Theresa May – lying on a bed of nails


Theresa May will need all of her Saturn in Scorpio sticking power if she’s going to hack on regardless. She’ll meet her backbenchers probably tomorrow (Monday) which might seal her fate. But polls are indicating that none of the possible contenders from within Tory ranks would be any more popular, some less so. So they are tangled up in a maze without an exit at the moment. The deal with the DUP is raising hackles in Northern Ireland given assurances (inscribed in a UN tablet of stone) that the UK government would favour neither side (the DUP or Sinn Fein). And Scottish Tory leader Ruth Davidson, with 12 MPs, must be aghast at having such a bunch of homophobes, zealots and creationists as the DUP being a crucial support. And last but not least May goes into the Brexit negotiations woefully unprepared psychologically, logistically and realpolitik-wise, with a smirking Merkel and almost certainly triumphant Macron ganging up to block the Brits every which way.

The Tories have self-destructed themselves and the country would say hell mend them, except for the more mature voters who look at Corbyn,  have read the history books on the bad old days of Stalin, remember the IRA, understand the Chavez chaos of Venezuela, and screech in horror. It’s worth reading the New Yorker piece by Anthony Lane, June 9, The Book of Jeremy Corbyn.    Gloriously funny but acutely perceptive as well about the whys and wherefores – and the generation gap.  [URL in Questions and Comments below]

It’s anyone’s guess when May will cease to be in George Osborne’s payback comment ‘a dead man walking’ and become a past tense. She does have tr Pluto sextile her Solar Arc Jupiter along with the highly confused tr Pluto square her Sun/Neptune till mid July, so a mix of hope and delusion; then her sinking-failure tr Neptune conjunct her Mars returns after mid July till early September; and again early and late 2018. She does have some bullish Pluto transits to two Jupiter midpoints picking up from early 2018, which will give her a stroke of luck – in whatever scenario she is operating then. But will get a fearful jolt in late 2018 from Solar Arc Uranus conjunct her Libra Sun.

Her 16th Harmonic which does give her tremendous staying power but also a tendency to self-inflicted disasters is her strongest harmonic; next is her 19H which is lucky for personal success, happiness and prosperity. However there is also an element of ill luck attached to it, unless the person can develop their individuality. [E.g Mel Gibson has a strong 19H]. Her 10H = contains the seed of both rise and fall, is also marked.

What may be telling is that having been forced to fire her inner cabal of two advisers and into appointing a Deputy PM and a new Chief of Staff, she has named two strong Remainers.

Damian Green, 17 Jan 1956, now Deputy PM, a Capricorn with a Pisces Moon, isn’t that easy a match for her with his Jupiter Pluto square Saturn Mars sitting on her Pluto square Saturn – and their relationship chart has a cool and controlling Sun Saturn opposition Venus square Pluto – chained together with underlying resentment.

Gavin Barwell, Chief of Staff, 23 Jan 1972, is a Sun Aquarius, Moon Aries/Taurus, with Saturn in late Taurus square Pluto, so stubborn and gritty. That relationship chart is also very Saturnine with a composite Sun opposition Venus square Saturn, which is good for business if not exactly warm.

The chart above is with her Secondary Progression positions and have moved up a comment by Maggy below.

16 thoughts on “Theresa May – lying on a bed of nails

  1. I think astrologically Pluto in Capricorn is pulling many of the strings these days. Plutocrats, the military industrial complex, banksters, propagandised media, corrupt and compliant politicians, governments owned or at least subservient to the demands of corporations, oil/ gas interests, regional hegemony. There is also a plutonic undercurrent of deep anger and resentment among the masses in the west, and an powerful state survapparqtus which is striving to get stronger. Saturns return to its own sign later this year can only deepen the malaise I think. Any cheery thoughts anyone?

  2. Thanks Marjorie, I finally got round the reading the article properly at lunchtime. You have to laugh at what a mess this is.

    I disagree about the Stalinism fears, “IRA sympathisers” and the UK turning into Venezuela. I think I’m a “mature voter”, it would certainly be a hell of a stretch to call me a young one. It seems anything to the left of centre is viewed as extreme. I don’t remember the 70s, my memories started c1980. I do know about the 3 day week and the winter of discontent. I have tried imagining how that felt at the time, I want to understand the fear of going left. But also what that would look like today, in a modern, post-globalisation, post-digital world. Turning off the power to save energy because of striking coal miners? Chaos today is far more likely to come from cyber threats, we need investment in infrastructure and I think young people understand this. Not only publicly owned structures, but corporations like BA trying to run on a shoestring to maximise their profits. I believe Pluto in Capricorn is trying to make us think in these news ways, it is scary to let go of old patterns of thinking and yes “Screech in horror”. I feel the same about letting go of Trident.

    Margaret Thatcher knew that to get the young to vote for capitalism, she had to give them a stake in it. They could buy their council house for a pittance and go to university for free, move up in life, she gave them a vision. Neptune in Capricorn, if you like. Young people have no stake in capitalism today, not even a McJob, it’s all zero-hour contracts or free internships for years. You need a cohesive society where everyone has a stake if you want them to move with you, you need to create a vision for everybody. We also need to be able to learn from history without being shackled by it, Pluto’s job perhaps.

    • I don’t think the left are extreme. A moderate leftie would have won hands down. It’s Corbyn’s historical CV that’s the problem for some older voters. Pro-Russia and hasn’t quite caught up with the communism-was-a-total-failure notion. McDonnell, the Labour Deputy, admits to a Lenin and Trotsky admiration – mass murderers in the name of an anti-capitalist revolution.
      And Corbyn’s visible support for Hamas and the IRA is questionable. While the causes that created them – injustice for the Palestinians and the NIreland RCs – should evoke sympathy and support, supporting murdering thugs does not. Mind you in Northern Ireland the other side weren’t any better.
      I was around in the 1970s, admittedly in the media, and the ‘Spanish practices’ of the print and technical television unions were outrightly corrupt. And certain of the more powerful nationalised industry unions held the country to ransom right royally. The trouble with these things is it’s a pendulum swing. The unions get too strong and behave abominably, get crushed, and the equally crass in the other direction managements start riding roughshod again.
      Chavez was a Marxist-Leninist who start well in Venezuela with socialist reform and ended up sending the country into chaos with increased poverty, a higher crime rate and more corruption.
      The fear with a far-left government is their economic illiteracy. They promise people the earth – free tuition fees, a five star NHS etc etc – and have no idea where the money is going to come from. Punitive taxation of the wealthy doesn’t work because they are mobile and just bale.
      It is tough for young people nowadays, but from all accounts they do seem to have an over developed sense of entitlement and not the sticking power of the older generation – who either lived through a world war, or were brought up by parents who did.
      Anyways I have no real answers, like everyone else.

      • Sorry Marjorie, I wasn’t necessarily talking about you, I don’t get the impression that you think the left are extreme. The right wing press is another matter, though. What is called moderate left these days is actually centre right and that is why a lot of people didn’t vote then, but do now. That’s what I get from listening to those people, anyway. I really don’t think that sort of candidate would’ve won it for Labour. They wouldn’t have got the young or the ex-kippers, who’ve
        been really hurt by austerity. Middle England is as divided as everywhere else. But what you say about the pendulum swing
        is absolutely right, there needs to be some sort of correcting cycle and perhaps that hasn’t happened.

        I almost didn’t post, I only did because you said something recently about not wanting to be in an echo chamber, which is a sentiment I very much agree with. I much as I despaired of the right wing bias in the press, I’m not going to start exclusively reading The Canary either.
        I’ve always been fascinated by people and what makes them tick. I’ve met people of all ages with a sense of entitlement, to be fair. Let’s not forget the young people who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan. A few people I went to school with served in Bosnia and Iraq. We always find money for war and bombs (maybe we should look harder for the magic money trees, I’m sure there are lots in the Cayman Islands. I bet Philip Green has one too). Recently I went to the funeral of a 94 year old neighbour who served in WW2, he said he would vote Labour as not only does he remember the 70s, but also life before the NHS. It’s amazing how we’re all coloured by our own experiences, but I am trying to get out of my bubble a little bit more, so thank you for your reply. The dangers of the pendulum swinging too far the other way, for too long, is a fair point well presented.

        • Yes me too. Such extreme Murdochian horoscopes that really clash with dozens of astrologers from Auntie Jackie to Jean Wiley to Gregory Scott to Pam Gregory and more. They are all seeing the coming of the Age of Aquarius. But Marjorie Orr is spouting all this ghastly Thatcherism that everyone plainly hates and is not what people want. The Russia nonsense is more about shutting down RT exposing Corporate Thugs than anything about Putin. Like the ridiculous nonsense of ‘The Saudi Link’ red herring on a Deep State murder [now there are the real thugs for you Marjorie, especially the one that runs the Daily Mail!] demolition that even the families of Twin Towers took 100 experts and made a Toronto trial ‘9/11: Decade of Deception’ that bankster thugs murdered 3000 of their own people with NASA remote control airliners… Anyway, all this ‘IRA’, ‘Hamas’, ‘Palestine’ as Marjories ‘Thugs’ with no British Empire and the estimated 6 Billion dead in this global holocaust of British Empire from the Dear British are strangely ‘Not Thugs’, rather ‘Civilised’ and ‘Wronged’ people…Especially the Corporate Thugs and Murderers who are Asset Stripping the world via IMF imaginary money being exchanged for real world assets railways, airports, islands, etc. as the Greek prototype. However, no matter how much Murdochian Orwellian Disinformation of Marjorie and all…The Awakening of Humanity against these Corporate Thugs in their Class War is on and taking the form of a Peaceful Rebellion of Personal Secession intuitively. Food is full of crap so people cook at home and grow their own veg. Meat and milk are full of crap so people are going vegan. 6% interest is feeding insolvent zombie banks,so people go to peer to peer lending like…Pulling our stones from the pyramid of power like the End of the Roman Empire… The Future is Bright …Ignore the Disinformation…The MEME is ‘The best thing to do with the BBC is to switch it off!”

          • Sharon, have a day off. Marjorie makes valid points about what happens when things go too far the other way, I don’t see Thatcherism or “murdochian horoscopes”. I’m not into conspiracy theories any more than I’m into smear campaigns by the right wing press. You’re consumed by it and so full of anger, I hope something helps you soon.

        • Tara, V important to listen to opposing views otherwise you get totally concretised within your own little bunker.
          Macron is one answer (maybe a mirage since only hot air at the moment) to the pendulum swing. Both sides are wrong so try to either stand in the middle or encompass the best of both. In the UK there is a hint of cross-party co-operation over Brexit moving forward which, if it happens, is an encouraging sign. And more talk about how to help the disenfranchised young.
          Even Sharon, for all her over heated rhetoric below – and no paragraphs which is a worry – is right about one side being as bad as the other. The after effects of the brutality of the colonial superpowers, which has spawned much of the 20/21st Century conflict, the callous cupidity of the money-men etc etc – leads to retaliating violence on the part of the oppressed. But that’s just another version of a wrecking-ball pendulum. There must be another way – and I don’t mean into the hippy dippy Age of Aquarius. A grown up way.
          I suffer from a problem that many journalists do of reading right across the spectrum which means you don’t understand the voters, who tend to get their opinions from one TV channel, one newspaper where they skim the headlines, or for youngsters, the social media. One of these days I’m going to give up reading the Daily Mail, which I only cast a glance over to stay up to speed on the political assaults – but the industrial amount of sludge they print is truly mind numbing.

          • Macron looks a bit like a young Blair to us (I’m sure he’s probably not like that), I suppose a big part of the problem is how much Blairism has poisoned the centre, I don’t think it has quite the same baggage in France. I’m not sure what will solve that, it will probably take time.

            I talk to a lot of people. I volunteer at several places between contracts, mostly schools and a food bank, so that’s been an eye opener. You get to see the real people, not the popular narrative of what they’re like. I use public transport a lot too, this morning I was chatting to an 88 year old woman who was taking some things to her 70 year old son in hospital.

            Yes, the Daily Mail. I have seen Mr Clarke at work, tempting though it is I can’t say too much about it. I smile to myself every time I think about the Labour MP that represents Derry Street 🙂

          • I think Sharon is our sporadic resident Looney Tune. Pops in and writes in a fashion that imitates verbal hyperventilation. Then, hides in her digital ether, giggling to herself, waiting for the aftermath to feed her narcissistic supply. Sigh. I suppose you haven’t made it on ‘tinternet, until you have a collection of these sorts.

            I think there will always be pendulum swings between left and right ideologies but, as we slowly evolve into more conscious and compassionate beings, the gap will become narrower. But, it will take a long time. The right of politics are very good at business sense, but not so good at social integration, or even care about those who have the audacity to exist on less than £150k per year. And the left side of politics are generally good at root level social causes but, dire at business sense, and seem to despise anyone who aims to financially better themselves. I suppose, until the future wonder leader steps up to the platform, who is able to bridge the two important and strong points of both the left and right, we are just hanging in the wind and catapulting custard pies at our political antagonist neighbours. As I said in a post previously, we need a fiscally smart and socially liberal political movement. The parties, both here and abroad, just cannot seem to connect the dots and grow up and deliver such an agenda.

  3. Tara, an I suggest The Zodiac Within Each Sign (Sakoian & Acker) – it’s an excellent delineation of the decanates and duads, which I have found invaluable over the years.

  4. What strikes me from your posts, Marjorie, is that Theresa May has difficult relationships with almost everyone, with the possible exception of Donald Trump! Is this the reason for her famously un-collegiate managerial style and way of life? What makes it so difficult for her to get on with people? I thought she looked really frightened at times during the election.

  5. From Maggy von Krimpen pulled up from old TMay post.
    Hello, some good comments on the mess the UK is in……pity there’s no birth time for Theresa May. I’ve never looked at her chart previously but what staggers me is the surprising numbe rof planets at the 29th degree (using those right at the end of the 28th as well). Mercury rising in front of the Sun is her vocational indicator, and at the birth Saturn, Pluto and Neptune were also at the 29th degree. Some astrologers accredit the highest virtues to the 29th degree (i.e. it is spiritual in effect, or a high degree of competency). The Saturn is also conjunct the North Node, so that Mercury here is particularly powerful. Her chart reveals not a lot of physical stamina but plenty of flexibility and determination. At the moment her progressed Moon is coming to conjunct Saturn/Node, so it indeed looks heavy as Marjorie says. The Neptune passing over Mars (the focal point opposing the rest of the chart) makes her seem shaky and emotional, but even with the odd connections to the heavy, outer planets, she may still ride this out. Its unlikely, not impossible, because of the very odd emphasis of the 29th degree so repeatedly. I have seen this often in people’s charts who offer their services in an evangelical sense, in the hope of improving things, with sincerity which sometimes wins out. Will the progressed Moon moving towards Saturn/Node be the end, or some shoring up from some unexpected happening? Nice to read others’ takes on it anyway. Thanks Marjorie.

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