Wendy Williams, the nationally syndicated television talk show host, has been causing concern amongst fans for her distracted appearance on a recent show. She has spoken in the past about her substance abuse problems with cocaine and she also suffers from Graves’ disease, hyperthyroidism and lymphedema, so will undoubtedly have her off days.
She was born 18 July 1964 at 9.30 pm New Jersey, and prior to getting her TV show in 2008 was a radio DJ known in New York as a “shock jockette” for her brash personality and on-air spats with celebrities. She has written a New York Times best-selling autobiography and six other books.
She has a hard-working 6th house Cancer Sun trine an intense 9th house Scorpio Moon which opposes a 3rd house Jupiter in Taurus – communication is her thing. And with a rebellious Uranus Pluto in Virgo in her 7th she’ll come across loud, strong and unpredictable.
What’s clear is that she is moving into a highly pressured phase in her life with tr Pluto opposing her Sun from February 2021 for two years thereafter, which will change her priorities. Plus a debilitating run of Neptune transits squaring her enthusiastic Venus Mars in Gemini from next spring onwards on and off till late 2022 which will lower her energy and optimism.
At the moment tr Saturn is making the final opposition to her Sun which is always downbeat and the triple conjunction of Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter is moving through her hidden 12th so she will be conflicted either psychologically and physically – not an easy time for her now or ahead.
I love Wendy and she never pretends to be an Ellen. But I do think if she doesn’t stay on her toes everything she has worked for and towards will be taken away. Addiction is real and dangerous especially long term. Like Whitney Michael, Prince. When yes people are the only ones left it’s a slippery slope. Good luck Wendy I’m always rooting for you
Wendy is that woman that every girl should be inspired by, inspite of all her afflictions she lets nothing come close to stopping that fire that burns in her. No matter what direction she takes she’ll always be singled out on account of her one of kind-ness!.
You are a wonderful example of an empowered woman and think you have done great through your transition. As a lady that has dealt with substance abuse, I am just going to give you a little advise. It’s a cruel world out there and you must be careful of people who call themselves your friends. No one is your friend, trust yourself. People love when you relapse. Here you think you’re doing great and out of nowhere, you just want to get high. I:ve learned don’t trust anyone with thst shit. Just own it and pause and just get back in the saddle and go back and be your fabulous self. Fuck everbody. Shit happens but I know you can do it. Just remember keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Reflect, go see a peofessional who will help you get through it. Have faith, trust yourself and keep on moving.
My heart goes out to Wendy – the health issues she’s dealing can really derail one’s life. May she find healing and strength going forward.
You’ve Said It All…I Hope Wendy Williams Sees and Reads This Article…I Am One of Biggest Fans…
Thanks Marjorie
I hope she takes the hints the cosmos is giving her and change direction.