Rarely has a political party suffered such an injurious blow as the SNP, with the chairman Peter Murrell and then the leader, his wife, Nicola Sturgeon, resigning and being arrested during the tortuous police investigation into the missing £600,000 referendum donations.
Commentators say the arrest of Sturgeon, indicates the police inquiry is nearing its end, after which a report is handed to the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal, who will decide whether to bring any charges or drop the investigation.
[The meaning of arrest changed in Scots law five years ago. Nick McKerrell, a senior law lecturer at Glasgow Caledonian University, said: “Arrest in Scots law can either mean now that you are arrested and not accused, that means to say you are going in to help the police investigate a crime, or you are arrested and charged with a criminal offence.”]The SNP chart, 7 April 1934 is showing in the starkest terms the sense of catastrophic damage the affaire has brought. Exactly now there is a significantly disruptive Solar Arc Uranus conjunct the SNP Pluto at the same time as a trapped, high-risk, enraging Solar Arc Pluto opposition the Mars – upended and battered into paralysis.
Nicola Sturgeon, 19 July 1970 3.16pm, who is proclaiming her total innocence and was released without charge, is facing a rocky path ahead. Tr Pluto was opposing her Cancer Sun in 2021/22, then moved to oppose her Sun/Mars midpoint and now her Mars through this year and next – which like the SNP chart hints at a dead-halt, meltdown – trapped.
Exactly at the moment she also has tr Uranus conjunct her Saturn in Taurus for high tension and turbulence and tr Uranus then in 2024 moves on to square the Saturn/Neptune midpoint and then oppose Neptune in 2025 – so a long run of extreme anxiety and uncertainty. She’ll maintain her usual bullish confidence in patches this year but there will be a few disastrous dips as well in October/November this year and across the New Year into February 2024.
Similarly her husband Peter Murrell, 8 December 1964, is looking poleaxed at the moment with tr Pluto square two of his Sun midpoints at zero degrees Scorpio which extends into and through 2024; with a debilitating series of Solar Arcs between 2024 and 2028. It may not all be this specific issue that is causing the strain but the days of wine and roses are surely over.
It will put a strain on their marriage obviously with hitches and glitches from this August and Nicola pulling away from what has been in 2024/25.
There is pressure to insist she resign from the party though at present that is being resisted. Her relationship with the SNP does show a definite chill this year with tr Saturn square the composite Sun, Mercury Venus and next year Mars on the relationship chart; with an upheaval this August.
The effect of Pluto moving into Aquarius and then teetering back into Capricorn to tie up loose ends does have the feel of an earthquake. The tectonic plates shift bringing old structures crashing to the ground – and toppling icons off their pedestals.
Wonder who will be next?
Justin Trudeau in the fall.
Wish it was much sooner! To borrow from Marjorie’s Berlusconi’s post, Trudeau “is responsible for his country’s decline in economic terms and in standards of public life.”