Nicola Sturgeon should be profiting from Boris Johnson’s plummeting reputation but her popularity is down from the height of the pandemic last year. Polls show that independence has slid down voters’ priorities and is seen as less important than health and education. Though signs are she will use the coming May elections for another referendum push.
Her personal chart, 19 July 1970 3.16pm Irvine, Scotland, shows nothing but brick walls ahead until 2024 and calamities in 2025. Although she has a confident tr Pluto square her Jupiter from this February, on and off till late 2023 which will put the wind in her sails, she’s running into a frustrating, enraging tr Pluto opposition her Sun/Mars midpoint from this March onwards which runs right through the election till June; and then repeats till late 2023.
From May 18th this year as well across the election she has the catastrophic/not-coping-well tr Neptune square her Mars/Saturn midpoint, which runs on and off until early 2024. Into 2023 to add to her woes tr Pluto opposes her Mars which is even more blocked and deadlocked, running until late 2024; with a disaster-prone tr Uranus square Mars/Pluto in 2025. By 2026 when she is up for re-election her Solar Arc Mars is conjunct her Pluto which points to a dead-halt.
Her Term chart, 13 May 2021 9am Edinburgh, is equally beleaguered with a destructive tr Pluto square the Mars/Saturn midpoint February to early March this year; followed by tr Neptune conjunct the Sun/Pluto midpoint mid April to mid May across the elections – both of these influences repeat on into 2023.
The 1707 Act of Union chart does indicate 2023/24 to be years of a shake-up as tr Uranus is conjunct the Sun and square the Jupiter Pluto – and that coincides with tr Uranus square the UK 11th house Saturn – so there may be legislative changes of some variety, though clearly not of the magnitude that Nicola Sturgeon would like.
It is ironic that Marjorie should be writing about Nicola Sturgeon just on the day that transiting Pluto opposes the Sturgeon sun. For all we know this could result in domestic upheaval, perhaps relating to her husband or her father, but equally it could be that there are subterranean upheavals that we don’t know about, dark plots against her unyielding control of the SNP, or searching questions about her personal understanding of economics/business/finance and how exactly a new small country would fare on its own. I notice that Uranus will be transiting over her IC over the next few years. By definition, anything that one tries to anticipate for a Uranus transit will not take place: you can see that the transit is coming but what actually happens is something that has never crossed your mind. But something will happen to her when Uranus crosses her IC/MC axis. To hazard a guess, I would suggest that she would stand down from being first minister just because she has been there long enough, it is a wearing job, and she may feel she wants to do something else in her life.
Let’s hope Sturgeon stands down very soon before she financially destroys Scotland
Thank you Marjorie x
There seem to be big troubles ahead for everyone in 2023. could this be a wider catastrophe than politics – that Uranus in Taurus again – perhaps the impact of climate change and/or environmental degradation finally cutting through?
It’s all part and parcel of Pluto moving into Aquarius 2023 onwards (see post Sept 11 2021) for two decades which will bring pluses and minuses but definitely change. There is always a wake up call when Pluto changes sign (or moves into a new house on an individual chart). It strips back what was, takes down old structures and attitudes and then starts the long rebuild process.
My slight sense is that politicians/celebs who came to prominence under Pluto in Capricorn may now begin to fade as a new era is born.
thanks Marjorie!