Taiwan – living beside a fire-breathing dragon

Taiwan remains a danger zone despite China ending several days of military drills though some activity continues and Xi Jinping has called on the armed forces to “strengthen military training oriented towards actual combat”. This last round of sabre-rattling was provoked by the visit of USA House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to Taiwan last week. Beijing has not ruled out taking Taiwan by force, and is working to isolate it from the international community. Only 13 countries now recognise Taiwan as a country, after Honduras decided to switch ties to Beijing after financial and commercial inducements.

  There is no there is no clear chart for Taiwan though the China country 1 January 1912 chart did show up the three Taiwan Straits Crises with China in 1954/58/95, as well as the Second Sino-Japan War in 1927.

  The sensitive (war -like) points on the China chart appear to be its can-be-fanatical Uranus at 28 degrees Capricorn (opposition Neptune); Mars at 24 degrees in ultra determined Taurus (conjunct Moon, Saturn) and its Pluto at 27 Gemini – and its North Node at 28 degrees Aries.

  The First Taiwan Strait spat starting 3 September 1954 had tr Pluto square the Mars; tr Uranus opposing the Uranus with tr Neptune square.

The Second Taiwan Strait crisis, starting 23 August 1958 had tr Jupiter North Node conjunct the South Node with tr Saturn moving to oppose the Pluto. Tr Uranus was square the Saturn.

  The Third Taiwan Strait spat, 21 July 1995, had the tr Uranus Neptune in Capricorn rattling up its Uranus opposition Neptune, tr Saturn aiming to square the Pluto; and the North Node was on a Half Return.

At the moment tr Pluto is square the China 1912 Uranus; tr Neptune is moving to square the Pluto along with tr Saturn in 2024/25. And the Eclipses in 2024 will be back to their 1995 positions. Plus tr Uranus will conjunct the China Mars from late May 2024 on and off into early 2025 which will be a time when risky over reactions could occur.

  The China/Japan relationship chart is also under extreme pressure this year and on until late 2025 with tr Pluto conjunct the composite Sun, Mercury and then Venus; with 2024 being especially uncertain as tr Neptune squares the composite Saturn.

  The US/China relationship chart looks under dark and discouraging clouds with tr Pluto opposition the composite Saturn but that need not indicate overt action – it could be a dragging stalemate. Though Biden’s Term is moving into a riskier phase from now onwards – and both his Term chart and Xi Jinping’s Third Term do hint at a jangle late April into early May this year.

  As ever nothing conclusive, but there are Astro-similarities to previous flare-ups.

3 thoughts on “Taiwan – living beside a fire-breathing dragon

  1. Thank you Marjorie. Unfortunately living beside the dragon has been the undercurrent since the Revolution, directly impacting and upending my immediate family’s lives. But never has it been so critical and threatening, due to the economic and thus military rise of China, and of its particular leader (tho I suppose Xi also reflects his time, with so many fellow autocrats) . I worry for extended family members, and Taiwan overall, for which I have a great affection because of its people and easy-going culture (compared to that of China).

    Using the Taiwan Strait crises charts is very interesting. If I recall correctly, one Taiwan chart I’d seen seemed to ‘make sense’, difficult, but with Jupiter in the 12th (its survival relying on hidden protection)

  2. Taking all the indicators together – not just the astrology – I think Xi will make his attempt to take Taiwan sooner rather than later. It is possible that it could coincide with Putin’s final throw of the dice in Ukraine – using it as a diversion. Two eclipses in the coming weeks look particularly interesting and just maybe, the long held doubt over the King’s Coronation could be linked to what is happening internationally.

  3. I am deeply concerned about Taiwan – I fully support Taiwan’s self-determination as much as I fully support Ukraine’s self-determination. If Taiwan gets invaded by that monstrosity of a nation (China), then I think we’re going to have another world war.

    Marjorie, do you think you can also look into these flare ups between Israel and Iran? Things appear to be getting very serious. According to an article from The Times of Israel, Israel is telling their citizens to be prepared for war with or without the support of the United States.

    Israel has already bombed a few military facilities in Iran and a few Iranian guards in Syria as well as an Iranian nuclear scientist.

    Frankly, I hate the government of Iran – they’re a fundamentalist theocracy, they support the Russian Federation (as well as Russia’s brutal aggression towards Ukraine [an innocent nation]), they are suppressing the ethnic Kurdish and Azeri minorities, they’ve been crushing peaceful protestors, and they’ve poisoned a number of Iranian school girls. Plus, Iran is anti-West. In other words, I have no empathy for Iran’s government; whatever Karma has in store for them is fine with me.

    That being said, I am wondering if the astrology suggests there will be more than just threats and posturing between Israel and Iran in the near future.

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