The No Confidence vote against Boris Johnson will be held at 6pm tonight, over fifty Tory MPs having stuck their oar in with enough-already letters – the requisite 15%. Mercury is exactly conjunct the destructive Fixed star Algol trine Pluto and square Saturn so the mood will be heavy. The Virgo Moon was exactly square Boris’s Mars when it was announced; will be opposition his Saturn exactly as it kicks off and conjunct his Uranus and Pluto in the hours thereafter. So impacting all of his overly excitable Mutable T Square. There’s also a separating Uranus in the 7th over the start of the vote.
If he loses on a simple majority it goes to a leadership election. If he wins, he is theoretically safe from another such challenge for a year. Though Theresa May resigned within months of the no-confidence vote she survived. Delaying the vote until after the June 23 bye-elections which are expected to be punishing for the Tories would have made a difference.
There’s nothing much to add to previous postings where signs are unclear about a fast exit. There are solid indications of his increasing unpopularity from Solar Arc Saturn opposition his Moon in full force now and for the next two months or more; plus tr Saturn square his Solar Arc Venus and Sun. But nothing that screams ‘fired’ instantly.
His 2nd Term chart, 13 December 2019 11 am, will be braced for the June 23rd bye-elections with the unholy collection of a 12th house Saturn, Venus, Pluto in Capricorn having moved to close the Saturn Pluto conjunction to absolutely exact at the moment. This was always when the s*** was going to hit the fan with underlying dirty dealings making an impact. What is worse is that tr Mars in Aries will be exactly square the Term Venus Pluto and Solar Arc Saturn on the day itself as it moves towards the trapped, destructive Mars square Pluto by July 2nd – so the mood will be aggravated and worsening in the aftermath.
Given that those around the PM may be better weather-vanes – David Canzini, a right-wing Lynton Crosby strategist, was brought in this February to reset the Johnson operation and clean up the mess. He is focused on winning the next election. Though tr Neptune conjunct his Sun/Mars midpoint this year and conjunct his Pisces Sun in 2023 doesn’t suggest he’s on a triumphant streak. He looks edgy in the extreme from mid this month onwards with tr Uranus opposition his Neptune as well.
Steve Barclay, Boris’s chief of staff, looks in every bit as bad shape with tr Neptune squaring his Mars Venus in Gemini throughout this year and his Taurus Sun catching the Eclipses.
Guto Harri, Communications chief, 8 July 1965, is facing a run of catastrophes exactly now and throughout this year. He’s on better form through 2023 but that may be because he’s jumped ship and set up stall elsewhere.
The Conservative Party chart, 10 May 1912, is facing a point in destiny exactly now with the tr North Node conjunct its Saturn but all indications are that it is 2023 which will see the significant challenge for change perhaps brought about by outside pressure.
See previous post: May 28 2022 below.
Professor Jon Tonge who teaches British politics accurately predicted the results of the confidence vote for the prime
minister believes Boris will no longer be PM, within six months of the ballot.
The recent increase in petrol prices, plus the heating costs will accelerate his departure. He won’t be missed.
Maybe the changes of the outer generational planets into other signs in the next few years presage a change of direction in politics, perhaps more emphasis on cooperation, ie unity to deal with the pressing problems in every area of life throughout the world, not least the growing inequality, etc. time will tell.
I suppose a 6 year term might explain why midterm elections happen in the first place. My local Council elections take place at a different time from most of the country. Though I do not know why.
But generally as far as I can tell a by-election occurs within a few months of someone resigning or dying in office, Or being dismissed by their party. However if that person becomes independent or joins another party. It is a bit tough on the electorate who voted them in in the first place.
It is the office of The Speaker of the House, who always has an appointee assigned to his constituency, because his position doesn’t allow him time to fulfill his obligations. I suppose the same could be said for the P M.
A collection of random astrological and non-astrological thoughts. This has been a 10th house profection birthday year for Boris making the Moon (his Scorpio Moon) ‘Lord of the Year’, the Moon being the public is interesting as it’s waxing and waning nature. He is shortly heading into an 11th house year, ruled by his Gemini Mercury in the 9th. Doubtless a big charm offensive with 11th house networks (obviously) and perhaps playing on matters of the 9th house, foreign policy maybe. I don’t know much about his mayoral time but he was last in a similar pattern in 2010/11 – an 11th house profection year. He stood for mayoral re-election in May 2012 in a 12th house profection year (out of his hands) and if by some miracle he hangs in as PM, he would stand for re-election in another 12th house year, 2024. Separately, I have three random hunches. His marriage may break down in the next 12 months, sadly we will see more of him at that podium outside Downing Street for national or global matters unrelated to him personally and that one day (in years some way ahead) he will run for re-election. I agree with other commenters that he seems to be a representation of the chaotic wider energy in some way.
As all this has come to a head around Mercury’s station direct conjunct Algol in late Taurus, it will be interesting to see if things develop when first transiting Venus hits this degree later this month followed by Mars in mid-August. Interesting times.
@WriterJackWhite has some excellent and intriguing insights into the odious Johnson. A good summary of the Gemini duplicity and Scorpio secrecy increasingly obvious in his make up
Gamal. Well I read it and gobsmacked. So he is really a Red Under The Bed then. How funny is that. Not.
Hi Lynne, beyond shocking…imagine if it was a Labour leader this was said about? He can do anything however grotesque ,until Brexit is sealed, imo. That’s his entire purpose….
So… the no confidence vote was a piece of Tory theatre was it. Then that makres it allthe more disgusting
They should stop thinking about themselves and saving their own skins …take a step back..and look at the damage this government has done to Britain
A health service on its knees. An education system lacking in vital investment. A justice system not working. Chronic under investment in the armed forces and law and order
To say nothing of the fhiasco in Northern Ireland I could go on
The time has come for a change.
Boris should resign now and take Rees Mogg with him
One of the reasons for the election of a Tory government in 2019 was the contempt felt by many behind the ‘red wall’ for a Labour leader (Corbyn) who refused to step aside when almost 80% of the members of the PLP passed a motion of no confidence in him. The other reason being of course Brexit and the refusal of the majority of the Labour Party to accept the result of the referendum.
As the Queen has recently made clear, the monarch is the servant of the people – and so is the UK elected government. MPs must take into account the opinions of the constituents they purport to represent. If not they aren’t re-elected. That is how democracy works.
The problem with Brexit was that it was won on false information and lies, mostly instigated by Boris and only had a small majority in favour. At least the Labour party was prepared to revisit some of the more pressing concerns, as it is now, Brexit still hasn’t ‘been done’ and the consequences of Boris’s hard Brexit are still reverberating though our economy and international reputation.
More than half the electorate (well those who bothered to vote) are naive and gullible?
It was always understood that such a massive reorganisation of our trading arrangements would take time. That being said, no one could foresee the war in the Ukraine and the effect on oil prices and the supply of grain.
As for our international reputation, it doesn’t depend on our membership of the EU. We always had sovereignty, didn’t we?
Despite the apologies to Parliament, Johnson ( not Boris- he’s not your friend or a loveable rogue )said to the 1922 committee when asked about PartyGate that he ‘ would do it again’
Another lie to parliament and the country and two fingers up to those who couldn’t see their dying loved ones.
He’s toast and deservedly so
As if we didn’t hate him enough…Watch this and seethe and tell me he actually LIKES the mass of British people..
This confidence vote was a ‘set piece’ by the Tory MPs and carefully stage managed. They wanted to show Boris (and the country) that they abhorred the partying during lockdown but didn’t actually want to remove him from office during this difficult period (energy crisis, food rationing, war in the Ukraine….).
Had the Tory Party really wanted him to step down, he would have been forced to step down with immediate effect.
Or.. a gaggle of craven careerists bit the pillow and allowed themselves to be suborned even further by corrupt ministrations of a deadbeat. Those not on the govt payroll ie not beholden to the worst PM in history formed circa 75% of the vote against him and I think represented their deeply unhappy constituents better than the sleazy cretins backing johnson. Pluto sq his moon looks devastating. I hope
Johnson, Trump, Bolsonaro and Duterte are peas from the same pod. Duterte is gone, replaced by someone possibly worse, but Trump is still destroying the US and Johnson Britain. Hopefully Bolsonaro will be gone soon too.
I personally think Boris will hold on. It would be extremely stupid for Tory MPs to shoot themselves in the foot. Irregardless how bad a Prime’Minister he is.
Chris, by-elections are called when the present incumbent resigns or dies. Not so difficult really. What do you do when a congressperson or senator steps down or dies?
ALL of those so called ‘red wall’ Tories are only in a job because of Boris and definitely NOT because of their inborn charm, talents or abilities. Like all politicians, insufferably arrogant and stupid as a breed, this obvious truism escapes them.
@Linda/Chris. To the best of my knowledge (and please correct me if I am wrong) if a US Governor resigns or dies, the Lieutentant Govenor assumes his or her office. However, if a senator resigns or dies the state governor appoints a replacement. This can cause issues as a governor and recently departed senator may not be of the same party. So in theory a governor might have an opportunity to install someone from their own party without the inconvenience of an election.
In cricket a bye is a run scored by the batting team when the ball has not been hit by the batsman and the ball has not hit the batsman’s body. So a ‘bye’ in politics could be a position gained without a general election being held.
To bypass something is usually to avoid or circumvent an obstacle or difficulty and ‘by’ could have the same root as ‘bye’. A by-election could thus also mean a position gained without the requirement for a full general election.
English is a strange language.
Linda, when a member of Congress dies or resigns, there’s a special election required for Members of the House of Representatives. It varies somewhat by state for replacement of senators. Usually the governor can appoint a place holder until the next regularly scheduled election.
Right now, in fact today, in California, appointed-Senator Alex Padilla is on the ballot twice, once to complete the unexpired term of Kamala Harris to which he was appointed, which ends in January, and once for a full six-year term of his own.
Will be interesting to see how Boris responds this week. Transiting Mars about to hit his 7th house so opponents can expect to be attacked. Don’t expect his Scorpio moon to forgive and forget. I think we may see him pull his inner circle closer.
Will be interesting to see if any of the 148 who voted against him, either become independents or at least start ignoring the whip and voting down what he puts forward.
Yes, it will be interesting. But you mention his inner circle, and I wonder who is left who is genuinely for Boris, apart from Nadine. He is not a man with many friends. Interesting what you say about Mars too. I think Mars in Gemini will be worth watching. It goes into it’s shadow at 8 Gemini in early September, reversing on Halloween at 25. Then direct in January at 8 Gemini – the Term 2 IC degree. I have never made up my mind about ‘shadow’ degrees, but the Tory Party conference is in early October.
By the end of October Boris has the 2 Scorpio eclipse close to his Moon (women, and the public). Followed by the Lunar 16 Taurus one in November, which hits Term 2 Mars, and Boris’ natal Jupiter/Neptune opposition. I think tr Uranus on his Jupiter has brought temporary luck now, but that may not last into the autumn months. What a mess. Possibly worth noting UK Venus 16 Aquarius, UK Neptune 18 Scorpio too.
So many hits coming up. What’s your speculative take on them @Jane? Or anyone?
Hello Jennifer – I’m really not sure. I’d guess the June by-elections, as Marjorie says, will show us more clearly how people are feeling. But if BJ wants to hang on in there, he will! He still has a big majority.
It’s so hard to assess someone who’s so chaotic, and who appears to be perfectly at ease amidst the chaos he creates. Ditto one D. Trump…..I think Marjorie says something along the lines of a ‘windmill in a storm’. In some ways he symbolises our current times – the pandemic, war in Ukraine, climate change, global inflation etc. He hasn’t caused any of it, but somehow fits in with the prevailing atmosphere.
I think, too, that Mars retro in Gemini could be very shouty – a war of words. Traditionally, retro Mars was said to be a bad time to start a war. So the Tory Party Conference could be very argumentative indeed. They’ll all be thinking about who can win the next general election too. Very, very tiring.
Hmm Jane. Johnson was massively influential in the Brexit disaster – and the way in which it was implemented – and he was/is also responsible for a very poor UK response to the pandemic (leading to thousands of unnecessary deaths, and billions of pounds of public money squandered to Tory cronies through PPE VIP lanes) and a terrible UK response to climate change (ongoing. new oil and gas exploration, anyone?).
But you are correct that the broader Conservative Party is also to blame in aiding and abetting this chaotic behaviour, to the detriment of the country and its voters.
Perhaps what you are describing is Johnson’s ability to avoid the blame for the government’s actions – rather incredibly as he is Prime Minister. The astrology describes this well I think.
Hello LisaV – I was looking at the current situation in a wider way, or trying to! So I set Brexit, and all it’s endless ramifications, aside. I chose the pandemic, climate crisis, etc as events affecting all of us living on the planet. You could argue we are all responsible, to a greater or lesser extent, for these. The UK government’s response is also something I avoided examining, whatever my personal views and experiences. It’s a chaotic time, and we have a chaotic, mutable PM who seems to reflect that, and act it out, here in the UK.
Just looking at the UK 1801 chart, there’s tr Uranus in Taurus (plus Nodes and then Mars) shaking up the Venus 16 Aquarius, Neptune 18 Scorpio square. Boris J’s natal Jupiter/Neptune opposition is at 15 Taurus/Scorpio. Put them together and there’s a whole lot of potential deceit, delusions, deception and scandals. How this might have manifested under a different government we shall never know.
When Pluto pops into Aquarius for the first time next year, it opposes the UK’s Leo Jupiter, and squares the Boris Scorpio Moon. If he is still clinging on, that could be the end. Otherwise, I still think all the astro activity in the autumn points to change.
I am fairly sceptical about the idea that Johnson is some sort of Machievellian genius who orchestrated Brexit. As I recall, in his usual slippery manner, he did not commit to Leave side until after Cameron had called a Referendum on EU membership. Johnson is a political chancer and I think he saw that the issue was one way he could achieve the job of Prime Minster which he craved rather than because of any fundamental ideological commitment. Moreover, if he was a genuine political svengali then there is no way he would have got caught out by Partygate or have ended up facing a no confidence vote.
Johnson has always led a chaotic private life where he has often displayed a cavalier attitude both to the truth and the people around him. Given these facts it is unsurprising that he has brought these traits to government and has led an often shambolic administration. The idea that he is committed to some sort of Thatcherite or hard line monetarist Tory agenda is laughable given his regime has raised the overall level of UK taxes to one of the highest levels in the post war era (ironically a poisoned legacy that any future Labour government may inherit). Moreover with his Chancellor he has thrown about public money in the pandemic without much regard as to whether it was being well spent. In fact one woukld have to wind the clock back to Edward Heath and Tony Barber to find a Conservative regime that was equally as fiscally imprudent, Given this situation what is puzzling is that the Tory Party which is an organisation essentially devoted to winning an retaining power actually thought he might be anything other than a liability as leader and Prime Minister. The are no beginning to regret the fact that they ‘chose unwisely’. I can not see Johnson surviving until the next election but some Tories may decide that it is better to let him swing in the wind through the winter attracting all the blame for the bad economic news coming down the track before replacing him.
Thank you Hugh. I agree with the points you make. It may be that the Tory Party’s grass roots members were once very pro Boris Johnson, seeing only the ebullient Gemini showman, and avoiding looking too closely at his CV, or his often irresponsible and unkind behaviour towards women and colleagues. If the office of Prime Minister is supposed to be ‘first amongst equals’ then he’s a poor choice, and makes a poor team leader.
He skipped through his time as London Mayor because, I think, he had a good team working hard in the background. The London Olympics were a triumph, which he could enjoy showing off about – although he was simply a front man really. He’s been very lucky in many respects – perhaps that Jupiter/Neptune opposition helps.
As for Brexit, I agree he saw a chance and cynically took it. Ironic to think he was siding with the opinion of the unions at the time of the 1975 referendum on continuing EU membership. They were against our membership.
Well, we shall see what happens at the by-elections. He’s unlikely to survive until the next election, but will cling on as long as possible I suspect.
To be fair to Johnson some of the challenges he has faced such as COVID or the current inflationary “cost of living crisis” were not in his own or his governments control. However, he is clearly not the person one would have wanted in a leadership or executive position to deal with these situations as his response is nearly always to go for the high profile quick fix that he sees as most politically expedient for himself and his image. Whether Johnson is in fact fundamentally more mendacious than other politicians is a moot point but his response to getting caught out on anything is a rather childish tendency to tell more and more fibs. In fact his inability to get the story straight even when lying suggests someone who tends to let things run out of control (those Uranus/ Saturn and Jupiter/Neptune oppositions). His well known failure to manage his own finances is another indicator as is his messy past private life. He is not a “conviction” politician with a fixed set of ideological beliefs for good or ill and I don’t think he has any interest in anything other than his own future. That makes him particularly dangerous electorally to his own party as I suspect he has little commitment to them either. In fact that rather powerful and vengeful Moon at 0 Scorpio suggests someone who might be quite happy to take the Tory party down with him. The truth is he is not remotely suited to the job of party leader or Prime Minister. The Conservatives are clearly regretting giving him both roles. Their problem is how to get him out of office while doing the least damage to themselves.
Johnson wins as expected but hugely damaged. Over 40% of his party has no confidence in him when there wasn’t even a challenger!
His percentage of support vote is even lower than what Theresa May and John Major had. And we all know how their premierships ended.
More than 2 in 5 Tory MPs have no confidence in Johnson.
The Tory party toaster is a bit slow, but he’ll be toast soon enough.
Teflon Johnson ‘ wins vote despite significant Tory rebellion’ BBC News
If I was a Tory I’d think he should go . He and his wife come across as much too smug and entitled . People
can’t stand that attitude
The vote chart has Mars/Uranus midpoint square Pluto in the sixth house. Eruptions and may be a shift? Either way I think the no confidence vote came as a total shock to Boris Johnson. Incidentally there was an article on the DM website over the weekend about Johnson and his wife going for lunch after the service on Friday. Apparently the diners booed him. As he left he flicked his fingers at them, as to dismissed them. If he can do that to strangers……? However, what it did show was he was telling them he didn’t – care in my view – I am convinced. today was a shock to him!
After the service on Friday, Boris Johnson and his wife attended the Lord Mayor’s lunch at the Guildhall along with the Royals and other VIPs.
Someone is telling porky pies.
It was in couple of newspapers. This is from Metro.
“Boris Johnson ‘booed’ at trendy London restaurant where his son works”
The two events (booing whilst entering St Pauls Cathedral and booing at a local restaurant) probably occurred on different days. It is easy for journalists to conflate the two, whether intentionally or accidentally, to make a political point look stronger.
That being said, newspapers aren’t all bad. I note that Harry and Meghan gave (or leaked) a photograph of their daughter taken on Saturday at her birthday party. Fortunately, or deliberately, the editors held off publishing it until after the end of the Jubilee celebrations.
We can all draw our own conclusions. Personally I think the Sussexes wanted it splashing across the Sunday papers to take attention from the Queen.
The best Tory party chart is the Tamworth Manifesto chart of 18th December 1834. It has a Moon-Mars conj in Cancer, which is conj the Moon in the 1801 UK chart which explains why the Tories saw off the Whig hegemony and have dominated UK politics ever since.
The Tamworth Manifesto chart is a good predictor of Tory fortunes. For example on 1 May 1997, transiting Pluto was at 4 Sag 51, conj the Tamworth Mercury at 5 Sag 36, and exactly opposite the Tamworth Jupiter at 4 Gemini 11, and they suffered a crushing defeat. Tr Pluto then proceeded to crush the Tamworth Sun in Sag – those were their wilderness years when they despaired getting re-elected.
On Boris’s big election on 12 Dec 2019, Mercury was at 4 Sag 6, conj the Tamworth Mercury and opposite the Tamworth Jupiter. Transiting Mars was at 15 Scorpio 8, trine transiting Neptune at 15 Pisces 59, and both trine the Tamworth Moon-Mars conj in Cancer, as well as the 1801 UK Moon. To top it off there was a triple conj of transiting Venus-Saturn-Pluto in Cap, opposite the Tamworth Moon-Mars conj. A big fatefull election.
Today (6 June 2022), transiting Saturn is at 25 Aquarius 15 – conj the Tamworth Uranus at 23 Aquarius 30 (rebellion!) and trine the Tamworth Saturn at 24 Libra 21.
If they can get past this, the next thing to hit them will be transiting Pluto approaching the Tamworth Neptune at 1 Aquarius.
I was looking at the next lunar return for Boris which is in 4 days – and has relevance to the Conservative Party No Confidence vote.
I normally prefer to use the birthplace rather than “residence” for solar and lunar returns. This places disruptive and shocking Uranus on the Descendant at his New York birthplace. However, if set for Westminster it places this Uranus on the IC. Is this a variant on the appointment with death at Samarra?
Looks like Johnson will win the vote. If the margin of win is small then he will be seriously wounded, which is a perfect scenario for his rivals who are not yet ready to take over but will be by June 2023, when next vote can be triggered.
Marjorie, this reminds me of your old prediction about the Conservative party in turmoil in June 2023!
Is their any rival who looks good after June 2023, astrologically? or shows sudden change in their charts during that time? Resignations to throw a leadership challenge?
I’m unable to comment astrologically but I suspect he may just stumble on as there is little consensus on who, within the party, would replace him. Demographically, I wonder how the Conservative party will fair in coming decades given today’s under 40s appear aligned to Labour. Early part of the 20th Century the Cons were out of office for nearly 20 years – which very nearly brought about their demise.
Politics is as much about team work as it is about the leader of a political party. At least the Tory MPs can get rid of an inadequate leader by a simple vote of no confidence. The members of the Parliamentary Labour Party, on the other hand, can pass as many votes of no confidence in it’s leader as they like (by 80% in respect of Corbyn) but he/she can cling on and on and on…….
I do like to see democracy in action and democracy is rightly in the hands of our elected representatives in Parliament – until the next general election that is (2023?)
Marjorie, as a Yorkshire ‘lass’ with a vested interest in Wakefield, I am fascinated by your comments on the forthcoming by-elections. I don’t though understand them especially: “This was always when the s*** was going to hit the fan with underlying dirty dealings making an impact”.
The only dirty dealings so far are by the Labour Party HQ, which forced an unpopular candidate onto the local residents in place of a very popular deputy leader (and future leader) of the local council. The dirty dealings of the last Tory MP (currently in prison for sexual molestation) can’t be laid at Johnson’s door.
His entire term has been riddled with dirty dealings and the timeline pointed to now for a peak – which specific bye election wasn’t a relevant factor.
I am being pedantic but is it bye-election or by-election? I have always used the latter. Is the former American?
I’m American and never came across the term by-election, with any spelling, until I read Marjorie’s post today. I would need to look up what it means.
I have seen terms bystander, by-road, by yout leave.
I see that a lot of people across the pond were hoping this was the wave bye-bye election for Boris.
A by-election is a special election in the US.
Looks like lots of dirty dealings going on to save Johnson. Yesterday, Telegraph reported that Johnson is offering the role of Chancellor to Jeremy Hunt to bring him under his fold.
His allies even suggested that Johnson-Hunt would be a dream team!