The shock-horror Guardian story that the Queen has interfered in parliamentary legislation where it affects her personal interests is difficult to gauge. Royal consent has been a formality for centuries and may just be a historical anachronism which has had little tangible effect. A constitutional expert said: ‘it is misleading to describe it as a veto. If consent were refused, parliament would be free to carry on legislating without it, if it chose to.’ Though it clearly adds fuel to the Republican fire.
Given the Queen’s age it’s difficult to extrapolate which astro-influences refer to this specific issue. She does have tr Saturn now well into her First House and lower-profile First Quadrant, so she will be either volunteering (or be forced) to do less in coming years. Three of her Midheaven midpoints will be undermined or jangled this year so she will be contemplating changes of direction anyway. The tr Uranus square tr Saturn will hard aspect her Leo Moon from next month onwards till early 2021, which may be family upsets or concern about Prince Phillip, given her Moon is in the 7th house of partnerships.
What may be relevant is her Coronation chart of 2 June 1953, which kicked off at 11am though the oath would come later than that. What is notable is that the Aquarius Moon on this is at the same degree as her Moon, so some upsets are to be expected this year. More significantly there’s an undermining tr Neptune square the Mars Mercury from late this April, on and off till January 2023.
The last time tr Neptune was in hard aspect to the Coronation Mars Mercury was in 1980 over the engagement and marriage of Prince Charles and Diana – maybe panicky premonitions of a disaster to come? Princess Alice, Countess of Athlone, last surviving granddaughter of Victoria also died. Oddly enough tr Uranus square the Coronation Mars in 1986 oversaw the engagement and marriage of Prince Andrew to Fergie, and the death of the Duchess of Windsor. So it has definitely mixed effects.
Prince Charles isn’t looking too confident or upbeat this year with tr Neptune square his 5th house (of children) Mars, though that could in part be the increasingly odd behaviour of the wayward Prince Harry. 2022 will be a year of considerable setbacks with his Solar Arc Mars opposition his 2nd house Saturn, which could come with significant financial implications. Tr Uranus moving through his career 10th house will square his Pluto in 2022 as well for an upheaval or a distinct life change. One wouldn’t wish anyone away but he may find his outlook changes when his father dies. The Queen cheered up enormously though no one ever admitted it after the Queen Mother ambled off to boss the angels.
Interesting that the Mars-Jupiter conj in Queen Elizabeth’s chart (the signifier of royalty) is present only in a weak way in Charles’ chart (arguably Mars 20 Sag 56 and Jup 29 Sag 53 are just past the orb of conjunction if you assume a conj is within 8 degrees). It’s in Charles’ 5th house – indicating descendants?
But who then inherits this aspect? Neither William or Harry has it.
The next in line with the Mars-Jup royal conjunction is Prince George (Jup 5 Can 58 and Mars 6 Can 07). A tighter conj than the Queen’s.
But how does the throne get from the Queen to Prince George, sklpping Charles and William? That is the question.
God. Some sort of accident? Something unexpected?
I hope not! I hope both are fine for many, many years!
Charles will have a short reign at an advanced age is the way I saw it interpreted online somewhere. The real issue according to this theory is William: he has a Mars Saturn conjunction rather than Mars Jupiter.
Somehow I can’t see the masses taking to the barricades over the examples quoted in the Guardian which all date from over 40 years ago and involved things such as the application of road traffic legislation to highways within royal estates and the bodies responsible for the maintenance of national monuments. My Bagehot is a bit rusty but I thought that the monarch has a constitutional right “to be consulted, to encourage and to warn” on government policy. I would have thought the Royal families main problem at the moment was the loose cannons rolling about on the deck like Prince Andrew and Prince Harry. Maybe the Guardian is struggling for things to write about now Trump is gone.
“Maybe the Guardian is struggling for things to write about now Trump is gone.”
Hardly, given how reluctant the rest of British media is, and has been, to touch certain subjects. Not only in Trump era, either. I became a follower – and a sometimea donor – in the early 2000’s, when they had top reporting, not only in Britain or Europe, but The World, on causes of Islamic Terrorism. They’ve had some misses, such as being duped by Edward Snowden, but they weren’t alone.
And, while these instances of abuse of power may not be present, it’s just another instance of corruption that seems structural. It’s s constant drip of cases such as Prince Andrew’s or Countess of Wessex’s foreign lobbying, grandchildren’s wastefulness etc. that are mounting. It’s obvious The Court is bloted and overlooking common organisational governance guidelines that have become very much an issue elsewhere if not earlier, then during Pluto in Capricorn. It needs fixing beyond simply changing the figurehead, and I suspect this will happen once Prince Philip is gone.
I don’t really see how the RF can continue in its present form at least for very much longer and not just because this monarchy is aged and approaching its closure. I don’t think I can remember a time when the U.K. has been so weary of the RF as it is right now. As Pluto moves into the early degrees of Aquarius I expect huge change and upheaval for this institution.
Maybe – but President Boris? I think most people would forgive the RF for most things to avoid that horror.
Shudder! I wouldn’t go that far but think the RF will go through the inevitable, perhaps painful transformation once the present monarch has departed these shores which will hopefully be for the better. I do think Solaia is right about the bloated court. It’s in dire need of modernisation after all.
I think that the 0-4 degrees of fixed signs is particularly significant for the BRF in general because of that synastry between the Queen and Charles with Sun conjunct Moon at 0 degrees of Taurus and the nodes coinciding at 4+ degrees, conjunct. Moreover the Coronation chart’s nodal axis squares that synastry at 4+ degrees Aquarius/Leo. The approaching transit of Pluto into Aquarius therefore seems most likely to be a harbinger of sorts.
It does sound a bit like insider trading…I did find Norman Baker’s book “and what do you do” quite thought provoking.
Oh yes, I bought that book for my mother for Xmas and she’s now no longer a monarchist. 🙂
Baker’s book is not accurate. Look up the Crown Estate. Baker has been writing in the Guardian – frothing at the mouth – neither the BBC or Sky has said anything.
Marjorie – do you think the Coronation chart is an astrologer-led one? It looks too good to be chance to me.
In other news … any thoughts on Beatrice’s baby boy? Tuesday morning at 8:55am I read.
This Royal privilege has to change and I hope it does. The vile underming of us peasants.
Cannot help but remember that Diana said Charlie would become King.
I agree with the comment on the Queen after the passing of the Queen Mum. HM definitely lightened up and she seemed more open to things. If the timeline had been different and the QM had been around in 2012 the Queen would never have joined in with the Olympics James Bond skit. Even though she was straight faced on film (she’s well practised) she probably had huge fun doing that! Mother would not have approved.