The influential young Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) has been pointedly left off Joe Biden’s call list on moving into the White House as a rebuke for his complicity in ordering the murder of Jamal Khashoggi. Analysts are asking how far the reset in diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia will go since implicating the kingdom’s de facto leader in an act of premeditated murder is a high-risk strategy. Biden has already suspended weapons sales and military assistance to the open-ended and inhumane Saudi-led offensive in Yemen, known to its critics as “MBS’s war” so he clearly means business in a way that Trump and Jared Kushner didn’t – including raising human rights issues. Even before Trump, Saudi Arabia was handled with kid gloves because of oil and intelligence interests – it took 14 years for the 9/11 commission report’s missing pages exploring Saudi Arabia’s relationship with the hijackers to be released and even then they were heavily redacted.
There’s no doubt that Joe Biden and MBS clash badly with JB’s Mercury, Sun, Venus in Scorpio conjunct MBS’s Saturn in Scorpio with MBS’s Mars Mercury in Leo in square. Not a happy mix.
Joe Biden’s chart relocated to Riyadh has Mars in the 7th so he won’t be backwards about putting his foot down.
But the relationship chart between Saudi Arabia and the USA always an enthusiastic one and well-knit together isn’t showing much apart from a few intense discussions in 2022/23 with tr Pluto square the composite Mercury then.
MBS is the heir presumptive which could change but is thought unlikely though Biden is thought to be pressing for the release of other Princes imprisoned by MBS in his scorched-earth drive for supremacy. 2021 will dent his arrogance a touch with more pressure building in 2022 but nothing too disruptive (without a birth time.)
What may never be known is the full extent of complicity between MBS and Jared Kushner, and Steve Mnuchin, former Trump Secretary of Treasury, is even now structuring a fund that anecdotally is supposed to include vast deposits from Saudi state accounts. Mnuchin’s last “state trip” was to UAE capitols, presumably to flog his personal business plans. So there is the concern about MBS and his friends financing a shadow Trump regime in preparation for their 2024 run. Unsavory, horrible business. Mr.Khashoggi’s murder is only the tip of the iceberg.
Thanks Marjorie. I was wondering about this today. I think the connection between Biden’s Mars and MBS South Node is interesting. It suggests some intensity, and perhaps an exhausting relationship between them. Clearly, there has to be a relationship of some sort, I would imagine it will have to be very pragmatic since things are all so finely balanced politically and financially. I wonder what might be shaken up when tr Uranus opposes that connection? There’s also the issue of female prisoners and those on remand to consider, as well as the princes who have been imprisoned by MBS.