The most contested of Trump’s nominees – so far – Pete Hegseth has been confirmed as secretary of defense. A former Fox News personality and rightwing commentator who has said women should not serve in combat roles, recommended the military purge generals and faced allegations of sexual assault and alcoholism, made it through after a tie-breaking vote from Vice-president JD Vance.
Every Senate Democrat voted against his confirmation along with three Republican senators – Mitch McConnell, Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski.
He was born 6 Jun 1980 8.20pm Minneapolis, Minnesota, with a 7th house Gemini Sun square Saturn in Virgo, trine a 10th house Pluto opposition Neptune – an odd muddle of super-ambitious, dependent on a partner, controlling, low self-esteem and indecisive and confused. He has a 7th house Venus in Gemini square a Pisces Moon conjunct his IC from the 3rd giving him a taste for the ladies with variety in mind. Mars Jupiter in the 9th – excitable utterances, overstated opinions.
It is a tough job even for a competent operator and he is running into a series of Neptunian disappointments, muddles and undermining circumstances as tr Neptune squares his Venus and is conjunct his Moon throughout 2025; plus tr Neptune square his Midheaven from July 2025 onwards joined by tr Saturn in 2926 which look like major career setbacks. Even before then tr Neptune opposes his Mars/Pluto midpoint from April onwards for a major catastrophe with other dips through the year from tr Pluto square his Mars/Neptune.
His relationship with Trump will be downbeat throughout the year with tr Saturn opposition the composite Jupiter and explosive in 2026 as tr Uranus lights a touch paper in square to their already fractious composite Mars Uranus conjunction.
Hegseth is even less popular with the USA – that relationship chart is blocked and aggravated throughout 2025 with tr Pluto opposition the composite Mars; and undercut by tr Neptune square Venus an opposition Saturn from before mid 2025 into and through 2026. There is no love lost therein the first place and less as time goes on.
It may be of interest that Hegseth’s Venus, as well as the Sun in his composite with the USA is conjunct the fixed star Betelgeuse at 28-29 Gemini. This star is located on the right shoulder of Orion and is of variable brightness, but is connected to war and military honours:
‘A variable orange star on the right shoulder of Orion. “The Giant’s Shoulder.” Spectral class M2. The native can receive honors, and gain wealth. The native can be obstinate, combative, rash, energetic, and changeable. Fame is possible.’ – Astrology King
‘It is said to give a strong and dignified nature, self-confidence, inconstancy, arrogance, violence, impiety, prosperity in trade and particularly by voyages or abroad, but danger of treachery and poison. It was thought by the Romans to be very harmful to cattle and productive of storms. By the Kabalists it is associated with the Hebrew letter Aleph and the 1st Tarot Trump “The Juggler”’.
Boris Johnson also has his Sun and Venus here. With the Sun, there can be honours bestowed, but followed by ruin. Astrology King says of Venus conjunct Betelgeuse:
‘This is a good conjunction for popularity. However, there is the danger of domestic or family problems. These natives must exercise caution not to create their own sorrows.’
Orion is seen as ‘Shen’ the warrior by the Chinese.
Will Hegseth stop drinking? There are three indicators for alcohol, namely,
Neptune, Bacchus and Dionysus. Hegseth has trans Bacchus aspecting
natal Sun and trans Jupiter. Trans Neptune is conjuncting natal Moon.
Trans Dionysus is at the “Bends”, that is, square trans Nodes at the Aries Pt.
The “Bends” is a malific placement, approaching 00Cancer, an injurius Sign.
The “Bends” is like a turning point for changing one’s attitude to bad habits.
This whole thing with him is not going to end well.
A postie asks…”How do we see many kids in his chart?”
Answer: Venus rules his 5th, children, in a mutable sign, Gemini. Mutable signs suggests more than one (child). In additions, Venus Gemini aspects
Child-Jupiter, multiple, many, children.
Hi Martha. My son has Jupiter at 0 in Gemini in his 5th. I won’t be surprised if he’s a father to twins in the future. 🙂 or has many children, perhaps.
Hi Marjorie, Thank you for writing this up for me. This is the pick that has worried me. He is not going to be happy in the role as it is high stress. He is already an alcoholic with a hair trigger temper. It is not going to be pretty. It is just this time the stakes are for real.
This guy is all Neptune Fog with a lot of Virgo, and all that Virgo square his sun, and oppose his moon. Chain of command. If the rest of them do not respect the guy at the top, it is going to be a problem.
I am glad to hear it will not be all roses for him.
With his elevation, the buzz in some of the Conservative and traditional FDR liberal (not far left) that I follow – the Conservatives are true conservatives and not followers of populist Maga DJT – They are saying that we no longer have a functioning Senate.
This guy has no business commanding.
@Newbie, my theory is that the Republican hawks let this fly because they think they can fill the positions right below Hegseth with competent people. Remember how during Trump’s first admin, Mark Esper, who was confirmed 90-8, was dismissed just after the election night? Yet the department was functional. So, while callous and possibly dangerous in unexpected ways, there was a solid political reasoning behind.
The ones they will seriously challenge are coming later on. Gabbard’s hearing is January 30th for a reason. They likely don’t have votes.
Thank you for this, Marjorie! When I first looked at Hegseth’s chart, there wasn’t time of birth available, but astro community can be relentless in their pursue. It does shed a lot of light to his personality, especially the Moon /Venus square that proves to be very tighter with an evening birth time. Especially this:
“It is a tough job even for a competent operator and he is running into a series of Neptunian disappointments, muddles and undermining circumstances as tr Neptune squares his Venus and is conjunct his Moon throughout 2025.”
I’m relatively confident further details on his past conduct or even a brand new scandal will emerge. A pass out drunk who couldn’t even claim sobriety in the past years – he told people he WOULD stop drinking if confirmed – is bound to embarrass Trump, too.
“A pass out drunk who couldn’t even claim sobriety in the past years – he told people he WOULD stop drinking if confirmed – is bound to embarrass Trump, too.”
Solaia – thanks for this. You jogged my memory – and what’s weird about this appointment of a known alcoholic is that Trump’s own brother, Fred Trump Jnr, was an alcoholic and Trump himself doesn’t drink. Fred, 14 October 1938, had Mars (23) conjunct Neptune (21) in Virgo – PH has Saturn 20 Virgo square Neptune 21 Sagittarius. The composite Jupiter for Trump and Hegseth is 25 Virgo. The March Lunar Eclipse is 23 Virgo, Saturn 22 Pisces.
I’d guess there’s something ‘karmic’ here, and that the whole alliance may just crumble fairly soon.
Jane, not drinking doesn’t mean Trump hasn’t abuse issues. But I think he just never liked alcohol, unlike his brother, who by all accounts was a decent guy despite alcoholism.
Since I too have family history (but then, who doesn’t?) with alcoholism, I’ve noticed patters. Virgo and Gemini tend to come up a lot, much more than your usual suspect Pisces. It might be tied to the Finnish society and “work hard, play hard” culture. The US, and especially Minnesota where Hegseth is from, definitely shares this.
Yes, Solaia, I do agree about patterns and also that DT has abuse issues. I was thinking more about his family patterns in this – and how he’s spoken about his older, alcoholic brother, and how their father bullied him. I was wondering whether this political relationship connected in any way with that earlier, formative, situation.
Fred Trump Snr was a Libran, 11 October 1905. His Pluto, 22 Gemini, opposes DT’s own Moon, and is conjunct his natal Sun. It squared Trump’s brother’s natal Mars/Neptune conjunction in Virgo. It opposes Pete Hegseth’s natal Neptune in Sagittarius. There are more connections than this, but those later mutable degrees highlighted by tr Saturn (history, father?) and the upcoming Lunar Eclipse may link DT’s family experiences with Hegseth in some unconscious way. The US national chart also has Mars 21 Gemini, square Neptune 22 Virgo. The Lunar Eclipse resonates with that, too. It’s Sun/Saturn in Pisces could symbolise an older leader, while the Moon aligns with US Neptune. Perhaps a scandal, although we’re somewhat used to those. Perhaps something more? We’ll see!
Just an astrological observation about mutable Virgo and alcohol: prohibition began in the USA on 17th January 1920 when Saturn was 11 Virgo and ended in 1933, December 5th when Neptune was 12 Virgo.
Thanks VF – how fascinating. Made me wonder about Neptune’s role in both current politics, and more specifically the notion of that American Dream idea that’s been part of our culture for so very long. Prohibition runs alongside the powerful developing film industry in Hollywood – a different kind of mind altering substance, ruled by Neptune. The development of organised crime that was partly spawned by Prohibition is also part of the modern myth, represented in films – and in the life of DT’s own father too.
I think there’s far more to Neptune than just glamour and spirituality. I’m not even sure it’s possible to fully grasp the nebulous nature as well as devastating power of it. But I do inow that Nep transits in my own chart have coincided with emotional upheaval and crisis, as well as floods. Neptune on my descendant square IC in 2015 brought a flood to my house!
VF – I’m smiling wryly about Neptune at your IC and a flood. When it passed my MC I woke in the night to water dripping through my ceiling from a previously unknown problem with the roof of the house. It did amuse me slightly, the roof of my chart, and the roof of my house were Neptuned out!
Yes, agree about Neptune’s power. I do recall Marjorie writing about Neptune and maths or sciences some time ago. Definitely not all fluffy bunnies……
I’m worried about him.
I said it before: Pisces Moon can be a difficult Moon. To have Neptune on top of it, and that lasts, could really be hard.
Particularly when it’s conjunct Scheat and about to be touched by transit Saturn/Neptune and the North Node. March 31 this year sees a whole raft of planets in the late degrees of Pisces.
And an eclipse very closeby just a few days before that too. It’s a hotspot for the end of March.
You could almost become anxious is you’ve never been before the way those months are shaping up.
Hegseth is truly a nasty piece of work, just like the rest of the Trump bunch of cabinet appointees. If the Senate couldn’t stop him, there’s no hope that they will prevent others, including the likes of Putin stooge Tulsi Gabbard and the whack-a-doodle QAnon conspiracy nut Kash Patel, from getting through.
Interesting that Mitch McConnell voted against Hegseth. Seems an hour late and a dollar short for the man so instrumental to Trump’s present abuses of power to suddenly be finding his conscience. There’s a reason why so many liken him to a turtle, I suppose.
Perhaps to your astrological point, Marjorie, Americans do love their military above all else, and prize its service readiness and competence as second to none on the planet. An incompetent, drunkard idiot at the apex of the whole enterprise running it into the ground will not sit well with many of these people, including many Conservative soldiers and veterans.
This is one area where the inexplicable blind faith and loyalty so many people place in Trump is going to be challenged to a degree that it ought to be impossible to reconcile in the face of brutal, unforgivable reality. But then again, they’ve literally been fleeing reality for a decade now, so it’s difficult to fathom what, if anything, will finally break the MAGA mind virus fever.
My theory is that Trump’s widespread cultlike influence is Neptunian. He did rise to prominence a few years after Neptune entered its home sign of Pisces, and Neptune finally leaves Pisces for Aries beginning this year and for good in Feb 2026. Perhaps by then, the fog will have dispersed, and people will finally see clearly the deep muck they’ve gotten themselves into with this man and the undeserved adulation and deference they have showered him with.
Didn’t even realize Neptune is squaring his 29 Gemini Sun. Talk about muck. Trump is the muck himself, and Hegseth is going to spew that same muck (perhaps literally) all over the Pentagon and the US Military establishment. His alcoholism is likely already at an extreme, and is going to become even worse with all the stress and demands of the US military enterprise resting on his shoulders. He’ll be a raging drunk. Just what the nation and world needs in a high level US figure with his fingers on the nuke buttons.
Scratch that 29 Gemini Sun. I meant his Venus. And still, the problem remains very real.
Also Neptune Square Saturn, Moon oppose Saturn. Is is the Nuclear Button question that will keep me up. Mitch McConnell could have stopped all this at any time. Hegseth in that job frightens me. It is a travesty to our men and women in service.
Well said, Clarence. Thank you.
I have often thought, it’s no surprise that a person like Trump exists- what is bewildering is how the masses adore him.
“Interesting that Mitch McConnell voted against Hegseth. Seems an hour late and a dollar short for the man so instrumental to Trump’s present abuses of power to suddenly be finding his conscience.”
The best explanation I’ve heard is they wanted to force Vance to cast a tiebreak vote. That way, when something inevitably will go wrong with Hegseth they can pin it to Vance personally. He was part of Trump transition team, saw vetting material that Republican Senators refused to view.
Also, it’s telling they’ve left the three most controversial hearings, Gabbard, Patel and RFK jr last – I think that Patel is way too whacko for Republicans, too, and Gabbard is seen as a traitor. RFK jr might actually get Democratic votes, too.
Didn’t realize T’s rise coincided w/ Neptune entering Pisces. Explains a lot. Neptune in Pisces has seemed to exacerbate its worst qualities of fog, confusion, delusion, etc. Interesting to see as it moves into Aries, how things may change.
From what I can gather on various US military fora, the military are far from happy (fuming) about the appointment. Hegseth is about to be hit by some hardcore Neptunian battering come late March.
@VF, most military would be disciplined or court martialed for the type of behavior Hegseth has engaged in. It’s not a surprise the military would be unhappy with such a behavioral disaster with no military leadership or management experience. He’s just a mouthpiece and blowhard, a disaster waiting to happen.
Does the astrology provide any idea on how long he’ll last? Or what type of scandal — or incompetence — will bring him down?
He looks like a wrecking ball for the US military, especially when the wannabe dictator is promising expansion of US borders (gah!) and likely military adventurism. I’m embarrassed for my country — and I’m having great difficulty thinking civil thoughts about anyone who voted for Trump and the destruction of American democracy.
I think Marjorie might be saying from July onwards watch what happens.
Lord Ashcroft usually does excellent post-mortem analysis of results of elections here and in US. His title was ‘Eyes wide open’, which sums up his analysis. In short people who voted for Clinton and Biden switched their vote to Trump. The reasons why can be viewed in his post, but can be summarised by saying that people who have seen an increase of 60% in the food bills, who are struggling to pay their mortgages and who face growing unemployment are not going to be swayed by high blown sentiments about democracy.
The whole episode has forced Vance to show his hand publicly.
. I wonder how they get on.
tr Neptune square his Venus will hardly be good for issues around substance abuse or sexual harassment. And this will be followed by tr Saturn square his Venus which may see him out in the cold.
When seeing pictures of Pete Hegseth, what jumped out to me was the number of children in his family. He has four children of his own and three step-children.
What would the astrological signifier for number of children be?
The ruler of the fifth Houses (Aries on the cusp) would be Mars, but it is 10 degrees removed from Jupiter. Not sure that would have that much impact on the number of children.
Any other thoughts?
Also interesting is that all the outer planets (Saturn onwards) are almost exactly one sign away from each other, at about the same mid-sign degree). Which would suggest that a transit to one is a transit to all and quite an upheaval for him.
Just realised that his Moon is widely opposite Saturn, trine Uranus and square Neptune.
So flicked back a page to the article on finding about the mother in a chart and what the Moon means in that context.
“Moon Saturn (Princess Anne and Queen Elizabeth 11) is an emotionally distant mother distracted by duty, responsibility and perhaps difficult circumstances, so instilling in the child a sense of discipline and an acceptance that hard work is expected.”
Moon Neptune (summarised in my own words) is a mother who dissolved boundaries between the individuality of the child, the mother and the rest of the world.
I’d be very curious to learn more about his mother.
@Unmystic Mom, by two women. The first marriage to high school sweetheart was childless. I don’t think it’s even a particularly high number for a conservative man in his position in the US. The housewife culture is still strong – the wages for the best earning 10 per cent make it possible to live on one wage and maybe a “side hussle” for the wife.
What’s remarkable about Hegseth’s family life is how messy it is. The second ended when he got his current wife, a Fox News producer, pregnant. I don’t know if there’s anything to pinpoint this to on his chart, but he does have mutable Moon, mutable Venus and mutable Mars. In fact, the only fixed element on his chart are Neptune and the nodes. He won’t have a stable life in any sense, and I’d be surprised if the current marriage was the final one.
Service fairly limited till tomorrow evening. Will catch up then.