The Johnson tribe have certainly made their mark on the UK scene and establishment with all four of the siblings making their pitch in different ways for attention.
Boris is the eldest born in 1964 and Rachel came next, 3 September 1965 – Oxford University, financial and feature journalist, editor of The Lady, TV presenter and writer, with at present a regular Daily Mail column. She’s a fairly chaotic Sun Uranus Pluto in Virgo opposition Saturn; with a tricky, slippery and can-be-vengeful Mars Neptune in Scorpio. Her Jupiter in Geminis is conjunct Boris’s Sun Venus which will make for a friendly connection though neither are good at controlling their wilder impulses.
Leo Johnson, 26 September 1967 (companies house) – describes himself as ‘the invisible’ Johnson, non-political, not blond, not Tory, determinedly private. After Oxford, he worked with the World Bank and is now in environmental sustainability; with an Afghani wife who works in post-conflict reconstruction. He’s a Sun Libra opposition Saturn in forced-to-be-self-reliant Saturn; with his Saturn in a disciplined trine to Mars. He also has a charming and flashy Venus Jupiter in Leo square Neptune.
Jo Johnson 23 December 1971 – Oxford University, investment banking, financial journalist, MP, Cabinet Minister under Cameron and May, a Remainer and now in House of Lords. He has a Capricorn Sun on the focal point of a pressured T Square to a Mars opposition Pluto; with his Mars in an adventurous square to Jupiter; and his Saturn in a can-be-uncertain opposition to Neptune. His Mars clashes with Boris’s Sun Venus so there will be a competitive conflict between them; and his Saturn Neptune opposition sits uncomfortably with Boris’s scattergun Mutable T square of Mars, Pluto Uranus and Saturn.
What is clear is that all of them in different ways reacted badly to their father Stanley’s influence/genes and their stressed childhood. Stanley is a bombastic and ultra-stubborn Sun Mars in Leo in a willful square to Uranus with quadruply obstinate Jupiter Saturn in Taurus square Mercury Pluto in Leo. Boris and Jo caught the full force of his personality highlighted in their afflicted Mars. Leo to a slightly lesser extent but he still has a tricky Sun Saturn Mars. In Rachel it shows in her disorganized, whirlwind-in-a-storm approach to life. I recollect reading somewhere that Stanley (when he was around) deliberately set them up against each other to foster a competitive attitude.
Rachel’s relationship with Boris hints at wild over-enthusiasm when together, though also a tendency to stoke each other on to unwise decisions and to tussle for the upper hand and last word. With Leo there’s a stuck-together-by-circumstances but vague and evasive connection. With Jo there is more overt power struggling and aggravation with a composite Sun opposition Pluto Uranus; and a wide Yod of Neptune sextile Uranus onto Mars, so not entirely sympatico.
All go-getters in their way, argumentative, intelligent and well-educated. Just goes to show a dysfunctional childhood can be a driver for future success if not for happiness – nor indeed always for the benefit of those around them.
Just an observation–Jo Johnson is born 2 calendar days before Canada’s Justin Trudeau and shares chart similarities.
Hope you’re well. You did something for me a long time ago. It was to do with my 0 degrees Capricorn Mercury Retrograde. I’ve kept at it. I know I have to use Astrology and Poetry. Based on the current News.
The Text message was, “bring your own Booze, “ as a Gemini the guy thought as a Salesman he couldn’t lose. Based on his London Superhighways Bike Scheme, his Gemini Sales Pitch was, he was trying to sell a corporate Dutch and Danish Bicycle dream. He’s not a Cockney, neither am I. Bojo, as a Gemini, has the mentality of a skyscraper, like his pal Trump, and neither of the twin brothers believe they’re a bad guy.
The mother? Any words about her?
Good write up on her specifically here … https://dev.star4cast.com/charlotte-wahl-johnson-a-class-act/
Phew! Felt exhausted and drained simply reading about them!
“ Stanley (when he was around) deliberately set them up against each other to foster a competitive attitude.”
Sounds quite a lot like Fred Trump.