Trump raising laughter and fears at UN



Trump was at his favourite sport at the UN, blowing his own trumpet, praising autocratic rulers apart from Iran and China, and slamming into anything that smelt like global co-operation. All the old John Birch Society fears of the UN being a “One World Government” came tumbling out as he lauded patriotism and slammed globalism.

The UN formed four months after he was born shares some similarities in its chart. Both have Uranus in Gemini at the same degree, both have Neptune and Jupiter in Libra; the UN’s Gemini Moon is conjunct his Sun; but the real problem comes from the UN’s Mars Saturn in Cancer colliding with his Venus Saturn for a gritty interface. The relationship chart is bitterly hostile with a composite Mars Pluto.

There’ll be high wire and undermining moments between them in 2019 from April onwards through 2020 as tr Neptune squares the Uranus on both charts and the relationship chart; moving on to oppose the composite Moon in 2021. If Trump (!??!) sticks around for a 2nd Term, 2021/2022 is when the sh** really hits the fan as tr Uranus squares the composite Mars Pluto.

The USA/UN relationship chart is fairly stressed at the best of times with a composite Mars trine Pluto, sextile Saturn – and that is in for a fair pummeling from tr Uranus in 2019/2020.

The UN chart itself looks on edge exactly now and in early 2019 with tr Uranus opposition the Scorpio Sun; with disheartening moments late November through December this year. But it’s 2020/21 when it really has to face considerable challenges with tr Pluto opposition the 4th house Mars Saturn. That looks like a forced rethink of its direction and status with massive internal changes.

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