China is ramping up the pressure on Taiwan, conducting military exercises off the coast and summarily removing an agreed median line in the Taiwan Straits which helped prevent military accidents. Opinion is divided as to whether Beijing is trying to provoke a reaction or to shake Taiwan’s morale and indicate displeasure about closer contacts between Taipei and Washington and a possible arms sales. Officials say it is the worst escalation of military activity in more than two decades.
The history of modern China is so muddled there is no clear chart for Taiwan though the 1 January 1912 chart did show up the three Taiwan Straits Crises with China in 1954/58/95, so has a validity.
On that chart tr Pluto is opposing the Neptune at the moment until late this November for maximum confusion and high-anxiety; and that rolls on through 2021/22; with indications of a total turnaround and massive upheaval come 2022 with tr Pluto conjunct the Uranus. Along the way 2021 looks economically stressed with tr Uranus conjunct the Saturn in Taurus with tr Saturn in square; at the same time as a high-risk, scary, trapped tr Pluto trine Mars. Muddle and mayhem will run on till 2024. Part of that will be pandemic and consequent economic damage.
The China 1949 chart is in bullish mood till late this November with tr Pluto conjunct the Jupiter; and will be on high-alert and aggressive form from July 2021 onwards as tr Uranus starts to square the 7th house (= neighbours) Mars in Leo and moving on to square Pluto in 2022. When tr Uranus is in hard aspect to Mars it usually tests an individual or country’s self-esteem and the likelihood is of rash over-reactions to prop up morale.
Xi Jinping’s 2nd Term chart, 24 October 2017 12.30pm Beijing, is moving into shaky territory from May 2021 onwards with tr Neptune square the Saturn; though the effects of that will come sooner as tr Neptune squares the Moon in late February/March. Tr Pluto is also square the Term Uranus from late February 2021 on and off to late 2022, which is usually a time of maximum instability for an administration – and that extreme wobble will be exacerbated by Solar Arc Uranus opposition the Sun exact in early 2022 for a shocking surprise. If he survives that still clinging onto his perch then tr Pluto squares the Term Sun in 2023/24 putting him under severe pressure; and after that tr Pluto squares the Jupiter in 2024/25. He may or may not survive politically to rise again from the ashes when the Pluto Jupiter effect rescues him.
Thank you, despite the not so good news – our little island with Western style democracy has been living in the shadow of hostile threats from its big brother since the Communist revolution, despite its de facto independence. Scant attention is paid to it except as a negotiating chip with China (as Trump plays his political ‘deals’). The people of China are no better off (at least the Taiwanese are still free in their own country, unlike Hong Kong), but their lack of freedom under the government’s near total control (or so it seems) has given little hope for democratic expression or progress in our lifetimes thus far, and when faced with the choice between Chinese nationalism and support for Hong Kong, Taiwan, Tibet or the Uighurs, nationalism wins out except for a few brave dissidents, now mostly abroad. Very disheartening…
Thank you for this amazing analysis, Marjorie.
Things don’t look very promising for the ‘beautiful island’ then…