William Barr – Pelosi’s ‘rogue’ AG at it again


The US Department of Justice appears to be heading deeper into the White House sink hole with interference in the sentencing of former Trump adviser Roger Stone, causing four federal prosecutors to resign. They had requested a sentence of seven to nine years in prison which evoked a stream of hysterically condemnatory tweets from Trump after which the DOJ sought to lessen the sentence. The Stone case was one of the most high-profile criminal prosecutions emerging from the investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller.

Barr’s downhill trajectory picks up a head of steam from later this month. From February 27th to March 24th, and again October 3rd to late January 2021 tr Neptune opposes his Mars/Saturn midpoint which Ebertin describes as: ‘a grievous loss, waning powers, self-torment, weak vitality.’ This coincides with a period when his relationship with Trump is at its most nerve-stretched. Never a moment to soon.

See longer post on Barr see post January 17 2020 on separation of Church and state.

5 thoughts on “William Barr – Pelosi’s ‘rogue’ AG at it again

  1. Barr wasn’t angry about Trump’s interference just that Trump made it public by tweeting about it.
    Gotta keep the corruption a secret, right AG Barr?

  2. Bears mentioning that Roger Stone’s sentence recommendation not only wasn’t harsh…it was precisely the federal “recommended sentence” for any similar crime.

  3. “Barr’s downhill trajectory picks up a head of steam from later this month. From February 27th to March 24th, and again October 3rd to late January 2021 tr Neptune opposes his Mars/Saturn midpoint which Ebertin describes as: ‘a grievous loss, waning powers, self-torment, weak vitality.’ This coincides with a period when his relationship with Trump is at its most nerve-stretched. Never a moment to soon.”

    What’s scary is that even if Trump sours on Barr, replacement can’t be any better. Some of the more tongue-on-cheek commentator have long half joked about the next AG being Jeanine Pirro, Fox News hostess of “Judge Jeanine”, who Trump retweets regularly. More reasonable commentators say her nomination would never get confirmed in Senate, but after the complete bow Senate Republicans (minus Romney) gave to Trump, this isn’t impossible. Interestingly, Pirro, born June 2nd 1951, is another Gemini Sun/Taurus Mercury, and it seems her Moon would be in Taurus, too (Ephemeris give Moon 28’48 degrees Aries on midnight in London, so, given time zone adjustment, it would have been passed to Taurus by the time it was midnight in Eastcoast USA).

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