Sarah, Duchess of York – a chance to shine



The second Royal wedding of the year on October 12th will have a mother-of-the-bride of a different order to the last one. Rumbustious, overly-excitable with a tendency to trip over social niceties, Sarah, Duchess of York, will be given more of a spotlight than she’s had in years.

What’s always been puzzling about her relationship with both her daughters is how she’s turned them into best buddies, going off clubbing together. Her 5th house Moon, which both Eugenie and Beatrice also have, suggests that children are there to mother mother. So one escaping off into marriage may cause a ripple of unease, perhaps why Sarah has tr Saturn square her Aries Moon in the aftermath, making her feel under-nurtured.

Oddly enough neither daughter has an easy relationship chart with their mother, despite the social smiles. Eugenie’s relationship chart with her has a cool, dutiful Sun Saturn; with a complicated composite Moon opposition Jupiter square Mars Neptune – superficially affectionate, good for showbizzy outings but essentially not mutually supportive. With Beatrice, there’s a composite Mars trine Moon and Sun for an irritable, competitive streak, kept well hidden.

Sarah’s relationship with Tequila Brand manager Jack Brooksbank, the groom, is again friendly on the surface, but with undertones of an ego-clash.

On the day itself Sarah looks very gung-ho which might be a worry with a super-confident tr Pluto square her Jupiter/Pluto midpoint; and an equally upbeat tr Jupiter through her 1st house. The aftermath looks less chirpy with a nervous crisis through December and January; and much the same late October till the New Year with tr Uranus and tr Neptune criss crossing against Sun midpoints.

She is in general moving through a very pressured few years, just through her Second Saturn Return which faces her up to what she’s going to be doing with the next phase of her older years.  Plus a challenging tr Pluto square her Libra Sun in 2018/2019, then even more strained square to her Sun/Mars in 2019/2020 and square her Mars in 2021/2022 which looks trapped and frustrated.

The wedding itself, starting at 11 am, looks confidently exuberant and expensive with Jupiter Moon on the Ascendant; though pressured with Sun square Pluto; and prone to arguments and disruption from Uranus opposition Mercury square Mars in the 3rd.Not surprising for a wedding of that magnitude but it will be edgy.

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