Thích Nhat Hạnh, the Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk, founder of the largest monastic order in the West and proponent of mindfulness, has died. He was exiled from his homeland and lived for most of his later life at the Plum Village Monastery in southwest France, travelling internationally to give retreats and talks; and writing many books and poetry. After a 39-year exile, he was permitted to visit Vietnam in 2005 and returned three years ago to spend his remaining days at his “root temple” there. He was active in the peace movement and deep ecology, promoting nonviolent solutions to conflict and raising awareness of the interconnectedness of all elements in nature. Within Buddhism he was seen as second only to the Dalai Lama.
He was born 11 October 1926, with a fair-minded and harmony-seeking Libra Sun and Venus; with his Sun in a confident trine to Jupiter and an intense square to Pluto. He had three planets in Water signs, too wide to be a Grand Trine, but he obviously had a healing and creative touch. His Saturn trine Uranus would give him the ability to institute positive change while hanging on to the best of the old ways. What dominated his chart was a Fixed Grand Square giving him endurance. The Queen, David Attenborough, Mel Brooks and Tony Bennett also born in 1926, share the same extraordinary ability to persevere over extended periods.
He knew real hardship with his Mars opposition Saturn and his Saturn trine Pluto but managed to rise above suffering to offer his gifts of insight.
His healer/victim 12th harmonic was strong; as was his leaving-a-legacy-for-history 17H; and his global fame 22nd harmonic.
“Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet.”
“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.”
“To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.”
“People have a hard time letting go of their suffering. Out of a fear of the unknown, they prefer suffering that is familiar.”
“People usually consider walking on water or in thin air a miracle. But I think the real miracle is not to walk either on water or in thin air, but to walk on earth. Every day we are engaged in a miracle which we don’t even recognize: a blue sky, white clouds, green leaves, the black, curious eyes of a child—our own two eyes. All is a miracle.”
“You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free.”
Pluto in the solar fourth could also explain so many death for Libras – or in their family; my Libran sister-in-law lost her father towards the end of last year. Though not a Libra, I lost my father when Pluto was in my solar fourth.
What a great loss – I first heard of Thich Nhat Hanh when I was living in France (it’d be interesting to see his relocated chart), and tried to practice the teachings in his books.
The rectified chart gives him an Aquarian Ascendant which satisfies his humanitarian attributes.
His natal chart contains a TRAPEZE quadrilateral fixed structure….Huber says of this figure..”it is composed of intersecting Learning Triangles giving a powerful, wide awake figure, with a huge inner capacity to think, learn and develop new ideas and figure solutions to new problems. People with a TRAPEZE
are dominant within a group, where they serve as a role model and must accept the responsibility that goes with it.”
Thank you Martha, i’ve just read your report now and I’m confiding, last night, i’ve seen this unique trapeze in one of his eyes == so special like the universe is contained in his gaze. I’ve not met him face to face. My root master is born in 1926 too (I took refuge in 2003 as a lay practitioner) Thank you Marjorie & all
I rectified his birth time to 2:57 pm, Asc 12Aq22. At death, we get
1. Converse transit RIP conj natal MH.
Pluto directed to oppose natal Sun
Asc directed to sextile the PART OF DEATH.
The square of Saturn directed to the IC.
3. #22 is “death of a famous person….he died on the 22nd, also the number in his
year of death 2022.
4. In his triwheel, trans RIP at 22 degrees, trans Pluto conj Grieve both at 22 degrees.
I couldn’t help noticing that he was born on the 11th and died at 00.00 hours on the 22nd of a 22 year.
If we stayed with the above chart’s time, transiting Jupiter would be exactly squaring his moon in the 12th house. I was taught by an old Theosophist/ Astrologer in the 1980’s that Jupiter is nearly always activating an aspect for Births, Marriages and Deaths in a Natal Chart. Especially a hard aspect in Death. I don’t know that much about rectifying a chart, although, again I was taught that I would need to find evidence to back up any theory in rectifying a person’s chart. Have you found any evidence to fit other incidences in his chart? As sometimes a flat chart can coincidently be the right time?
I have had a number of friends and acquaintances/clients die young (early 60’s) in the last 10 years. Somewhere, I had read about Jupiter being an important planet in a death chart, so have been playing around with that. My thinking is that of COURSE it is aspected!!
The next big adventure, eh?
I, too, had this wonderful quiet sense of peace in my body when I first looked at this chart.
and how fascinating Helen… about your quiet, personal creativity.
There are so many ways for a chart to express itself!…. keeps us all intrigued!
Please don’t I am judging your work, yet after revisiting Astrology a year or so ago, after some years. I am interested to see if the rectified chart ties in with him leaving Vietnam or returning. I have a chart with five quintiles in it. This depicts creativity, yet no-one has ever seen my songs or poems I write. I wrote them for me, not to be a performer. So it doesn’t necessary mean people externalise all their energies. That is why I was taught to look for concrete evidence in a chart to verify the rectified chart. Coming from a Theosophist angle, all charts can manifest in both spiritual and physical ways.
Interesting that Chiron is in 4th house and he was exiled from his homeland for most of his life.
I stumbled upon his teachings about 3 years ago and soaked up his seminars for months, from Youtube recordings. Really loved what he had to say. His teachings will live on.
Thank you. The strange thing is, that even looking at his chart, there is a calmness. As I immediately felt drawn to the centre of the chart. Furthermore, the only empty house in his chart, is the 6th house. Perhaps he was born to exude his awareness and not have to teach – just be himself? It is an extraordinary visual chart.
I hadn’t heard of this man, but these are beautiful quotes, thank you for sharing.
“To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.”
“People usually consider walking on water or in thin air a miracle. But I think the real miracle is not to walk either on water or in thin air, but to walk on earth. Every day we are engaged in a miracle which we don’t even recognize: a blue sky, white clouds, green leaves, the black, curious eyes of a child—our own two eyes. All is a miracle.”
Very nice reading that today.
Thanks Marjorie. A voice for these times. With Meatloaf and Andre Leon Talley, that’s three (very different) Libra Suns gone, Venus retro influencing perhaps.
And Nino Cerruti, the Italian fashion designer, another Libra last week.
Thanks for the beautiful quotes.
Pleased at how just the title of one of his books – Peace Is Every Step -creates healing.
What a gift his life has been.
Thanks Marjorie. Sad to hear of the death of this great man and not surprised that he was born during that remarkable year of 1926 and its T square of Neptune, Saturn and Jupiter in the fixed signs which has produced so many stalwart individuals. He even continued to teach using gestures and facial expressions following a stroke in 2014 which left him unable to speak — ‘26ers are built for endurance and don’t give up lightly. His teachings have always resonated with me — his natal Sun is in the same degree of Libra as my own. R. I. P.