Alexei Navalny’s suicidally courageous return to Russia after recovering from an attempted assassination by poisoning brought tens of thousands of his supporters out onto the streets in unsanctioned demonstrations. They were adding their voices and feet to his protests against high level political corruption, spotlighted in a YouTube film, released a few days ago and viewed 50 million times, about Putin palace on the Black Sea. This allegedly cost $1.4 billion paid for by oligarchs for the Kremlin leader. It includes an indoor ice-hockey rink, casino, vineyard and pole-dancing stage. These were probably the largest demos against Putin since 2011 when anger about a rigged election spilled out onto the streets.
For Navalny, see post 19 January below.
Putin’s latest 4th Term residency chart, 7 May 2018 11.05 am Moscow hinted at a super indulgent run ahead with a Taurus Sun opposition Jupiter, but also a catastrophic, disruptive, violent, crises-ridden one with rebellious, unpredictable Uranus on the Midheaven trine a ruthless and brutal Mars Pluto. Tr Pluto is moving to conjunct the Mars from late next month one and off till late 2022, which will be frustrating, trapped and scary for his rule with the potential for violent over-reactions. The greatest instability will come in 2023/24 when tr Pluto squares the Uranus which often accompanies the collapse of an administration or the overthrow.
Putin’s birth date is uncertain and there is a plethora of charts for Russia around the collapse of the USSR in 1991. The 8 November 1917 2.12am chart (Nick Campion) is a workable chart for tracking events. Putin came to presidential prominence on the Uranus Return and it has moved a full quarter to the square over the next two years. This February also has a highly-strung, confused tr Uranus square Neptune and the high-tension, jolting square to the Russia Saturn in Leo picking up mid this year and running into 2022, before the tr Uranus square Uranus comes exact in 2023. The Solar Arc Saturn squares the Moon (the populace) at the moment for an unhappy electorate; with indications from Solar Arcs to the Mars of anger and violence in 2023/24.
Upheavals are also flagged up on the Russia 28 March 1462, with the Pluto in line for a transiting Uranus hard aspect in 2023/24, as it was at the time of the 1917 Revolution.
I can’t say that either of the later 1991 charts ever say much to me and on rootling around discover Zip Dobyns thought that Gorbachev’s resignation chart of 24 August 1991 9.32pm made more sense for modern Russia since it worked against events. Which at the end of the day is the only thing that matters. It indicates major aggravation over the next two years with again 2023/24 being flagged up as combustible times when resentment was likely to spill over.
1984 to1998, outer planets in Capricorn always against, women, family and the mass collective.
From 2008 to 2024 Pluto in Capricorn, the elite, bought down the greedy banks, but the people , Cancer, Moon, propped it up. Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter in detriment in Capricorn 2020, aided and abetted by destroying Uranus trine, and Neptune in sextile bought the people, Moon, the biggest destroying of the home, family and collective around the globe, but, Pluto was the Main culprit sitting with Saturn, the grinding down of the people, globally. Saturn back from 1988 to 1991 so ok, if you are rich. Its strange and weird, that whatever you think of Astrology, 2023 and 2024 are the defining times of the people against the obscenely wealthy as Pluto leaves the Goat. God help the collective people is all I can say.
I never realised that money Pluto made people so powerful and soulless.
We are ants to be trodden on.
Navalny’s “Putin’s Palace” is at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipAnwilMncI
It has English subtitles. It is very well done but nearly two hours long.
Navalny film on YouTube (now seen 80m times) is well worth watching. His (his team’s) research is astounding.
It looks as though Putin already has contingency plans – he just isn’t telling us. Major amendments to the 1993 Russian Constitution, initiated a year ago, entered into legal force on 4 July 2020 and have given him a number of options – including running again for President in Spring 2024. Or he could become a ‘Senator for life’. Or Chair the new beefed up State Council. Or retire. Whichever of these (or other possible options, eg becoming Prime Minister again, though that is unlikely) he chooses, the Constitutional reforms allow him lifelong immunity from prosecution…
@DragonLady, the issue with this is that if Putin’s power starts to vane, who will guarantee Duma will stay loyal to him and not amend the constitution again? Or that there will be any laws at all? His mindset definitely isn’t that of a leader in a relatively stable democracy, where aspiring autocrats, likes of Berlusconi and Trump, try to “bend’ the law, but trust there being friendly judges. He was raised in a culture where being executed by an angry mob is a real option. I also don’t think it’s in his nature to go “into the dark night” the way Gorbachev, and before him, Molotov, went.
Thank you for promptly covering what’s undoubtedly the biggest Global news story unfolding right now, even if I must agree the events in Russia often really seem to escape astrological explanation. I’m, as always, keeping a close eye on events.
From comments I’ve read, these seem to be the largest scale demonstrations in Russia not only since 2011, but since Putin came to power. Seasoned correspondents, who’ve been in some cases not only reporting from Russia but living there since the 1980’s, also note that there are many people demonstrating for the first time. They are not just Gen Z kids who’ve spread the word through Tiktok (counting on minutes Russia will take it down…), but many middle aged, middle class people who lived comfortably through Putin Era after losing their post-Soviet savings in 1998 crash, and felt reluctant to take the streets as long as that wasn’t happening again. I personally expected their tipping point in 2016-17, when value of ruble collapsed as the result of sanctions and Russian countersanctions significantly reduced the choice of consumer goods in Russia. But it only came now, I can’t help but think partially because of Covid-19 pandemic has closed people who still could afford would travel frequently abroad in. This might trigger memories of The Soviet Era they’ve been eager to forget.
It’s hard to say what’s coming next – one obvious response would be Putin retiring and some cosmetic changes being made. However, Putin hasn’t really thought of contingency plan after things went wrong with Medvedev. Most of his “loyalists”, such as always smooth Minister of Foreign Affairs Lavrov are in their 70’s, too. It’s hard to see how this could be handled in a way that allowed Putin to safe his face and considerable fortune. But on the other hand, imminent violent takeover is not a true prospective either. In that sense, consulting astrology, 1482 Chart that will see changes in 2023/24 might be the most useful one.