Unloved and incompetent leaders, no obvious successor and uninspiring opposition – sound familiar? Pluto in Capricorn is waging a scorched earth strategy before it exits in 2023/24 as the UK, USA and France, never mind Germany and elsewhere, survey the wreckage of their political landscape populated with fifth-rate dramatis personae.
Boris Johnson has, as expected face-planted, in yesterday’s ballots, with the worst bye-election result in history in one seat which wiped out a 24,000 Tory majority in favour of the Lib Dems; and Labour regained the ‘red wall’ Wakefield seat. Also as expected, BJ is blithely brushing aside notions of resigning from a sunny swimming pool in Rwanda, whence he has escaped to brew up a diversion and duck the fallout.
This is all a rehash but useful to draw it together. BJ’s personal chart has a trapped, running-scared tr Pluto opposition the Solar Arc Mars exactly now; and Solar Arc Saturn opposition his Scorpio Moon, exact within weeks, but in full effect now. The Pluto Mars restrictions and frustrations will run on through the next three years. 2023 will be discouraging and heavy-going with tr Saturn in Pisces square his Mars and then hitting his Saturn Return as well as Uranus, Pluto. But it is 2024 when his chart shows most upset with tr Neptune squaring his Sun Venus in Gemini; tr Pluto starting to hammer two key Sun midpoints; and if his birth time is accurate – a career-blocking Solar Arc Midheaven conjunct his Pluto.
His relations with the Tory Party will continue to plummet with a sinking-failure tr Neptune square the composite Mars now and into 2023; and tr Saturn square the composite Sun Venus in 2023 also – which might suggest an earlier exit.
But his First PM chart, 24 July 2019 3.12 pm flags up 2024 as the key disaster zone for him as well. So best guesses is he may stick around like an unwelcome house guest for longer than seems possible.
The Opposition leader Keir Starmer’s crunch point on his leadership chart, 4 April 2020 10.45am London, is coming within weeks as the Solar Arc Saturn closes the conjunction to Mars to exact. There’s nothing to suggest he’ll pick up traction any time soon with 2023/24 looking discouraging on his Leadership chart. His personal chart without a birth time is gloomy at the moment, downbeat with heavy Saturn transits in 2023 though with a few hints of luck as well – and by late 2024 he’s completely flummoxed and worse through to 2026 and beyond.
[I wonder whether he’s in the same boat as Neil Kinnock who prayed for Maggie Thatcher’s exit as he faced her weekly across the despatch box. She went in late 1990 and he stayed for only eighteen months, lost an election to John Major and departed. John Smith stepped up briefly to the Labour leadership and on his death was replaced by Tony Blair who swept to victory in 1997.]
The Liberal Democrats did exceptionally well – and for once a political party chart appears to work well. The Liberal Democrats 3 March 1988 – has its Jupiter picking up the confidence-surge tr Pluto square through 2022/23 so they should continue to prosper in the short term. Though 2024 looks like a dead-halt year. Ed Davey, 25 December 1965, is buoyed up by ambitious dreams with tr Neptune square his Jupiter now but he likewise will not find 2024 to his liking with a frustratingly trapped tr Pluto conjunct his Mars.
Very much a 1970s feel to politics at the moment. Johnson is hapless but the Conservative party has no stand out successor to him. The opposition parties don’t really have any obvious policies to address the UKs problems though I suspect that Starmer might actually make a good “managerial “ Prime Minister despite his almost zero charisma.. This situation is mirrored across the western world where there are a lot of what can only be described as “low grade” politicians in power who can’t envisage a future beyond the next opinion poll let alone the next election. My personal view is Neptune in Pisces has caused a lot of political debate to drift into fantasy land or over concentration on marginal issues which eventually dissolve to nothing. The pandemic and the war in Ukraine has created real concrete problems that contemporary politicians are simply not equipped to resolve. Pluto in Capricorn is ruthlessly exposing their deficiencies and their lack of forethought. Things will begin to change when Pluto gets into Aquarius and Neptune to Aries in the period 2023-2026 but many of the current set of political leaders will have been swept away by then.
“……in yesterday’s ballots, with the worst bye-election result in history in one seat which wiped out a 24,000 Tory majority in favour of the Lib Dems……..”
?? Looks like #12 to me; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Kingdom_by-election_records#Largest_swings
And came across this in my Twitter feed; https://twitter.com/Corridor_24/status/1540243624205729793
Combine the two by-elections and here are the totals
Conservatives – 24,634
Lib Dems – 23,045
Labour – 14,728
Westminster voting intention:
LAB: 36% (-2)
CON: 34% (+2)
LDEM: 13% (-)
GRN: 5% (-3)
REF: 4% (+1)
, 16 – 20 Jun
Chgs. w/ May
No wonder Starmer and Davey look as if they are going nowhere fast. Just because Johnson may be crappy does not mean that he is the crappiest. Just think of the buyers regret over Biden!
One (or two) swallows doth not a summer make.
Thank you Marjorie. Interesting that not one of his loyal Cabinet have gone. Not one. If anyone had gone, I thought it would be Sunak. Therefore, I see Boris Johnson soldiering on. I think there is some sort of pact gone on – all for one and one for all, as it is astonishing that they are holding each other up like this. Also the circulating chatters and article on the Times ( which Boris demanded be taken down) on Johnson attempting to get his then partner Carrie a Foreign Office job for a £100,000 a year and another asking for a Charity job for her. It looks like Downing Street has become a self preserving club.
Marjorie – does No. 10 Downing Street have a Natal Chart?
I reckon everyone should read this article by Tim Walker in The New European about the true extent of Carrie’s enormous influence within the corridors of power.
It was Carrie’s staff that threatened The Times to pull the article. She is close to the DAILYMAIL owner Lord Rothermere and got the last editor fired back in Nov-December 2021 because of anti Johnson articles.
Now it’s rumoured that Dacre the current editor will be awarded peerage by Johnson.
It’s been reported that Charlotte Vine MBE, head housekeeper at Chequers felt she had to resign because of CJ’s entitled behaviour towards staff, describing CJ’s use of Chequers as ‘chaotic’ and also took something Charlotte said the wrong way, making it impossible for Vine to continue in her role. Wonder if more will come out regarding the Johnsons behaviour when he eventually goes.
VF, and Sue Gray was directed not to investigate alleged lock down parties at far away, remote Chequers. I’d put money on it…..
Even the ABBA party organised by Carrie in No 10 flat was not investigated. Wonder what reasons were given?
It’s amazing how at a relatively young age Carrie is so adept at abusing power!
More reports today about the misuse of Chequers. Johnson wanted to build a treehouse in the grounds of Chequers for his son, Wilf at the cost of £150,000 which would be paid for via donations. (You could build an actual real life house with that). Also took on 4 extra staff even though David Cameron reduced staff to save costs.
Don’t focus on Carrie and ignore Johnson’s many faults and many misdemeanours. She is only taking advantage of the same situation….
“Though 2024 looks like a dead-halt year.” about Lib Dems sounds about right.
Smaller parties gain during the by-elections as people are just registering their dislike for the current government. The Devon seat had tactical voting by Labour in favour of LibDems.
In a general election, people think about who they want their next PM to be (or more precisely, who they dislike the least) and vote accordingly to the party. LibDems may not be doing great in this scenario.
Thanks Marjorie. A very welcome analysis, and so interesting to see how Pluto is working across the world of politics here and elsewhere. As for the UK, we seem to be stuck with a total limpet for a PM, clinging on tightly to his prize job. Oh to be a fly on the wall inside certain government offices this morning!
I’m wondering about those autumn eclipses that occur post the Tory Party Conference in early October. Both Labour and the LibDems conferences are in September.
The October 25th 2 Scorpio Solar, for instance, squares the PM Term Sun in Leo, and is conjunct Boris’ Scorpio Moon. It squares Keir Starmer’s Leadership chart Mars and Saturn in Aquarius, also Ed Davey’s natal Mars at 1 Aquarius. Then Pluto comes along to sit at 0 Aquarius between March and June 2023, underlining a sensitive point? Pluto in Aquarius could also symbolise a coalition government – and at some point it will cross the Aquarian stellium in the House of Commons chart.
You flag up trouble ahead for all the charts here, so I imagine the War in Ukraine will drag on, and even if it ends soon the after-effects on global economies and supplies will cause some very challenging situations for us all.
18,000 missing voters in Tiverton & Honiton – turnout down from 72% to 51%.
The LibDems gained 14,000 votes (went up from 8,000 to 22,000)
But Labour lost 10,000 votes – from 11,000 to 1,000.
That suggests about 4,000 Conservative voters who were willing to switch allegiance, while the remaining 14,000 stayed at home to make a point to Boris. I’m doubtful they’ll do that on a General Election. It was the same story with the big by-elections last year.
A coalition is the only way forward because the LibDems can only win in the South and Labour can only win in the North. I’m not sure Starmer is willing to admit that.
A coalition seems like a very Pluto in Aqua thing though.
Looks like the astrological weather is heading towards a minority government or a coalition in 2024. If Labour, Lib Dems and Greens can work out electoral pact, then it’s pretty much a Coalition Government.
I am wondering why Johnson is staying put considering all the political set backs heading his way and economic climate looking gloomy for next few years.
Is it Carrie who doesn’t want to leave or Johnson’s ego?
“A plague on both your houses” just about sums up the Wakefield by-election result for me.
The turnout was 39.5% with Labour garnering less than 50% of those votes (approx 20% of the total constituency votes) and Tories garnering little more than 30% (approx 13% of the total). The other 20% (approx 10% of the total) was spread between 13 other candidates with the Lib Dems garnering less than 2% of them (approx 1% of the total).
[NB The usual turnout in Wakefield at a general election is between 60% and 70%]
If Starmer believes he has won a major victory with his 20% of the available votes then he is living in cloud cuckoo land. It could change in a flash, as it did in 2019 when the people were motivated and mobiised……. And if the Lib Dems think they are about to make a major come back at national level, they should take a look at their 1% share of available votes in Wakefield.
Correction: 13 candidates shared 20% of the votes cast which equates to approx 7% of the total votes available with Lib Dems garnering just 1% of the total votes (508). I think the Lib Dems lost their deposit!
Interesting comparison between Kinnock and Starmer. I can see Starmer stepping down due to unexpected circumstances (perhaps getting a fine for “beergate” or something else). It may be worth looking at a Labour Party chart, but I’m never sure of which one yields decent results. Starmer is undoubtedly a man of vision, but (a) cannot express that vision and (b) believes he can!
Incidentally, I laughed heartily at the scale of the defeat in both by-elections!
I would be interested in Lisa Nandy’s chart. What does it look in next two years?
I would be interested in Andy Burnham and Wes Streeting’s charts for Labour too. For me Keir S has really failed to take the bit between the teeth somehow.
Enormous thanks, Marjorie, for getting this done so quickly. Oliver Dowden is a great and welcome surprise – blew away all my misconceptions about him.
Any ideas about Caroline Lucas? One of the few universally-respected politicians, who ploughs a lonely but absolutely vital furrow.
The Green Party gained 587 votes in Wakefield – 79 more than the Lib Dems. They too lost their deposit.