8 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. Hi Marjorie
    I am wondering if the great admiration that Kanye West has for Donald Trump can be seen in the charts. Are synastry and composite in sync or just a beautiful illusion. I do realise they are both Geminis but am thinking there must be something more to this.
    Thanks for your insight as always.
    All the best.

  2. Marjorie,
    Could you please explore the chart of Senator Lindsey Graham. What makes him such a pompous, sycophantic snake? Maybe you could also take a look at Senator Chuck Grassley to see whether or not they will be successful in pushing through the liar and accused sexual predator Kavanaugh.

    Thank you.

  3. Marjorie, David Beckham has been heavily criticised by the press and public for avoiding a speeding conviction, employing a celebrity lawyer nicknamed “Mr Loophole”. Press are saying this incident has damaged his reputation, accusing him of hubris. Have you any astrological insights?

  4. hello Marjorie…
    I’m not one to do this.. but here I am again! 🙂

    I enjoyed your take on the odd Canada / USA current dynamic…
    I am born, raised and live in Canada and have been tinkering with looking at her chart since 2008 when transit Pluto entered Capricorn and the 10th house… a deep change to her Public Self!!. Interestingly, when Pluto was at 7 degrees Cap in 2011.. and opposite the Sun Uranus in the 4th, our PM, Mr. Stephen Harper was ousted in a “non confidence vote”. He was certainly our most conservative PM to date and introducing a new kind of “do what I want” politics to our country that upset many.

    So this opposition point across from our Sun Uranus in the 4th is important. Now transit Saturn is moving there by December this year. I also noticed that transit Jupiter is in the 8th house (and soon the Sun). and is currently square Eris in the 12th. Maybe that shows the relationship between Trump and Chrystia? .. I don’t know much about Eris, mind you!!

    In any case, my sense is that Canada is in a maturation cycle…. like going from 18 years old to maybe 24. With the transits you pointed out, the Solar Arc transits on the asc/desc, transit Uranus in her 1st house, transit Pluto still in the 10th and soon with Saturn, and south node just moving into her 10th…. I am hopeful. In 2008, we survived the crash pretty well because of good bank regulations in place.. and then in 2011 with our wake-up to change PM”s from right to centre.

    maybe.. just maybe with these big transits, and with this dynamic with our neighbour, we will find a new maturity, integrity and a different sense of our place in the world stage. Time to take more of a stand? That’s my hope anyways! It is all a slow learning, isn’t it?

    My parents immigrated here from Europe and Eastern Europe. My father was always so grateful to this country for accepting him. We have our issues (much of these transits will apply to our maturing internally… for example in our accepting deeper responsibility and awareness of the treatment of the Indigenous Peoples)… but it is still a good and interesting country!!

    By the way… re your question about Trump and a tower in Canada…. His company had sold the use of his name for a beleaguered tower in Toronto that finally was sold and the name dramatically removed… July 2017. I believe there is only one other Trump tower in Vancouver, BC.


    well.. enough said, I think!!

    • Canada won’t continue on the upward curve when it legalizes cannabis on October 17. Huge portions of Colorado and other western states are undergoing great problems from similar foolishness. Canada may think it can learn to regulate these problems, but there’s nothing to stop the foreign cartels who move into the country when everyone wants a piece of the pie. It’s difficult to understand why Justin Trudeau wanted to do this considering the mental health problems cannabis caused for his mother. Otherwise Canada did not make big mistakes, as the US did which led to the big crash. Canada weathered the economy much better than the USA.

  5. The SEC has charged Tesla CEO Elon Musk with fraud. On August 7, at 12:48 pm EDT, Musk tweeted about taking Tesla automotive private, paying current public shareholders $420 a share, and added, “Funding secured”. In the SEC complaint, they note Mr. Musk picked $420 a share as a marijuana joke that his girlfriend Grimes would find funny. Tesla shares are now down 30% from their high. The Department of Justice is also looking into this.

    Ms. Orr, what do you make of the astrology for Musk and his ill-conceived tweet?

  6. How is Ireland’s chart in the coming months/years? Messy Brexit is likely to impact Ireland the most, after UK itself. Ireland will be loosing a strong ally in UK in it’s resistance against things like tax harmonisation.

  7. Hi Marjorie
    Have you looked at the mid terms in November and Trumps chances? Now he is literally an international laughing stock will that among other things resonate with his hard core support sufficiently to cause him damage?

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