US State of the Union – the ladies demanding attention

  US female politicians (if that isn’t a faux pas nowadays) made themselves visible at the State of the Union address though were not universally appreciated for their contribution.

  Marjorie Taylor Green, in suitably tiresome-toddler mode shrieked ‘liar’ at Joe Biden while wearing a fur trimmed white coat, supposedly to mimic a Chinese spy balloon. Priding herself on out-trumping Trump and yearning to be his running-mate VP, she’s not short of ambition or chutzpah. Born 27 May 1974 she has a Gemini Sun opposition Neptune trine Pluto which lends heft to megalomania. Her Pluto is in an unyielding square to Saturn and her Mars in excitable Cancer is in a not-always-sensitive square to Venus in upfront Aries.

 Her Solar Arc Sun is conjunct her Mars around now which will amp up her excitability factor. She’ll get an undeserved stroke of luck in late this April/early May and will be pushing bullishly ahead in 2024/25. But she will also be losing left, right and centre over the next three years, especially in 2025. Her relationship with Trump will be drifting apart this year and next with tr Saturn opposition the composite Pluto and then square the composite Sun, Venus.

Kyrsten Sinema, a thorn in Joe Biden’s side as she road-blocked to some of the party’s legislative priorities during the last session, before switching from centrist Democrat to independent, turned up in shrieking yellow, guaranteed to catch attention though for all the wrong reasons. A rival for her Arizona senate seat in 2024 accused “putting her own interests ahead of getting things done for Arizonans” and not supporting Biden’s Medicare policies. She was born 12 July 1976 12.10pm Tucson, AZ

  She’ll continue to be an irritant for Biden and the Democrats through this year into early 2024 as she pushes ahead with high confidence as her Solar Arc Pluto opposes her Jupiter, exact in six months. But she’ll be tripping over landmines along the way with a fair few disasters littering her path this year and more losses in 2024.

  Sarah Huckabee Sanders, 13 August 1982 Hope, AR, Trump’s Press Secretary and now Arkansas Governor, delivered the Republican response, obsessing about peripheral ‘woke’ issues – what the Washington Post described as cultural war-mongering – rather than illuminate GOP policies on issues that directly impact voters.

  Moving ahead she has a balance of high-confidence and successful influences alongside cataclysmic ones through 2023/24 – and she looks most unhappy and disappointed over the 2025 Inauguration.  

13 thoughts on “US State of the Union – the ladies demanding attention

  1. Thanks Marjorie. We have crazy in the house. We also have excellent Moderates. CNN “Eyeballs” don’t get the clicks they want without controversy. CNN gave Trump the election last time as did NY FBI which is worth looking at. I will ask in your comments.

    You left out Boebert, but that is ok. Great post and comments. A lot to think about.

    Huckabee-Sanders is interesting.

    Nikki Haley SC may run for president.

    Thanks again.

  2. Whether you agree or disagree with President Joe Biden’s politics and policies, one must admit that he did an excellent job in the Union Address. Biden actually reminded the American people of all of his accomplishments (both on domestic and foreign policy). I’m optimistic about next year; I believe Biden has solidified his reelection.

  3. MTG is stuck in junior high mentality, a mean girl with zero class or manners. The other two are grandstanders. None have much of a future in politics, their 15 minutes of fame are coming to an end.

  4. I don’t take any side in politics as they’re mainly in it for themselves but allowing people
    back on twitter etc is called democracy and not a dictatorship

  5. The gal to watch is Gisele Baretto Fetterman. She is a force of nature and will be very much front and centre coming soon and for years to come. Amazing woman with quite a life story.

    • It is coincidental that you would mention Mrs. Fetterman John Fetterman was taken to the hospital earlier today because he may have had another stroke.

      I wonder if the Democratic governor would ask her to replace him until the 2024 election if John can’t finish his term.

  6. This is a fascinating read. One small point–Sarah Huckabee Sanders is now governor of Arkansas, a job her father previously held. If she is downcast over the next inauguration, it could be reassuring news for our country, as the formerly civic-minded Republicans have slid into a cesspit of conspiracy theories and disinformation. This is particularly frightening now that Elon Musk is allowing Trumpers back on Twitter, apparently with no brakes.

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