Stelliums are formed by having three planets or more in the same sign or house. They concentrate amplified energy on the traits of that sign or house and often give an intense and singular focus to life.
They don’t always bestow genius but it is a fair analogy since persons with great ability in one specific arena often have notable lacks in other areas of their lives. Great pluses often go along with equally great minuses. Memo – you can’t have it all.
People often worry about having houses with no planets – but a chart with planets in all 12 houses (impossible anyway) would produce such a thinly scattered personality, with too many directions of interests that it would not be helpful.
Personalities in the news with stelliums interestingly enough are Blake Lively with five planets in Virgo in her 1st – and wow that is a full-on personality. The first house is to do with identity and image which she approaches in a highly Virgoan way – earthy, practical, critical, opinionated.
She is facing up to Justin Baldoni over sexual harassment issues and he is giving as good as he gets. He has four planets in intense, emotional Scorpio (three in is financial second house) – money will be a great motivator but in addition Scorpio takes badly to being attacked and will rarely give up without a fight back.
Leo di Caprio also has a stellium of three Scorpio planets which rules money and sex in his 2nd house – wealthy with a constantly revolving romantic life.
Another Virgo stellium is Jada Pinkett Smith, 18 September 1971 12.38 pm Baltimore, Maryland, with Mercury, Moon, Sun, Pluto, three in her 10th and one in 9th – very career and outer oriented.
This is similar to having an upper hemisphere chart where the focus is on work and outer activities rather than personal and subjective ones. A left hand chart will be more independent. A right hand chart will be more relationship-oriented.
[Sorry best I can do for now – in a scramble – all astro comments or personal examples welcome]
It’s very heartening to read other people’s experiences of living under a stellium. Thank you all for sharing. My daughter too has a stellium in Taurus in her 5th. So we are like astrological mirrors to each other: my Leo 2nd to her Taurus 5th (including Sun conj Algol). We are indeed both pretty fixed which also has its pluses and minuses.
I have a stellium in my natal chart. My Sun, Mercury (which is retrograde), and my Venus (which is also retrograde) are in my 5th House of Aries.
I am interested in what the Astrological consensus is on if angles and nodes count as a stellium? I have seen several people over the years who behave in stellium like ways, but with only 2 planets and an angle or a planet angle and node. I would have to go back and check their charts as maybe it’s the house that contributes to the zoned in focus, I know two of them had a 1st and 10th house ‘stellium’
Concerning the Baldoni and Lively situation, although I dont doubt the the stregnth of resolve from Lively’s Virgo stellium (all Earth stelliums will dig in!) and also reading around feel she has been mistreated, rightly wants to make a point, and I don’t want to take away from her autonomy as a woman, but this feels like a Scorpio proxy war between TWO Scorpio stellium men – Justin Baldoni and Blake Lively’s husband Ryan Reynolds. Reynolds got involved early on when the wheels started coming off in a way that could be interpreted as crossing a line in production etiquette.
Stellium in Scorpio, 3rd house. Blessing and a curse.
I recall Marjorie telling me that I had 6 planets (or 4?) in Scorp. Kind of fixed, eh?
Yep. My mental processes are stubborn, repetitive, intrusive and hard to shift. I have a Capricorn friend though with Neptune, Moon, Mars, Saturn in Scorpio (I’m one of these annoying women who have male friends) and we get on very well. Scorpions are also very loyal creatures.
It is odd, for me, that I get along better with the dom in a lesbian marriage than with single straight women (esp here in Seattle). Why is that? Such have been the connexions that the sub lashes out in anger and jealousy. The friendship is lost.
Three planet Stellium in Sagittarius probably in the First House (time of birth near dawn but not exact) including Sun/Saturn conjunction to within less than a degree which is both a burden and a blessing.Chart left side dominant with 6 planets above the horizon and 4 below (including the stellium). Planets in masculine and feminine signs evenly split. Four planets fire, three water, two earth and one air. Six planets mutable, three fixed and one cardinal. The lights fall in the 1st (Sun) and 10th (Moon).
I have Mercury, Uranus and the Sun in Leo/8th House and Pluto, Venus and my Ascending Node in Virgo/9th house. The majority of my planets are on the upper portion of my chart.
Both my niece (my brother’s) and a nephew’s (a first cousin’s) have a chart that is predominantly above the horizon.
I essentially told both sets of parents that I expect both of them to have a minimal home life, with most of their lives outside the home.
I have 7 planets above the horizon; 3 below.
But, I love being at home. Love it. I’ve always thought that had more to do with essentially being quite introverted.
With stellium in Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces I thank the stars that I’ve had the wonderful Marjorie unravel what it all means for me !
I have a Mars, Mercury Pluto in Virgo in the 9th linking to MC, Sun, Uranus, Moon in Libra in the 10th. That’s 6 planets and the MC within 30 degrees.
I’m the graceful swan who is paddling madly beneath the surface.
My daughter is a dental surgeon with stellium of Node-Mars-Uranus-Venus
square Saturn. Mars-Uranus gives surgery. The stellium is in Scorpio,
sign of surgery. Node is the group of surgeons she belongs to i.e.
Dental Association of Surgeons. Saturn rules teeth of her patients.
Venus opp Jupiter restores beauty to her patients teeth.
I have a Mercury, Mars, Pluto conjunction in Virgo in the third house, along with Sun conjunct Uranus and IC in Libra in the third. Scattered/anxious is how you can describe me -unless I am really interested then there can be intense focus. I’ve been told I write well, but sometimes have trouble getting thoughts to paper. There is a lot of mental activity that can be overwhelming.
Hello Jessica astro twin! I share the Mercury, Mars, Pluto conjunction in Virgo and Sun Uranus in Libra – I’ve just posted a comment above.
I find these placements mentally very overwhelming and taxing too. I’ve been unwell at times with insomnia, anxiety and anger issues although I do manage it all better now that I don’t work as much. Uranus on the sun flies in the face of the practical and meticulous life that Virgo dearly wants – they do like to fight with each other!
Are you a 1970 birthday?
Hello Astro-twin! Very nice to meet you. Yes, I am October 6, 1970. You put that all very well how the independence of the Sun/Uranus in Libra fights with practicality of the Virgo conjunctions. Insomnia and anxiety for sure.
I have a stellium in Leo on the ascendant and also a stellium in Scorpio…
Artistic and creative and I try my best to be kind generous and good person
Trouble is, I am outspoken and don’t always know when to keep my mouth shut !!
Thank you Marjorie!
Are transits with “stellums” meaningful too?
My Leo stellium (Sun, Mars, Pluto conj with Venus conj Jupiter also in Leo) falls across my 2nd and 3rd houses with Saturn in Scorpio in 5th square the Venus/Jupiter. I have always been independent and was often described by workplace colleagues as ‘intense’. I am largely retired now but I mostly lived out my third house earning little as an English editor and translator (invisible work). Also fits with my Sag/Gem 6th/12th house Nodes. The 2nd house part I have expressed by living well on a small budget. I mostly eschew designer brands and seem to be lucky in finding bargains. I have the greatest difficulty selling anything even on 2nd hand/recycling platforms. So commerce is not my forte. I avoid risk as far as possible but that is probably because of my anxious Pluto conjunct most of the stellium. I also have great difficulty with artistic expression, also due to the Saturn ‘not-good-enough’ effect. I try all kinds of artistic forms of expression and mostly give up because I see no progress in my development. Perhaps I am too impatient. I stopped acting due to stage fright and started directing which was a lot less stressful for me and somewhat rewarding (my productions won a few festival prizes back in the day). On the positive side a stellium gives a penetrating mind and perseverance, on the negative side I sometimes feel I live my life under a stone. Plagued by indecision and self doubt and frustrated by my limited range of abilties. People feel that frustration and then see you as intimidating. Even though it’s not about them at all.
I have stellum in 3rd house in Taurus; I am almost Cilian’s Murphy twin, but birn a day later. South Node, the Moon, Jupiter ( 11 and 14 degrees) , Pallas 22 Deg. Mercury 26 , Venus 29, Vesta 29, plus IC 4 Gemini and The Sun 5 Gemini.
I am capable of many things in daily life, language and academically. But probably resistant to change and definitely stubborn. Eye rolling definitely like Cilians’s, same with subtitles on my face hahaha.
I have most of my planets falling to the right side and a stellium in my 6th house with mars, mercury Saturn and moon on the cusp with Lilith and vertex also.