Suri Cruise – finding a way out of the parent trap

Tom Cruise may well have saved movies as he soared to the number one banking star in Top Gun Maverick, grossing $1.5 billion, but there are still puzzling questions over his complicated private life.  A celebrity magazine alleged he had not seen his daughter Suri, now 16, since he divorced her mother Katie Holmes a decade ago. The two children from his previous marriage to Nicole Kidman stayed with him in the Church of Scientology. But Katie Holmes got full custody and has refused to allow her daughter near the Hubbard cabana.

  Suri Cruise, 18 April 2006 3.26am Los Angeles has a Moon Pluto in Sagittarius trine an Aries Sun and her Pluto opposes Mars. So a highly intense and complicated relationship to both parents.

   A Sun, Pluto, Mars father would certainly indicate simmering resentment about his controlling tendencies. A strongly Plutonic father can be omnipresent and a bully – or oddly enough absent and literally out-of-control.

   A Moon Pluto mother suggests a possessive and strongly bonded (not always happily) connection with mother. Though in this case it might be partly circumstances. Katie Holmes’ Sagittarius Sun is conjunct Suri’s Pluto and Katie’s Pluto falls in Suri’s 8th house, so the relationship will be fairly enmeshed. Katie’s Jupiter is conjunct Suri’s Saturn so she will at times act as a cheerer-upper.

  Tom Cruise, 3 July 1962, NY, a Sun Cancer in a Water Grand Trine to Jupiter trine Neptune, formed into a Kite by a  super-confident Jupiter opposition Pluto. Highly creative, headstrong, lives in his own bubble of reality. He also has a ruthless Mars in Taurus conjunct Algol in a volatile square to Uranus. His Uranus and Pluto fall in Suri’s 7th house of close relationships which suggesting a contradictory need to control and be free.  His Mars Algol are also inconjunct her Pluto for underlying aggravation.

  She will feel trapped by both parents and the circumstances of her upbringing. While it may take time to step out of their shadow and the dynamic of the parental relationship, she will show her rebellious streak to become her own person towards the end of this decade.

Growing up in the Hollywood fishbowl ain’t easy and that is leaving aside the screwball Scientologists.

See previous Tom Cruise post January 3 2023.

5 thoughts on “Suri Cruise – finding a way out of the parent trap

  1. Pluto/Moon conjunct is very powerful. It super-charges the intensity of the emotional life. She is fiercely ambitious, willful and is certain to succeed.

  2. I think she will do OK. She has always looked determined to me since quite young.. I understand her mothers love for her only child. I cannot understand Cruise at all and his shunning of people.

  3. Doesn’t Sun trine Moon suggest very happy/smooth relations between mother and father? Because I have that aspect too… and it makes nooooo sense for my parents’ relationship either.

    • Hi Rae, the way I have always interpreted the positive Sun/Moon aspects is that your parents were happy at the time of your birth. Not necessarily as time went on.

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