Stonewall, the LGBT rights charity, is coming under increasing attack for its support of militant transgender policies which have led to a cancel culture in universities aimed at gender critical academics. It has also lent its weight to the argument that would-be-trans children should be allowed to consent to surgical and chemical interference. None of which were in its original remit and bring it into headlong conflict with many of those whom it was set up to support. Prominent LGBT activists are now speaking out against Stonewall and some are even suing.
It’s slogan ‘Acceptance without exception’ – people should be treated as the ‘gender’ they say they are – has become big business as its ‘Stonewall Diversity Champions’ scheme is getting £3 million a year and charging organisations thousands of pounds a year for accreditation as ‘LGBT inclusive’; among those signed up are Government departments, local authorities, corporations, media companies, universities, police forces and even the British Army.
It was set up on 24 May 1989, named after the 1969 Stonewall Riots in New York, when the turmoil of the triple conjunction in Capricorn was in place with a hard-edged Mars opposition Saturn and trine Pluto so there was no doubting the determination that fuelled its fire.
And really its work was done by 2014 when the Same Sex Marriage Act came in. At that point there was a reformist and upbeat tr Jupiter in Cancer opposition Pluto square Uranus which shook up the Stonewall Mars in Cancer opposition Saturn Neptune (Uranus). Though with tr Neptune having just crossed over the square to the Gemini Sun there may also have been a sinking feeling of an established organisation which no longer had a purpose. It became a campaign hunting for a cause and landed on transgender as its raison d’etre even though it clashed with many of its supporter’s views and interests.
This is the third chart in a row this week with a grandiose Jupiterian Yod – see Tony Hall under Bashir, and Franco Nero under Spacey. Stonewall’s Jupiter Venus in communicative Gemini are inconjunct Pluto sextile Saturn Neptune which brings an ability to make a difference in social and cultural affairs but also has the downside of a fickle and overblown Jupiter which can prove its undoing.
At the moment the Solar Arc Jupiter is conjunct the Stonewall Mars for an upsurge in energy and activity. But the triple conjunction has also moved to put the Solar Arc Saturn exactly square the Stonewall Pluto, followed next year by Solar Arc Neptune square Pluto which is a roadblock followed by devastation and confusion. With the overly expansive Jupiter at risk of going well over the score in late 2022/early 2023 as the Solar Arc Pluto opposes the apex Jupiter. That latter can accompany over-confident pushes which transgress established regulations and lead to battles with authorities which usually end up in failure. There will also be a jolting shock in 2022 from Solar Arc Sun opposition the Uranus.
At the risk of bringing down the ceiling on my head – I’ve always though there was a fundamentalist zeal about the more visible end of the transgender lobby that veered towards the pathological. It has turned into one of these over-heated cultural obsessions affecting a tiny number of people that at some point has to either run out of steam or be blown out of the water. Yes people suffering from gender dysphoria have to be accepted and treated with sympathy but that doesn’t mean the rights of others have to be put at risk.
The trouble with Stonewall is that homogenising varying groups with different goals under one umbrella doesn’t work. Invariably one faction hogs the limelight, to the detriment of the others. I doubt very much that all members speak with one voice.
I believe that we should be protecting children from being indoctrinated from those with an agenda. Anyone who wants a sex change should at least be of age to make that decision for him or herself. And that means being an adult. Nobody has the right to force that option onto an underage person. Protecting the vulnerable should be more important than conforming to woke ideology who appear to care nothing about protecting the rights of innocent children from thise who would use them for their own advantage.
I find this article reminicent of the pro-birth (anti-abortion) which took an extreme rarely used procedure like partial birth-abortion and painting all abortions with a broad brush just like taking one organization which may have an extreme view on transgenderism and conflating anyone who supports transgender rights with them.
Thank you for your reply Marjorie, it is very appreciated. Delia
Marjorie, what is it astrologically that seems to make so many of the under 30’s, so fanatical and unable to hear alternative points of view?
The 1990s had tr Uranus conjunct Neptune in orb throughout, first in Capricorn and moving latterly into Aquarius. Uranus Neptune can be inspired but is also highly-strung, wilful and tends to have set ideas. Uranus, the torchbearer and rebel, merging with can-be-delusional Neptune. Pluto also moved into Sagittarius from 1995 which is dogmatic and self-righteous about opinions.
The shadow of Aquarius is unquestioned conformity but also a loss of humanity, feelings, heart. Aquarius/Uranus wants to create an ideal society by stamping out all the hate and discord. Logically it makes sense – if you don’t hate anyone, you’ll all get along and everybody can do their own thing.
Trouble is many of the ‘woke’ voices don’t have the emotional intelligence and self-awareness to see their own prejudices. So they project their own hates and fears onto the people who dare to disagree with them.
The skill in life (which science – an Aquarian thing – tries to do) is not to get rid of your biases/prejudices but to be aware of them so you can manage them. Pretending you don’t have biases/prejudices just leads to them driving your decisions as Jung said
I’m somewhat dreading the Pluto in Aqua period if this is where we’re headed.
Trickster Gemini energy yet again!
Both the woke left and the Q-anon lunatic right have the kind of absolute uncompromising belief in the rightness of their various causes that has always been exhibited by teenagers. They see nor brook any nuance or shades of grey. This polarisation is fueled by a lazy media who would often rather write a story based upon who is saying what on social media, than do a serious interpretation and interviews. Hence most of what passes for debate is rather childish. If there is any astrological culprit for all this it may be Neptune in naively fanatical Pisces. I was hoping that Saturn in Aquarius might temper things a bit – and perhaps it has. Ultimately the world will tire of it all and move on. Pluto in Aquarius will probably nudge us in a new direction.
Seriously? ‘woke’ is a derogatory term used by the Right much like ‘politically correct’ to deride anyone who wants to discuss issues like discrimination and racism and to shut down any debate of either one.
At least so-called ‘woke’ people are discussing issues that actually exist rather than making up conspiracy theories like QAnon.
“Woke” is a term that came out of the social justice movements in the US west coast universities. ie. are you woke?
Yes, it was originally used as a term by certain people to distinguish themselves as the true enlightened ones, as though everyone else was stupid and shut down all nuanced debate. I think it was twisted back in the mild pejorative way you described as irony.
Yes, I think it may be a symptom of people who grew up in the digital age. Algorithms now decide social norms and secondary socialisation by deciding what people are exposed to – and it can tend to the more and more extreme instead of mixing it up. It’s not just those born in the 90’s, but this century as well.
This, from Third Gender on Wikipedia, is interesting:
” In Vedic astrology, the nine planets are each assigned to one of the three genders; the third gender, tritiya-prakrti, is associated with Mercury, Saturn and (in particular) Ketu. In the Puranas, there are references to three kinds of devas of music and dance: apsaras (female), gandharvas (male) and kinnars (neuter).”
Ketu, or the South Node, is 29 Leo in the Stonewall chart. It aspects the Sun/Mercury and Uranus – I don’t think Vedic astrology includes the outer planets in its system. This anaretic degree of the S Node suggests to me some kind of tension around decisions involving the organisation’s own self image. Perhaps something needs to be released. The NN in Aquarius would then point towards a purpose that was, dare I say it, more inclusive.
That’s interesting Jane when you think about the Leo/Aquarius axis as Self/Collective.
Another thing that strikes me is the Moon Venus inconjunct. It’s mighty tense and uncomfortable in Gemini—Capricorn.
I find myself mystified by those who wish to show hatred and descrimination having suffered the same. However, this seems to be a general theme running around the world currently. Perhaps it has always been the case and I just didn’t notice, but it seems to be ramping up in intensity.
The oppressed of today are often tomorrow’s oppressors.
Sadly, history shows it has always been that way.
For example the Far right Israelis who apparently can look at themselves in the mirror and not see the hideous irony.
“This is the third chart in a row this week with a grandiose Jupiterian Yod – see Tony Hall under Bashir, and Franco Nero under Spacey.”
A feeling of being untouchable as well as grandiosity, I would say. Have you seen Stonewall’s response on Twitter, Marjorie? Let’s just say that it’s an embodiment of an immature Jupiterian Yod. Gay men and Lesbian women have been told that because they are same-sex attracted, they are therefore transphobic and bigoted. Many no longer feel that Stonewall represents them. The fact that Stonewall tried to smear a Black Lesbian member, Alison Bailey of the LGB Alliance and are now being taken to court by her speaks volumes about the toxic nature of this once great organisation. It’s lost the plot in a spectacular manner.
I know it is trite to say, but I have a transgender friend. I had got to know the person in their original gender and had seen her go through the transition in front of me, as it were. And she was gracious enough to educate me about the process as she underwent it herself. So, I understand their side of the story.
But I find the slogan “Acceptance without exception” abhorrent and repugnant. No idea, no concept is absolute “without exception”. Just as the Church’s (and Mullahs’) enforcement of theology was abhorrent because there were no exceptions, so too is an enforced “acceptance” of transgender or gay rights.
Persuade (and accept that you will never persuade everybody), but do not compel. Otherwise you may have visible obediance, but no respect. And if you even slightly weakened (as will inevitably happen), there will be nobody left to defend you (because you lost their respect).
I also have a transgender friend. She regrets the extent of her surgery, and has many questions that have no answers. She is in a relationship with a lesbian woman now, and happy. However, the current febrile atmosphere around these issues makes it impossible for her to be open about her questions, doubts, and desire for discussion. This is what’s missing isn’t it? A truly open place for discussions and an attitude of kindness and empathy would be welcome. For now, it’s my way or the highway – and it’s repressive and scary. And oddly, some of it is really rather prudish and at odds with the slogan “acceptance without exception”. If that were true, a more relaxed and genuinely inclusive attitude might prevail.
I do think the language around this is problematic – as if the word “gender” has replaced the word “sex”, when they are two quite different things. If someone has had surgery to alter their sex, they’re transexual, not transgender. I’ve been watching the debate around this for a few years, trying to inform myself and understand it, but despite my best efforts I still have no idea what it means to be “transgender”. One friend told me it was like the difference between “gay” and “queer”, but I’m afraid that left me none the wiser.
I whole heartedly agree Grace. When I was at school studying Latin it was drilled into me that girls, farmers and sailors were feminine, boys, books and gardens were masculine, and war and a kiss were neuter. The declension of these nouns were defined by their gender. The linguistic origin of the word is from the Latin genus which means type or kind. It had nothing to do with sex per se and only started being used that way in the latter half of the 20th century. A lot of the current problems are caused by the fact that sex as a biological state and the concept of gender as a social construct derived from language has got confused. You can blame a lot of this on European intellectual theories on semiotics and language which has seeped into all areas of academia with not altogether benevolent results. Astrology itself recognises that gender plays a part in defining a persons chart since the attribute is applied both to certain planets and particular signs. It can be used as one of the starting points for interpreting a chart. It is very much a linguistic and cultural means of defining the world. Unfortunately, biological sex is not a social construct it is something handed down to humanity by evolution and like gravity it cannot be simply willed away by academic theories originating in the Sorbonne and elsewhere. Indeed, to think otherwise is an act of monumental arrogance and we know how the Gods and fates ancient mythology pay out mortals who indulge in such hubris.
At last the voice of common sense!!!!
You have hit the nail bang on the head.
I have a suspicion an awful lot of the loudest ‘shouters’ have addled their brains by using mind altering drugs when younger.
Consequently their sense of perspective also went up in smoke and became ‘woke’