The apocalypse is coming or the Day of Judgement – or not. Donald Trump has been indicted over the Stormy Daniel payments and will be the first former US president to face criminal charges, to be fingerprinted, taken for a mugshot and compelled to stand as an accused defendant before a judge and maybe a jury.
He is screaming witch hunt and rousting up his followers, who manage to ignore his lifetime of grift, malfeasance and bad behaviour – none of which have ever come home to roost. After accusations of Russian interference in the 2016 election, two impeachments, a refusal to participate in a peaceful transfer of power and even the deadly January insurrection it hardly seems pass remarkable. Yet it seems to have come as an explosive surprise.
The sealed indictment will be released by the court on Friday or several days later.
After Mueller (and several high profile political UK inquiries on unrelated topics) all of which turned out to be total damp squibs I am not inclined to get overly hopeful about karma doing its thing.
What is worth watching however is that late April/early May patch when Trump has tr Uranus square his Mars/Pluto midpoint which Ebertin describes as ‘calamities of great consequence’. It is also marked in his relationship chart with porn star Stormy Daniels with transiting Saturn opposing the composite Uranus just before and then square the Mars exactly then – so his irritability at her will erupt. He’ll have some luck early to late April and again mid to late May as two Jupiter midpoints come to his rescue. As someone remarked he’s like a sci-fi entity that is dissolved and then recreates itself. Another version of Teflon.
Alvin Bragg, 21 October 1973, the NY DA, is an inventive and reforming Sun Uranus in Libra with a stalwart Pluto trine Jupiter, sextile Neptune, inconjunct Mars and square Saturn. He looks logjammed and frustrated ahead with tr Pluto opposition his Sun/Mars midpoint and that runs on through 2024. He’ll recover his mojo by 2025.
What is interesting is that his Pluto is conjunct DT’s 2nd house Neptune exactly, so he has gone for Trump’s Achilles’ Heel – which is money. Though it is a weak and legally complex case on which to pin retribution for a lifetime of wrongdoing.
Stormy Daniels also hits Trump in his financial 2nd house with her Pluto conjunct his Jupiter, with his wealth/profligacy drawing her in. Her Neptune is conjunct his Moon and South Node – appealing to his lower nature. Her Uranus is close to his IC so she could have the potential to shake his foundations and send his career off track.
One can but hope.
It is said that loads of prosecutors refused to take the case on as there was no chance of winning.
Whatever your politics, the Democrats aren’t exactly Mr Clean in all this. There are two sayings:
‘People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.’
‘What goes round comes round…’
Which means that whatever happens it is out and out war. This could be the biggest own goal in the world. For the one thing, which all card carrying Democrats didn’t want, has happened. And that is,
Trump, now is relevant.
Charge: 34 felony counts of falsifying business records under NY Penal Law. Felonies are charged if records are falsified with the intent to commit or conceal another crime. Prosecutors point to Trump’s “unlawful” election influence scheme as backing for felony charges in which he repeatedly and fraudulently falsified NY business records to conceal criminal conduct that hid damaging information from the voting public during the 2016 presidential election”. He orchestrated an “unlawful” scheme with others to “influence the 2016 presidential election” and that other participants in the scheme have admitted to “committing illegal conduct in connection with the scheme.
These type of charges are the bread and butter of the NY DA’s office, and carry a Class E Felony that carries with it a maximum of four years in prison.
CNBC quote MTG “President Trump is joining some of the most incredible people in history being arrested today. Nelson Mandela was arrested; served time in prison. Jesus. Jesus was arrested and murdered by the Roman government,” she said.
Although today’s Court appearance is the culmination of years of investigation, does today’s void-of-course Virgo moon have any influence over future proceedings?
CNN claims the next in-person session would be Dcember 4th.
Well, the next installment is due this evening here in the UK. Interesting to see that Michael Cohen (25 August 1966) has Mars at 0 Leo, with tr Pluto opposing at the moment. Pretty intense. Also, NN 19 Taurus, ‘karmic’ S Node conjunct Neptune 19 Scorpio. Tr Uranus bringing a change to his associates? New people suddenly affecting his choices and life? Does the Neptune/South Node suggest confusion or misinformation?
Looking at Marjorie’s Trump/Cohen composite, the Sun is 27 Cancer, Mercury 28 Cancer. April’s Aries eclipse 29 Aries may be significant, especially as it is square to tr Pluto. More revelations perhaps?
More in amusement than astrology…CNN has provide a weblink to track Trump in his plane as it flies to NYC. “Watch here, America.” Almost like NORAD tracking Santa on Xmas Eve Night.
top insight from Newsweek:
Former President Donald Trump should not take the stand in his own defense if his criminal indictment goes to trial, former Attorney General Bill Barr said on Sunday. He argued that Trump lacks “all self-control” and it would be hard to prepare him.
The republican party!
Trump was asked to tone down the post arraignment rhetorick and, if necessary, a gag order would be issued.
The only luck I imagine Trump will have this year is that he somehow manages to avoid the string of possible indictments in Georgia (a state where has a considerable amount of support from the populace).
And the only luck I imagine Trump having next year is that may win the nomination for the Republican Party again.
I doubt Trump will do any time in prison (unfortunately) – he has enough useful idiots protecting him.
That being said, I also don’t think Trump will win the general election next year either.
I have wondered for some time if Trump is one of the key players in the US Pluto return, as well as its Neptune opposition. These are the most challenging times and you always have to have ‘good guys/bad guys’ to act out the script. He may be Teflon Don (perhaps helped by Regulus), but it is difficult to believe that he will not run out of road once Pluto takes up permanent residence in Aquarius in late 2024.
@ Ken
Unfortunately Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn from late September 2024 until November 20, 2024 which is about two weeks after the elections.
It will be at that most unstable degree of 29 Capricorn the entire transit.
It could be that we’ll see a repeat during the Pluto retrograde of the 2020 election circus with recounts, denials etc. For that election the formal voting by the Electoral College took place on Dec. 14, 2020. For 2024 the electors meet on Dec. 16 in state capitals and DC to formally vote for president & vice president. (Note that the number of states that prohibit faithless electors is subject to change. In 2020, 33 states and DC had such laws).
-Jan. 6: Electoral votes formally in counted by Congress.
I’m not a total expert but it’s my understanding that:
-Pluto re-enters Capricorn in retrograde motion on June 11 at 2:47 a.m. PST.
-On October 10, 2023, Pluto stations direct in Capricorn (27° 53’) at 6:10 p.m. PST.
-Pluto re-enters Aquarius on January 20, 2024, at 4:50 p.m. PST.
-Pluto exits post-retrograde phase in Aquarius (00° 22′) on January 31, 2024, at 10:53 a.m. PST.
Interestingly enough, if the above is correct, Pluto re-enters Aquarius on January 20, 2024 which is Inauguration Day.
Thanks in advance for feedback from everyone on the forum
Never ceases to amaze me how well astrology works. Trump’s Jupiter-Uranus trine certainly bodes well for him, to say the very least. Although his indictment is a shocker considering his lucky stars, he will likely end up living the good life at Mar-a-Lago. For me personally, I have Jupiter in the 10th trine venus in the 2nd. Whenever I’ve had financial difficulties, something or someone has come along to save the day. Never fails. I’m always solvent. That 10th house Jupiter also gave me the most wonderful mother–best mom a child could hope for. I won the lottery in that department. Alas, other relationships have not been so fortuitous.
Julie — Have the same — Jupiter (and Uranus) in the 10th trine Venus in the 2nd. Am lucky with money too, and also won the lottery with the best mom in the world, but not lucky in other relationships. Wow, I could have written that!
Here are the chart details for the creepy rendezvous that started all this: 13 July 2006, late evening, at a celebrity golf event in Lake Tahoe, Nevada. A time of 11pm seems to fit.
It’s not surprising that this fateful ‘event’ features an exact opposition of Venus and Pluto (at 24 Gemini/Sagittarius – his Sun-Moon, her ASC-DES), which is trine-sextile Mars (at 24 Leo – his Mars return), and square the mean nodal axis (at 28 Pisces/Virgo – north node conjunct her Sun).
Fun fact: he (who shall not be named) arranged for his then current girlfriend, Karen McDougal, to come to Lake Tahoe two days later.
The ‘event’ chart is strongly triggered by recent transtits, especially by Stormy’s meeting with the Manhattan prosecutors on 13 March at around 2:15pm, under the Sun/Mercury/Neptune conjunction in 23-25 Pisces, etc., when she agreed to testify in the upcoming case.
Yes, very creepy. But interesting astro for sure. There are connections with E. Jean Carroll’s forthcoming case as well, so those degrees seem sensitive. EJC has Sun 19 Sagittarius, opposing Saturn 23 Gemini. Without a time I don’t know her Moon, it moves from Gemini to Cancer on that date. Anyway, her Sun is conjunct DT’s Sagittarius S Node and Moon, opposing his Sun and NN in Gemini. Her Uranus, 6 Gemini, opposes his BML at 4 Sagittarius. Some kind of mutable, ‘karmic’ mirror going on there I suspect. I notice that for the 2006 ‘event’ you describe, Venus was 23 Gemini, and Black Moon Lilith 19 Virgo. We may need some kind of spreadsheet!
Curiously, EJC’s Sagittarian Sun is conjunct Stormy’s Neptune. Her 4 Scorpio Venus is conjunct Stormy’s Scorpio Moon. Her Mars, 10 Gemini, squares Stormy’s Mars, 13 Pisces, and Saturn, 9 Virgo. Stormy’s NN 17 Virgo aligns with EJC’s Chiron, 15 Virgo.
As for DT’s Mars/Asc in Leo – EJC’s Black Moon Lilith is 22 Leo, with Jupiter 27 Leo.
Deep in the forest, something stirs. Perhaps there’s more to come?
Further rustling in the cosmic undergrowth. This is interesting because of group patterns, and Saturn’s transit through Pisces I think. It may suggest that DT is sensitive to his natal Black Moon Lilith in some unconscious way when it comes to women in his life. I haven’t looked at BML in this way before, and have many questions.
Anyway, here’s a pattern to consider – connecting with what’s already been said above.
DT: Black Moon Lilith 4 Sagittarius
Ivanka Trump: Black Moon Lilith…4 Sagittarius, Mars 5 Virgo
Tiffany Trump: Chiron 4 Virgo, Moon’s Nodes 5 Sagittarius/Gemini
Ivana Trump: Mars 6 Pisces, Saturn 2 Virgo, Sun 1 Pisces, Moon 0 Sagittarius
Marla Maples: Mars 1 Sagittarius, Uranus 8 Virgo
Melania Trump: Mars 5 Gemini, Neptune 0 Sagittarius, Nodes 9 Pisces/Virgo
Saturn is transiting back and forth here all year, as far as 7 Pisces.
Might be worth noting that Melania also has BML in Leo, at 15 degrees.
Today, domestic machines are not my friends. To soothe myself from thinking about my spiteful fridge and sulky washing machine, I looked a little bit further into this. I’d say there’s some attempt at a surprise, upheaval, or upset on the part of the astrology.
Re the 4 Sagittarius Lilith in DT’s natal – Solar Arc Moon is now 4 Pisces, Nodes 4 Virgo. So there she is again.
His progressed Uranus is 21 Gemini, opposing his natal Moon and pressing on his Gemini Sun and Nodes. His progressed Nodes are 17 Gemini, conjunct natal Uranus, 17 Gemini. He’s always seemed like quite a Uranian figure, with his love of chaos and disruption – particularly of the Gemini verbal kind. So he could ride this out easily, becoming more disruptive than ever. Or not. He cannot control all the people around him – the Nodes – and maybe a woman, or women (Moon) will act out the Uranus/Moon and Nodal tensions instead. You never know.
Regarding Janes mention of Lilith and thinking of Stormy and E. Jean Carrol. It dawned on me how Stormy shows us black moon Lilith pretty clearly. Her profession yes. And it’s a transactional profession. And trump stiffed her. As he does. He apparently promised her a spot on the Apprentice. She wanted that, it didn’t happen. She was p.o’d. Lilith would take revenge I think, and so has Stormy and E Jean Carrol is waiting her day in court.
E. Jean Carroll also has Black Moon Lilith in Leo! 22 degrees, close to DT’s 26 Leo Mars.
Nothing will ever happen to Trump.
He has Jupiter in a trine to Uranus. My late father was born 3 weeks after Trump and had it exact. My dad used to say, “ I fall into a bucket of shit and come out smellin’ like a rose.”
My father, like Trump, had a lifetime of somehow magically evading consequences for his morally reprehensible behavior. I loved my Dad no matter what he did. His heart was so big, you had no choice but to overlook his muddy conscience.
Donald’s anger , shouting want bode well .The anger
Demise…at least.
Ivanka Trump says she is “pained” for her father and country in Instagram post following indictment.
Jared Kushner, Donald Trump’s son-in-law, called the indictment “troubling” during an appearance at the FII Institute’s Priority Summit in Miami Beach on Friday. “I think what was announced last night was also very unprecedented. And as an American, it’s very troubling to me to see the leader of the opposition party be indicted…”
They all believe this is politically moviated.
They don’t believe that at all. They just play their roles.
which are…?
Two of the wishy-washy-iest statements possible. Reread them. They are not supportive statements or denunciations of the charges. They are as we muricans say Lawyerly. Meaning face saving but meaningless.
This case won’t be his disaster. The Georgia election interference case will do him in because it will be factual with his actions and words in direct violation to the law.
Thanks Marjorie. Amazing how this man manages to stay in the limelight, making so much noise! And since I hadn’t been following all this, I was interested to see there are at least four separate investigations going on at the moment, with potential trial dates this year and on into 2024. Extraordinary.
“What is worth watching however is that late April/early May patch when Trump has tr Uranus square his Mars/Pluto midpoint which Ebertin describes as ‘calamities of great consequence’.”
What you say there may connect with the E. Jean Carroll (12 December 1943) historic rape and defamation case, with the trial now scheduled to begin on 25th April, 2023 – just after the 20 April Solar Eclipse at 29 Aries.
There’s a financial wrongdoing case against the Trump Organization scheduled for 2 October, 2023, in New York – ahead of the 21 Libra Solar Eclipse on the 14th. Of course, this could change. That eclipse is a dramatic “Ring of Fire” eclipse, visible across 8 US States.
The following Solar Eclipse, in April 2024 is 19 Aries, and has been called the “Great North American Eclipse”. Totality lasts for over four minutes. The path of totality passes directly over New York. I’m wondering about the significance generally, and it’s curious to see Jupiter at 18 Aries today, opposing Stormy’s Pluto and just passed Trump’s legal Jupiter at 17 Libra.
And back to today, I noticed that transiting Black Moon Lilith at 9 Leo is one degree away from Trump’s Pluto. Stormy Daniels herself has Black Moon Lilith at 17 Leo. A hint of danger for Trump from Lilith perhaps?
OT.What happens when Pluto transit sun moon 27-29 in Aqua? 19-20 years ahead?
Well,DT will be gone.
Many of us will be gone,for sure.
Me as well if I can’t cope with degrees,above.
I’ve understood his teflon to be the influence of benefic Regulus conj his Asc. He really was born under a lucky star.
I heard on tv last night this, without the crimes that happened in New York, the other crimes, would never had a chance to happen. He had to become President for him to face his impeachments and their corresponding crimes.
Thanks Marjorie for your insight.
Some commentators are pointing out that, while this may be the smallest case compared to the others, it may well be the most humiliating for him …to be indicted in Manhattan where he has the DA in his pocket for decades & got away with crime after crime for decades and now will be booked at the same court house as the wrongfully convicted “Central Park Five”whom he demonized for decades. Talk about Karma! However, I’m greatly concerned about potential violence by the “lock her up” crowd and the fall-out in the country while this is unfolding. Interesting, that it was announced just after Pluto had moved into Aquarius at 0
Have often wondered if Trump’s natal Jupiter trine Uranus in air signs 2nd/10th house acts as a talisman to ward off being held responsible for his undoubted wrongdoing thoughout his life.
Yes! Absolutely.
I just commented that my late father, born 3 weeks after Trump, had that trine, exact. My father was always breaking the law (and worse) but never faced any real consequences. My father’s conscience was questionable but his heart was always in the right place. He always slipped out of trouble and into better circumstances. Truly astounding to watch.
Interesting observation.
I have Jupiter trine Uranus trine Sun in a Grand Water Trine. Does the Jupiter-Uranus trine good luck only apply to Air signs or to other signs as well.
Touch wood, I consider me and my family blessed. We had our struggles (who hasn’t), but have always landed on our feet. Not rich, but comfortable enough in our steady and unexciting jobs.
I have the quincunx between these two in Fire and Earth and husband has a strong Jupiter in Air and Fire with the opposition. I read somewhere that Jupiter quincunx Uranus occurs in the charts of lottery winners. He has always been ‘lucky’ with friends and partnerships. My Jupiter is in Capricorn so I have had good fortune financially. (My Sun is in the 2nd).