UKIP – a bitter win



UKIP, the UK Independence Party, should be lyrical over the Brexit vote. Instead they appear to be melting down. A popular MEP has been ruled ineligible to stand for the election of leader after Nigel Farage stepped down by the NEC. As a result there have been resignations from the NEC, saying the party’s governing body “is no longer fit for purpose”.

UKIP was kicked off on 3 September 1993 in London giving the chart a 10 degree Virgo Sun and 15 degree Mercury in Virgo. Tr Neptune is in a sinking and sliding opposition to the Sun till early 2017; with a discouraging tr Saturn square both Sun and Mercury through the autumn. And a blocked, intense Solar Arc Pluto square Mercury just to add to the joys of discussions. It looks chaotic ahead with tr Pluto square Mars Jupiter till December and then tr Pluto conjunct Uranus Neptune in 2017/18.

Talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

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