th. Queen Victoria had Jupiter in 10th
Edward VIII abdicated had nothing on MC. Prince George has nothing. Princess Charlotte has Neptune
The Prince Andrew add-on is quite incredible, but would not surprise me with his Saturn/Mars/Venus in Capricorn and Moon in Scorpio – lust for power and jealousy. In fact, his whole chart drips those qualities.
In another person, those placements could be admirably expressed but, as history is now showing, he isn’t one of them.
I’m wondering if Charles will go against his mother’s wishes and not give the Duke of Edinburgh title to Edward? That would definitely upset Edward and Sophie.
Hi Chris Romero
We have the same interest in royalty!
Hi Marjorie, my apologies if this is a strange or silly question: do daily horoscopes have any meaning for the departed? I suppose one has to believe that there is an afterlife which spirits of the deceased live and interact in, in order to answer this question. Just wondering whether we can tell what kind of a day our late Queen is having!
I’ve studied European Royal families for years. However, I noticed something interesting regarding the House of Windsor: it appears that years ending in “2” seem to have lead to highly memorable events for them within the past century (and even now).
For example, King George VI died in 1952 and Queen Elizabeth II took the thrown in 1952. Prince William was born in 1982. Windsor Castle endured an awful fire in 1992. Both Princess Margaret and Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother both died one month apart in 2002. And then Queen Elizabeth II died this year (2022) and Charles III becomes King.
I don’t know if there’s any real significance to all of these events having taken place in “2” years, but I just thought it was somewhat ironic.
I’ve noticed you’ve made some references to numerology in a few previous posts sometime back. I was wondering: in terms of numerology, might there be some correlation between “2” and the House of Windsor?
Kate at Cycles and Trends YT channel has just released a v interesting video relating to this topic. .
The Procession to Lying in State was scheduled to leave Buckingham Palace at exactly 2.22 pm, which it did. It seemed too precise to be accidental. Numerological significance?
I have seen more of the number six this tine. My beautiful daughter died this year on April second 2022 and her cremation was May fourth 2022. She was 51 years old and her birthday would have been June the sixth month. The Queen was 96. Which reduces to Six as well but the years ending in two mentiond by Chris is also interesting. The old saying is ‘when your number is up’ ! Seems significant this year. Sadly for me.
hello Lorri,
I am so sorry that your daughter has died.
51 is a good life lived and also much too young.
Take care of yourself over the next year and beyond. Grief.. and grieving… is such a personal journey. It seems that the only way out is the way through.
I hope you have good support… and do take care.
Andrew – I too had wondered about the time of 2.22pm but it turns out too be precise for a very mundane reason.
The funereal pace was set to 75 steps per minute with a drumbeat giving the tempo. If it went to plan, it meant they arrived at Westminster Hall at 3pm exactly.
Superb interpretation, astrology, symbols & heavenly cycles.
Thrown? dont you mean Throne?
@ Angela,
Yes, I did mean throne. It was a simple typo.
Hello Chris, you will have to make allowances as right now I have transiting Mars stamping all over my natal Uranus in the first house and transiting Uranus is leaning heavily on my natal Mercury in the 12th, along with Pluto retrograding onto my natal Moon (again!) Classic foot in mouth syndrome.
Numerology btw is just so fascinating – I think we are seeing the ending of an era right now and which began in a small way with Henry VIII, burgeoning during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, is ending with the 2nd Pluto return and Queen Elizabeth II (and Pluto tr through her first Capricorn house.
Sounds like cherrypicking to me. What was the significance of 1922, 32, 42, 72, 62, 82, 2012 for example? Why was Abdication year 1936 such a big deal when it ends in a 6?
Astrologically, Saturn is currently in Aqua and it was there in 1992 for The Queen’s Annus Horribulus. But the latter is as much about Pluto hitting her fixed planets t-square. Saturn did give her a hammering over the last year or so opposing her Leo moon and then onto the t-square. I can’t pinpoint what, if anything happened in the early 60s edition of Saturn in Aqua – it was the time between Andrew and Edward.
Maybe the ‘ 2 ‘ indicates Saturn cycles or nodal returns ?