Tony Blair, never one to duck an opportunity to stick his head above the parapet, has let it be known that he is available if needed to help end the crisis in Israel and Palestine.
He did work as a special envoy for the Quartet – the UN, the US, the EU and Russia – after leaving Downing Street in 2007, trying to increase humanitarian aid, strengthen the Palestinian economy, and bolster governance in the occupied territories. ‘Ultimately the scale of the Israeli blockade, born out of Israel’s security fears, made the job untenable since without political coexistence, there was little chance of economic progress on the West Bank.’ Given the Iraq debacle for which he has never expressed remorse his appointment to the Middle East envoy job was regarded as a bleak joke.
It is unlikely Blair would take on a role unless there was a shift from the Israeli belief that this was a conflict that could only be won militarily.
Born 6 May 1953 6.10am Edinburgh, Scotland, he has a 12th house Sun square a controlling Pluto and a 10th house Aquarius Moon (conjunct North Node) – inordinately stubborn and enduring. His upbeat Jupiter in late Taurus conjunct Mars in Gemini are conjunct his Ascendant giving him a can-do image. He has a hope-for-a-better society Neptune Saturn in Libra in his 5th opposition Mercury Venus square a trailblazing Uranus.
There is nothing in his astrocartography suggesting Israel/Gaza would be in any way noteworthy for him. His success lines run through China/Beijing, Singapore region.
He is not at such a low ebb as he was for the Iraq invasion in 2003 when tr Saturn was abseiling in a downward direction through his less successful First Quadrant and his Solar Arc Mars was in a panicky-failure square to his Neptune, getting worse in the following two years. But his Secondary Progressed Mars is about to square his Neptune in 2025 and his Saturn in 2026 which will see a run of considerable setbacks and acute frustration.
Tr Jupiter into his 1st from the middle of 2024 for a year will give him a boost and tr Uranus following suit in 2026 will see him rebranding his image and setting out on a changed path. But Progressed Mars will continually trip up his best laid plans until it clears in 2027.
He is a dreadful deluded character. He seems to have unending dissimulation about what he has done, damage he has caused and then appearing to be a Catholic. Mixed up man who people have seen through.
You are recommending a man with this human rights crimes legacy? Twisted
Reading comprehension 0/10
The October solar eclipse certainly jostled his Saturn-Neptune conjunction opposing Mercury (chart ruler). So, it’s not really a surprise that he’s trying to get involved.
Champagne leftist !
Thank you Marjorie. It’ll be interesting to see what his new path may be.