An undersea volcano has erupted in Tonga, triggering a 7.4 magnitude earthquake, so large it was visible from space and sent tsunami waves crashing into the coast. The Pacific island was left covered in ash and cut off from aid with all communications down.
An expert in Tonga eruptions said: ‘This is one of the massive explosions the volcano is capable of producing roughly every thousand years. We could be in for several weeks or even years of major volcanic unrest. Tsunamis generated by volcanoes rather than earthquakes are relatively rare. The powerful waves registered in Japan, New Zealand and Australia, with a thunderous sonic boom heard 6,000 miles away in Alaska.
Tonga gained independence on 4 June 1970 and the 12 degree Gemini Sun was exactly opposition last December’s Sagittarius Solar Eclipse, which would have pointed to an approaching crisis of some sort. Tr Pluto is also exactly square the Tonga 8th house Jupiter at the moment, which isn’t a bad description of a massively amplified below-the-surface event.
The recent November 2021 Lunar Eclipse has Venus sitting on the Descendant; and tr Saturn is exactly square the Eclipse Mars as the volcano was triggered. The Eclipse had a formidably tricky and explosive T Square of Mars opposition Uranus square Saturn and it is this which was rattled.
very interesting analysis. Tonga was able to keep out the coronavirus at the cost of losing tourist income, but this was something it could not control. I can only hope that casualties will be minimized.
In my mundane predictions for the year ahead, I said around Jan 18th i expect to see a significant earthquake or volcano, likely in Asia. Check it at 3:08 https://youtu.be/JUR2ocnJPNw
Nice! I listened and heard your prediction was based on Uranus going direct on the 18th and at the time of the Tonga eruption Uranus was already at the degree of its station. So I think this entire period was/is a dangerous one and hopefully we won’t see more disasters. In her mundane forecast on YouTube for January 2022 astrologer Ema Kurent predicted mid-January would be difficult for a number of reasons including that Mars went out of bounds for about a week starting around January 12th and she pointed out that the Moon would also be at its maximum declination from January 14-18. Here in Canada we had a huge explosion in Ottawa on January 13th at a tanker truck manufacturing facility that killed six people. A cause has not been released but I’m guessing gas in keeping with that Mars square Neptune aspect. The charts for it and the Tonga explosion are very similar being about a day apart. Emma’s video is here if it’s not too tacky to promote it on your site, Marjorie! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rb4U5YeUis&t=2s
Good catch, Tara, and a reminder that I too must pay attention to midpoints more! Thanks!
I have a Natal Chart full of conjunctions. I find midpoints work better in my chart than transits.
“Tr Pluto is also exactly square the Tonga 8th house Jupiter at the moment, which isn’t a bad description of a massively amplified below-the-surface event.”
Definitely a good description. I don’t track transiting midpoints usually, but I noticed that Mars/Uranus is currently conjunct Jupiter in Pisces, which seems a bit explosive as well.
Really interesting reading. The tsunami that reached New Zealand wipe out a large number of boats moored at a marina in Tutakaka on the northern east coast. Millions of dollars worth of damage.
A comment in an article in the NZ Herald states that “the eruption may have produced a sonic boom at the source, but by the time the pressure wave arrived in New Zealand it would have been moving as regular sound”
I ran a chart for the exact longitude and latitude of the eruption and the time according to the USGS and got an ascendant of 27°25′ Sagittarius conjunct the Galactic Centre and an MC of 16°28′ Virgo. So this made the transiting Mars-Neptune square angular and I wondered if that reflected pressurized gas being released. I also wondered if this event provides evidence for the reliability of a midnight-based chart for Tonga as its 3°22′ Pisces ascendant was being closely transited by Jupiter at 3°20′ Pisces suggesting a major event that would impact the whole country. But I think you are right that the eclipse was the best predictor of things to come. Fascinating! Thank you for covering this event, Marjorie!